Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 589 Monitoring

Chapter 589 Monitoring
At this time, Jiang Tian was waving his big iron rod against two ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor. Because Jiang Tian was relatively powerful, he was dealing with three ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor at the beginning, but because one of them was wearing The ancient zombie warriors in silver armor underestimated the enemy. Just after the battle, Jiang Tian smashed his head with a stick and was killed directly.

Heisha himself dealt with six ancient zombie warriors in silver armor, Heisha's speed was also very fast, without too much pressure!

The remaining ancient zombie warriors in silver armor were dealt with by the zombie slayer Wu Yu, Gui Wu, Xue Wu, and Ice Dragon.

Lin Hua controlled the two supernatural bodies, and used the ability to move the ice phantom to shuttle back and forth. During each shuttle, an ancient zombie warrior wearing silver armor died.

After Huo Guang killed the remaining ancient zombie warrior wearing golden armor, he directly took his long spear and went to help Li Jie. The seamless coordination between the epic first-order ancient zombie warriors is still particularly stressful, but as soon as Huo Guang came to help, he immediately killed an ancient zombie warrior wearing silver armor with one shot.

With Huo Guang's help, Li Jie's pressure was greatly reduced, and he began to exert his strengths, that is, his strength is particularly strong, and his battles are particularly ferocious.

"Lin Hua, you don't have to stay to protect me. I can protect myself. Go over and help them, so that they can quickly finish the battle." Murong Xian saw that Lin Hua's body didn't go to fight, but stayed with him all the time. By his side, he said with some regret.

He knew that it wasn't that Lin Hua didn't want to go to help, it was just that she was worried about herself and was afraid that she would be hurt. Murongxian now has a special low self-esteem, because she knows that his strength is the worst, just any ancient zombie warrior fighting in front of him Anyone can beat themselves!So he especially regretted that he hadn't improved his strength well before, and that he couldn't help Lin Hua at this time, and instead dragged Lin Hua back a little.

Lin Hua saw the expression on Murong Xian's face at this time, and knew that Murong Xian might be a little annoyed because of his low strength, and dragged himself down, then Lin Hua said to Murong Xian, "Xian'er, you should know why I work so hard. Let's improve our strength."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian nodded vigorously, because Lin Hua once talked to him, Lin Hua's rebirth in this life has only one purpose, and that is to protect Murong Xian so that she will not be harmed in this life. Don't let her leave herself.

Then Murong Xian said to Lin Hua, "I know that everything you do is for me, but I am so weak now that I can't help you at all. I feel that I am useless at all and will only keep dragging you down." When Murong Xian said this, tears started to fall down.

Seeing Murongxian crying, Lin Hua took out a tissue to wipe Murongxian's tears and said softly, "I don't need you to do anything in this life, as long as you are by my side is the greatest help to me."

And the more Lin Hua said that, Murongxian felt more and more uncomfortable, but when she saw Lin Hua saw herself crying, she also showed a painful expression on her face, and then she stopped crying. Wept, and snuggled into Lin Hua's arms.

After Lin Hua saw that Murongxian was no longer crying, she continued to watch Li Jie and his fight. The rest of the battle could be said to be a massacre, because the number of ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor began to increase. It was a bit of an advantage, but when they died one by one, the advantage was not lost, so Li Jie and the others quickly resolved the battle, and then began to clean up the heterogeneous cores left by these ancient zombie fighters.

After collecting the different cores, Lin Hua and the others did not rest, but continued to walk forward, but at this time Lin Hua had a question in his mind, that is, since they entered this death canyon, those ancient zombie warriors were the first to discover each time. Theirs, and then came to attack Lin Hua and the others, so that they were obviously particularly passive, and then Lin Hua expressed his thoughts.

Lin Hua said, "You have discovered that the ancient zombie warriors who died in this canyon have a particularly strong perception ability. We are far away, and they can all find our position."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people nodded, and then Li Jie said, "I feel like we are being monitored, just like those ancient zombie warriors in the bamboo forest. The sudden appearance seems to be I already knew that we would go to that bamboo forest, and I had already set up an ambush there."

"Yeah, Li Jie really meant that when he said that. Could it be that there is surveillance here too?" Gu Tian looked around after finishing speaking, but found nothing.

But Lin Hua looked around and said, "I don't think it's surveillance, but something sending information."

It turned out that when Lin Hua looked around just now, he found a red-eyed zombie mouse staring at them not far away. What Lin Hua said was correct. Since they came in, this red-eyed zombie mouse has been Monitor them, and then promptly notify the nearby ancient zombie warriors to attack them.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others were very surprised, because they didn't find anything at all, and then several people looked at the surrounding environment, shook their heads, and found nothing.

Lin Hua shook his head when he saw them and said with a smile, "You only look at the top, not the ground. The thing monitoring us is on the ground. Its color is basically the same as the ground. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all."

With Lin Hua's reminder, Li Jie and the others all looked at the surrounding ground. Murongxian was the first to find the zombie rat besides Lin Hua, and then Murongxian pointed to the zombie rat not far away and said, "In the Where is it, it's a zombie mouse"

And Li Lijie and the others looked in the direction of Murongxian's finger. Sure enough, there was a dark brown zombie mouse on the ground, which was much smaller than a normal mouse. The color of its body was basically the same as the color of the ground, but his two small His eyes are red, so you can spot him if you look closely.

"No wonder, it turned out that such a small thing was sending information," Li Jie said after seeing the zombie rat.

The zombie rat seemed to know that Lin Hua and the others had found themselves, and ran away at a very fast speed. Lin Hua saw the zombie rat running away and explained the spell directly to the running zombie rat Got the skill ice blade!
(End of this chapter)

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