Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 609 Werewolf Lineage

Chapter 609 Werewolf Lineage

And Li Jie and Gu Tian, ​​when they saw the four ancient war werewolves who had become bloodthirsty and crazy, they opened their mouths and widened their eyes and looked at the ancient war werewolves rushing in surprise.

Lin Hua was stunned when he saw the four ancient war werewolves becoming bloodthirsty, but he didn't exaggerate like Li Jie and the others.

"I really didn't expect that the ancient war werewolf would be so miraculous, and it would really be bloodthirsty like a werewolf," Li Jie said in surprise.

"Yeah, I used to see the bloodthirsty and frantic transformation of werewolves. Today is an eye-opener. I actually saw the bloodthirsty and frenzied transformation of ancient zombies like ancient war werewolves," Gu Tian said in surprise.

"Be careful." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she pulled out the Baqi Hanjian pinned to her back and waited for the ancient war werewolf to rush over.

But Li Jie and the others would be surprised. After hearing Lin Hua's second reminder, they all recovered and took out their weapons, waiting for the next battle.

"Pfft..." When the ancient war werewolf rushing to the front grabbed Lin Hua's head with her two sharp claws, Lin Hua took a step back, and then Ba Qi Hanjian directly pierced through it. The head of the ancient war werewolf.

After Lin Hua killed the first ancient war werewolf, their battle began!However, Lin Hua and the others were far higher than these ancient war werewolves. In time, four ancient war werewolves became bloodthirsty. However, under the huge power gap, the sixteen ancient war werewolves soon became Lin Hua died in their hands.

Although Lin Hua and the others did not expend much strength, Lin Hua was particularly shocked after fighting the bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf, because the strength of the bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf did not increase by 01:30. After the bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty werewolves of the first level of the epic, their speed and strength have faintly reached the level of the second level of the epic, which is a whole level of strength.

Luckily, what they met was a first-tier epic werewolf that could turn bloodthirsty. If they met all epic fourth-tier ancient warwolves that could turn bloodthirsty, Lin Hua and the others would simply not be able to deal with them.

Lin Hua and the others rested in place after cleaning up the sixteen ancient war werewolves and collecting their different cores.

"I really didn't expect that the strength of the ancient war werewolf would increase so much after becoming bloodthirsty, as if it had been upgraded by one level," Li Jie said while sitting and resting.

"Well, not only has the strength improved, but also the bloodthirsty and frenzied ancient war werewolf is even more brutal and crazy. It looks like it is not afraid of death. The ancient war werewolf was already crazy enough, but I didn't expect it to become even crazier after the bloodthirsty frenzy." Bebe went on to say.

The four bloodthirsty and frenzied ancient war werewolves just now were killed by Lin Hua, and the remaining two were killed by Li Jie and Beibei. They fought with bloodthirsty and frenzied werewolves, so they know The changes of the ancient war werewolf after the bloodthirsty madness.

"That's right, even though I haven't fought the bloodthirsty ancient war werewolves just now, I can see that they seem to have been injected with chicken blood," Gu Tian continued.

After hearing what Li Jie said, Huo Guang said, "In fact, besides the bloodthirsty madness of the ancient war werewolf, there is also a skill called werewolf blood. This skill is even more domineering, but it's just a legend. I don't know if it exists or not."

"Werewolf blood, legend" Li Jie muttered after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"Huo Guang, talk about it, it doesn't matter whether he exists or not, it can let everyone know something." Lin Hua asked very interested after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"Yes, legends generally exist, but it's just that no one has seen them," Gu Tian continued.

Xuewu and the others didn't speak, but they all stared at Huo Guang, the meaning was obvious, waiting for him to tell a story.

Huo Guang heard what Lin Hua and the others said, looked at the people who were staring at him, then smiled and said, "I said it was just a legend, I don't know if it exists, the ancient war werewolf only has two skills, one is bloodthirsty Berserk, the probability of this is relatively high. About one out of ten ancient war werewolves will be bloodthirsty and berserk, but the ancient war werewolf also has another skill, the probability of werewolf blood appearing is even lower. Legend has it that someone once I have seen an ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood is basically the same as ordinary ancient war werewolf, but when the skill werewolf blood is released, the black hair all over the body turns silvery white , the two black eyes also turned into silvery white. Her body size did not increase with the release of the skill Werewolf Bloodline, but her strength and speed did change a lot. At least two levels of strength should be raised, because the one who saw The person who had experienced the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, saw this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, and fought with two supernatural beings who were several levels higher than this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, and the final result was All human beings with supernatural powers were killed."

"What, two supernatural beings several levels higher than the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood died in the hands of this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood," Beibei exclaimed.

"Well, it's said in the legend, but I haven't seen it, so I don't know if it's true or not." Huo Guang nodded and said.

"If it's true, then that ancient werewolf with werewolf blood can be said to be against the sky. It's not easy to win a battle across a level. She can actually cross multiple levels, and it's really Unbelievable," Li Jie said in surprise.

"Yeah, but I said it's a legend, it's not necessarily true, not to mention that no one has actually seen it, maybe it's just a fabrication to say that he saw the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood What about it?" Huo Guang continued.

Lin Hua was also very shocked after learning the news. He could still win after fighting through several levels, so the skill of werewolf blood was really too perverted and too powerful.

After Lin Hua and the others listened to Huo Guang's talk about the skill of werewolf blood, although they were all shocked and curious, they didn't take it seriously, because Huo Guang said that the chance of an ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood was too small. up!
"It would be great if I could have an ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood as a pet, so that I would walk sideways wherever I go," Li Jie said with some longing.

"Don't dream, how could we encounter the things in Li Jie's legend, and do you think you can control it, don't eat you up again" Gu Tian looked down on Li Jie Said.

(End of this chapter)

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