Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 620 A Monster Made of Sand

Chapter 620 A Monster Made of Sand
"Yeah, Lin Hua, how can there be so many ifs? If you didn't come to this crack in space, you wouldn't have met me, but now you have met me and married me, so what? How can there be so many ifs?" Murong Xian said with his big eyes open.

"Okay, okay, I found that I can't talk to you, let's rest here for a while, I will recover my powers and physical strength, the battle just now has consumed a lot." Lin Hua said to several people.

Then a few people took a better position far away in the hall, and sat there to rest.

"I really didn't expect it. I'm only two floors away from the Temple of Death. Thinking about it makes me look forward to it." Li Jie thought of it during a break. Lin Hua defeated the thirteenth floor who possessed the skill of werewolf blood. Said after the ancient war werewolf.

"Yes, although the death temple is full of dangers, haven't we come here? There are two more floors and we can leave this ghost place." Beibei also said excitedly.

Because the few of them have been here for two days, this death temple is a closed space, completely inaccessible to the outside world, and this closed space gives people a particularly depressing feeling. Feel.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it. There were a few times when we almost left this temple of death, but in the end we persisted. There are still two levels of hard work left." Xuewu said to several people.

"Well, what Xuewu said is right, no matter what we encounter, we must persevere and see what the most powerful existence on the fifteenth floor is." Lin Hua said encouragingly to several people.

Although Lin Hua learned from the population of the ancient war wolf with the werewolf blood skills that the most powerful being in the death canyon was stronger than the ancient war werewolves with the werewolf blood skills, Lin Hua didn't have the slightest doubt Fear, this ancient war werewolf Lin Hua with the skills of werewolf blood can deal with it, then the strength is a little bit stronger than this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, the most powerful existence in Death Canyon must not be Lin Hua opponent's.

After Lin Hua and the others rested for a while, after Lin Hua recovered from the power and physical strength of the ancient war werewolf who had the werewolf blood skill just now, Lin Hua and the others walked towards the fourteenth floor.

On the stairs from the thirteenth floor to the fourteenth floor, Lin Hua and the others felt that the temperature on the fourteenth floor was extremely high!At least much higher than the thirteenth floor.

"The fourteenth floor must be on fire, otherwise, how could the temperature be so high?" Beibei said to Lin Hua and the others after feeling the high temperature on the fourteenth floor.

"Yeah, I don't think it's on fire. If it's on fire, it should be smoking. Now there's no smoke, so it shouldn't be on fire. I should be some monster with a high body temperature on the fourteenth floor, so it's so hot. Solitary God thought for a while and said.

The more Lin Hua and the others walked up the stairs, the higher the temperature was. At least the temperature should have reached about [-] degrees.

When Lin Hua and the others reached the fourteenth floor through the stairs, they discovered the reason for the high temperature. There were some monsters whose bodies were made of sand on the fourteenth floor. These monsters made of sand were 30 times shorter than normal. More than one centimeter, which is about 1.4 meters five, but their body is relatively thick, about one meter. The monster made of sand is holding a knife, and the strength of these monsters made of sand is not low. After all, the more than 20 they saw in the corridor were all epic second-order.

"Look at me, the temperature on the [-]th floor is so high, there must be monsters with high body temperature," Gu Tian said, pointing to the monsters made of sand in front.

Just as Gu Tian's words fell, the monster made of sand that was at the entrance where Lin Hua and the others were located slowly moved his body. After seeing the sand monster walking towards Lin Hua and the others, the formed monsters also moved their bodies and walked towards Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua looked at the monsters made of sand walking towards them, and shook her head involuntarily. The inside of this temple of death is really magical. You can encounter anything, even monsters made of sand. Supernatural.

"Haha, you see, these monsters made of sand are really slow. I'm the only one like them. Don't do anything, I can do it myself." Li Jie immediately released the skill Martial God Possession after speaking, Then Li Jie's whole body turned blood red, and Lin Hua drew out the dragon-patterned epee on his back and attacked those monsters made of sand.

"I'll go over to help too." After Beibei finished speaking, she also went over to help.

Lin Hua felt something was wrong looking at those monsters made of sand, but she still couldn't tell what was wrong!But I didn't think too much. After all, Li Jie and Beibei's speed is at the fourth level of epic strength, and those monsters made of sand are extremely slow, so after Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others attacked , without the slightest worry.

Li Jie rushed over before Beibei, so in front of Beibei, when Li Jie was less than one meter away from the monster made of sand that first spotted Lin Hua and the others, Li Jie just jumped. Standing up, he slashed fiercely at the head of the frontmost monster made of sand with his dragon-patterned epee.

Because Li Jie's strength is particularly strong, he just split the head and body of the monster made of sand into two halves.

Li Jie couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing this epic second-order monster made of sand being torn in half by himself.At this time, Li Jie thought that these monsters made of sand should be sent to them to send them different cores, because this is too easy to deal with, and the speed and reaction ability are slow, and they have not reacted after they died.

After Li Jie split open the blood-dropping monster made of sand, he continued to walk forward, but at this moment, Lin Hua suddenly stopped him, "Li Jie, be careful, come back quickly!"

After Li Jie heard Lin Hua's words, he felt particularly puzzled why Lin Hua would tell him to go back after he killed a monster made of sand.

So she turned her head straight to ask Lin Hua why she asked her to go back, but when Li Jie turned her head, she found the monster made of sand that she had just split open with the dragon-patterned epee. His body slowly closed up.

(End of this chapter)

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