Chapter 622

Then Lin Hua said to a few people, "You guys think of a way here first, I'll go down to the seventh floor to find the leader of the Death Moth, I think he should know how to deal with monsters made of sand."

"Ah, that's right, that dead moth should be able to know, but boss, do you think he can tell you how to deal with those monsters made of sand?" Li Jie said worriedly
"Yeah, if I want to ask, it should be a hundred questions. The death moth probably wouldn't tell. When I asked the strength of the most powerful existence in the death canyon that day, the death moth didn't dare to say anything. what?" Beibei said to Lin Hua
Lin Hua looked at them and said with a smile, "I think she should tell me how to deal with those monsters made of sand, unless he doesn't want to live anymore. He was afraid of death that day, so he thought we came up. Now that I have upgraded to the fifth level of epic, I think it will be easy to kill him."

"Ah, there's nothing wrong with the boss saying that. The commander of the death moth is so afraid of death. If he uses death to force him, then the commander of the death moth will definitely say something." Li Jie said happily
A few people thought about it for a while and it really was the case. That death moth was particularly afraid of death. If he knew that Lin Hua was forcing him with death, then she would definitely tell Lin Hua to deal with those monsters made of sand. of the method.

"Okay, you guys rest here and see if you can come up with a good solution, but be careful of the sneak attacks of those monsters made of sand above, I will go by myself." and Ice Bind.

After three or four ice-moving phantoms, Lin Hua disappeared from Li Jie's field of vision.

"That's all right now, Boss should be able to smell how to deal with those monsters made of sand." Xuewu said as she looked at Lin Hua who had disappeared.

At this time, Lin Hua kept using the ice-shifting phantom to move towards the seventh floor below. After about an hour, Lin Hua finally came to the entrance from the eighth floor to the seventh floor.

Lin Hua didn't have the ability to move the ice phantom directly, but walked slowly down step by step.

And after the dead moth on the seventh floor heard the sound of walking on the stairs, he began to stare at the entrance of the stairs vigilantly.

Slowly Lin Hua's figure appeared in his eyes. When he saw Lin Hua again, he felt a strong sense of oppression and danger. He didn't feel this way last time. Lin Hua should be of similar strength, but now the leader of the death moth knows that she is no longer Lin Hua's opponent.

However, he still didn't take the initiative to attack Lin Hua, because he knew that he could not kill Lin Hua's opponent, so he just stared at Lin Hua with some vigilance, praying in his heart that Lin Hua would not attack him, because she was very afraid of death, if not He was afraid that the last time he died, he would not just let Lin Hua and the others go directly to the next level.

Lin Hua looked at the dead moth staring at her vigilantly, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for two days, so don't come here in a hurry."

The commander of the death moth trembled when he heard Lin Hua's words, and then the commander of the death moth said slowly to Lin Hua, "Don't come here, you won't come here to see me, will you?"

"Well, I just came to see you, you're right," Lin Hua said with a wider smile

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the leader of the death moth trembled, because now she didn't know why Lin Hua came down to find him. He thought Lin Hua came down to deal with her.

The dead moth said slowly to Lin Hua, "Did you really come down to deal with me?"

After Lin Hua heard what the dead moth said, she couldn't help laughing and said, "You guessed wrong, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, and I didn't mean to kill you, but if you don't tell me, I will I think you should know that I am not a soft-hearted person”

When the death moth commander heard that Lin Hua came down to ask him a few questions, the death moth commander relaxed, but he suddenly thought that the question Lin Hua wanted to ask him must be about the death temple. He didn't dare to answer the question, because the leader of the death moth was afraid that the most powerful existence in the death canyon would know that, what he said, then it was time for him to die.

But what Lin Hua said was that if he didn't tell Lin Hua, then Lin Hua would kill him right now, so she was in a dilemma right now, she might die if she said it, but she would definitely if she didn't. die.

Lin Hua saw the embarrassment and hesitation on the face of the leader of the death moth. Lin Hua knew what the death moth was hesitating for. The death moth was afraid that the most powerful existence in the death canyon knew what he said. Out of the information, then kill him.

Then Lin Hua said to the dead moth, "I can guarantee that after you answer my question, I will not kill you, nor will I tell anyone that you told me, and the strongest person in that death canyon You don’t have to be afraid of him knowing about the big existence, because she will die in my hands soon.”

When Lin Hua said that the most powerful being in the Death Canyon would die in Lin Hua's hands, the Death Moth Commander had a serious expression on his face, but he said casually, "I can tell you that I know Yes, but remember your words and don't tell anyone I told you"

"Okay, don't worry, I, Lin Hua, always keep my promises, and I will definitely do what I promise others, but you can't lie to me, otherwise you should know the consequences." Lin Hua faced the dead man. Commander Moth said, when Lin Hua finished speaking, a trace of murderous intent appeared on his face

The commander of the death moth opposite heard Lin Hua's words, and also saw the killing intent on Lin Hua's face just now. This commander of the death moth knew that if he deceived Lin Hua, then Lin Hua would definitely kill him of.

Then he said to Lin Hua, "What questions do you want to ask, I will tell you everything I know."

After hearing what the death moth leader said, Lin Hua showed a faint smile and said, "I only have one problem and that is how to deal with the fourteenth floor monster made of sand."

"What, the [-]th floor, you have reached the [-]th floor, how is that possible?" Death Moth said in surprise when he heard Lin Hua talking about the [-]th floor. He didn't expect Lin Hua and the others to reach the [-]th floor. Because he knows the strength of every floor in this death temple, especially the ancient war werewolf on the thirteenth floor who has the skills of werewolf blood, his strength is only worse than the most powerful existence in this death canyon Only a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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