Chapter 638
After hearing Li Jie's words, Yehua City Lord looked at Li Jie and nodded and said, "Yes, it's fair to treat them like this."

"Okay, okay, it's enough to have your words, Beibei, let's go two, one for each of us." Li Jie looked at Beibei on his shoulder, and then said to the Lord of Night Talk City.

Then Lin Hua turned her head and said to Lin Hua, "Boss, just look at the night talker and don't let her interfere. These two people can't survive."

Lin Hua nodded after hearing Li Jie's words!Then he stared closely at the city lord of Yehua city, preventing the city lord of Yehua city, Duanmu Hanjiang suddenly made a move.

And Li Jie walked towards Sima Yunfei step by step, and Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei looked at Li Jie and Beibei on Li Jie's shoulders, showing some sarcastic expressions.

And Bai Zhantang also looked at Lin Hua very puzzled, not knowing what Lin Hua meant by letting Li Jie, who had no supernatural powers, and the little monkey on Li Jie's shoulders, deal with two epic fourth-tier city lords.

When Li Jie stopped, Beibei on Li Jie's shoulder jumped directly to the ground, and then his body slowly became the size of a person. This is Beibei's strongest fighting form.

Except for Lin Hua and the others, they all looked at the enlarged Beibei curiously. Although they saw that Beibei's body had changed, they did not find anything on Beibei's body at all. Ability fluctuations.

"Brother Li Jie, what are you going to do with that?" Beibei asked Li Jie, pointing at Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei with his sharp claws after growing bigger.

"Let me deal with the one with the axe." Li Jie pointed to Sima Yunfei in front and said to Beibei.

When Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei saw Li Jie and Beibei pointing at them, they couldn't help feeling angry. After all, they were both city lords of the fourth level of the epic. How could they be so satirized by Li Jie and Beibei? Probably not angry yet.

Then Sima Yunfei said angrily, "I'll make you feel nervous first, and I'll send you to see Lord Yama later."

"Yeah, just relying on the two of you, it's really crazy to want to deal with our brothers," Tang Fei couldn't help but said angrily.

"Hehe, let me tell you two, my name is Li Jie and her name is Beibei. Let's see if you two are better today or ours." Li Jie pointed at Beibei and said to Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei snorted coldly, then took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

After Li Jie saw that Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei both took out their weapons, he directly activated his skill Martial God Possession, and then Li Jie's body slowly turned blood red. At this time, Sima Yunfei and the others It turns out that Li Jie also has supernatural powers.

But Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei still didn't take Li Jie and Beibei seriously.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, frowned when he saw Li Jie's ability, and then said to Sima Yunfei and the others, "Now there is still a chance to choose to quit. If you want to quit, just say so. If so, I won’t be responsible for the rest.”

Lin Hua couldn't help sneering after hearing the words of Yehua City Master Duanmu Hanbing, how could Lin Hua not understand the meaning of Yehua City Master Duanmu Hanjiang, Yehua City Master Duanmu Hanjiang was afraid that Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei would die in Beibei and Li Jie said so.

After Sima Yunfei looked at Tang Fei, he said directly to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, "The city lord, we both agree."

But Beibei and Li Jie didn't pay any attention to the night talk city lord at all. Li Jie just waved her dragon pattern epee and rushed towards Sima Yunfei, and Beibei also rushed towards Tang Fei quickly.

When Sima Yunfei and Tang Fei saw Beibei and Li Jie rushing over, they waved their weapons and faced Li Jie and Bei.

The distance between Li Jie and Sima Yunfei is the closest. When Li Jie was less than one meter away from Sima Yunfei, Li Jie directly slashed at Sima Yunfei with her dragon sword. Sima Yunfei saw Li Jie slashing her with the heavy sword. At the time, he directly used two broad axes across his chest to resist Li Jie's sword.

With a "bang", Sima Yunfei was directly knocked back by Li Jie's blow and retreated more than ten steps before he stabilized his footsteps.Because Sima Yunfei looked down on Li Jie a little bit, he didn't use all his strength and was directly repelled by Li Jie.

But after being repulsed by Li Jie, Sima Yunfei didn't dare to look down on Li Jie's strength anymore, because the strength Li Jie showed just now was definitely stronger than himself, not weaker.

As for Bai Zhantang, Yehua City Master and the others, they were all shocked when they saw Sima Yunfei being repelled by Li Jie's blow. They didn't expect Li Jie to have such great power.

And Beibei and Tang Fei were already fighting together at this time. Tang Fei kept waving her Tang knife to attack Beibei, but Beibei never fought him, but kept avoiding Tang Fei's big knife. Because Tang Fei's weapon is Tang Dao, the attack speed is not very fast, and Beibei is best at speed. There are several times when Beibei can hurt Tang Fei, but they are all given up by Beibei. Because Beibei wanted to kill Tang Fei with one blow.

"Boss, do you think it was Beibei who killed Tang Fei first, or Li Jie who killed Sima Yunfei first?" Gu Tian said, looking at Li Jie and the others who were fighting.

Lin Hua smiled and said, "I think it should be Li Jie, because Beibei had the opportunity to attack Tang Fei, but Beibei didn't do that, maybe Beibei planned to kill Tang Fei with one blow, so he did it, and Li Jie Her strength is far higher than Sima Yunfei, and Li Jie has the speed increase of the Martial God, so it should be Li Jie first."

"Boss, although what you said is quite reasonable, I still believe that Beibei can kill Tang Fei first." Heisha said while looking at Beibei who was fighting.

"I have the same thought as League Leader Lin. It should be Li Jie who killed Sima Yunfei first," Huo Guang said, looking at Li Jie who was fighting in front of him.

"Yes, yes, yes, I agree with the boss, Li Jie will kill Sima Yunfei first," Xue Wu said.

Although it was Lin Hua and the others who spoke in a low voice, everyone present could clearly hear what Lin Hua and the others were talking about.

They couldn't help but frowned, because Lin Hua and the others were talking too arrogantly. This was just a fight, and they couldn't tell who would win, but now Lin Hua and the others began to guess who would win first.

After Duanmu Hanjiang heard what Lin Hua and the others said, after thinking about it, he nodded to Lin Hua and Bai Zhantang and left.

(End of this chapter)

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