Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 642 Unknown Person

Chapter 642 Unknown Person
"Yeah, Gao Fei shouldn't be an introvert. Why doesn't he join any forces? Isn't it faster to improve his strength in the forces?" Li Jie also said with some doubts.

At this time, Lin Hua also felt a little doubt, why Gao Fei didn't join any forces.

"Maybe it's Gao Fei who doesn't like to get along with others, so she's alone." Bai Zhantang on the side said slowly
Lin Hua and the others thought about it and this is the explanation. Otherwise, with the strength of Gao Fei's fourth-level epic, at least he is the leader of a field force.

"By the way, there is a waiter in our auction house who seems to know something about Gao Fei, because that waiter was saved by Gao Fei when he was about to die in the hands of an ancient zombie warrior." The waiter thought for a while and turned to Lin Hua. they said
"Okay, can I trouble you to call that waiter here?" Li Jie said to the waiter.

"Good guests, wait a moment, I'll come as soon as I go." After hearing Li Jie's words, the waiter ran outside directly.

"Li Jie, that's why you want that Gao Fei to join us," Gu Tian said to Li Jie.

"If he is suitable to be our partner, wouldn't it be great to join us?" Li Jie said after hearing Gu Tian's words
"Yeah, I thought it would be very interesting to join us with that kid just now, because he can speak better than Li Jie," Bei Bei said, patting her small chest.

"Leader Lin, what do you mean?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua.

Lin Hua thought for a while and then said slowly, "If Gao Fei is suitable for our team, then it would be a good thing to join us, so that the strength of our team will be improved."

After about five or six minutes, the waiter who went out to call someone came back and brought another waiter.

Then the waiter who started telling Lin Hua and the others about Gao Fei said to Lin Hua and the others, "Guests, this is the waiter who was saved by Gao Fei. He knows more about Gao Fei."

Lin Hua nodded to Li Jie, and then Li Jie took out two different cores of amethyst and handed them to the two of them!

After the two waiters saw the different core that Li Jie handed over, they took it directly, and looked at Lin Hua with a lot of expressions of gratitude in their eyes.

Then the waiter who just arrived said, "I was saved by Tang Fei, it was a year ago, the two of us have been together for four days, so I know something about Gao Fei, Gao Fei doesn't want to Joining other forces is just because he doesn't want to hurt others, because Gao Fei once joined three forces, but the people of these three forces are all dead, and only Gao Fei survives. Fei thinks that she is an unknown person, in order not to harm others, that's why he rejected all the forces that invited him to join."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Lin Hua and the others suddenly realized that the reason why Gao Fei didn't join any forces was because he thought he was an unknown person and didn't want to harm others.

At this moment, Lin Hua became more interested in Gao Fei. If he really said the same to the waiter, then Gao Fei is really suitable to join their team.

"Unexpectedly, this Gao Fei really thinks like a child," Xue Wu couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Yeah, let me just say, his personality doesn't look like a lonely person, so he didn't join the power, but he didn't want to hurt other people," Gu Tian then said.

"Well, if that's the case, the next time you see Gao Fei, invite him to join our team." Lin Hua said to several people.

"Boss, do you agree?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

"Well, this Gao Fei has good strength and a good heart. He is very suitable for us, so next time we meet, we will try to win him over," Lin Hua said lightly.

"Okay boss, otherwise, I'm going out to find that Gao Fei now, so I don't know when I'll see you again," Li Jie said happily.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "This night talk city is full of fish and dragons. It's dangerous for you to go by yourself. Let's talk about it when we meet. If there is a destiny, we will meet again."

"Boss, why don't I go with Li Jie, anyway, I don't think it's interesting to stay here." Gu Tian said to Lin Hua
"Then I'll go too," Huo Guang said.

Lin Hua looked at the three of them, and said slowly, "Okay, then be careful, and just go to the inn later."

"Okay boss, don't worry." After Li Jie finished speaking, he walked outside with Gutian Huo Guang and the others!
When Li Jie and the others walked to the door of the auction house, they found that Tang Fei, who was standing at the door of Tianxia Auction House just now, had disappeared.

"Could that Tang Fei also go to Tianxia Auction House?" Gu Tian said to Li Jie and the others.

"Probably not. When I went in for the last time just now, I looked back at Tang Fei, and she walked away like that," Huo Guang said, pointing to the street on the right.

Then Li Jie and the others started looking for Tang Fei along the street Huo Guang had mentioned!But no trace of Tang Fei was found!Afterwards, Li Jie and the three of them headed towards Tang Fei in the halls of small vendors on both sides of the street.

Because the blood-red machete on Tang Fei's back is quite special, the small vendors on both sides were quite impressed with Tang Fei. Soon Li Jie and the others found out from a small vendor that Tang Fei had just entered the front door. Went to eat in the Deyilou Tavern.

The three of Li Jie and the others walked into the Deyilou tavern. Sure enough, Gao Fei was sitting at a table by the window drinking by himself.

After discovering Gao Fei, Li Jie and the three of them were all beaming, because they had been looking for Tang Fei for a long time.

Li Jie and the three of them walked directly towards Tang Fei's table.

When Tang Fei heard someone approaching her, he looked up and found that it was Li Jie and the three of them, and said, "What a coincidence, we met so soon."

After Li Jie and the three of them sat directly on Tang Fei's table, Li Jie said to Tang Fei, "What a coincidence, we came here specially to find you, and we have been looking for you for a long time before we found you."

After hearing Li Jie's words, Tang Fei couldn't help but said with some doubts, "Why are you looking for me? You really didn't come here to fight with me, did you?" After Tang Fei finished speaking, he became wary of Li Jie and the three of them.

"Little brother, don't get me wrong, we didn't come here to fight, we're just a little curious about you, and want to make friends with you," Huo Guang said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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