Chapter 657 Shocked
"I don't think there's much drama left. Listening to the number of this ancient zombie warrior army, it's enough to drink a pot, and there's also a powerful ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor," Jiang Tian said a little discouraged.

It wasn't just Jiang Tian who was discouraged, most of the city lords felt a little more fear in their hearts after hearing the number of ancient zombie warriors.

"City Lord Duanmu, did you call me here to tell us the number of ancient zombie warriors assembled now? Is there something else?" A city lord of the fourth-level epic said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Night Talk.

"Yeah, Yehua City Master, do you have any way to deal with it now?" said a bald leader of the third-tier epic field force with a big knife on his back.

"Is there any good way, the most is to let us go to die," said a city lord in gray clothes at the fourth level of epic.

"Yeah, there is nothing to do now, either die now, or wait to die, just these two," said a city lord of a fourth-tier epic.

"I know everyone, hearing that the army of ancient zombie warriors is now assembled is a bit unacceptable. Even when I heard it just now, it took me a long time to realize it. However, although the number of ancient zombie warriors now exceeds tens of millions Yes, but as long as we unite, we should be able to deal with it. If we don’t stop the ancient zombie warrior corpse king from gathering the army of ancient zombie warriors, then the number of ancient zombie warrior army in half a year will not be something we can deal with at all. , we don't have any other options now, there is only one choice and that is to fight." Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, said a little excitedly after hearing the words of the city lords below.

"Fight, what capital do we have to fight this army of tens of millions of ancient zombie warriors, can we win this battle," said a fourth-tier city lord.

"Yeah, even if we gather an army of humans, it will take at least a few days. It will take some time before we reach the position of the army of ancient zombie warriors. Who knows the number of ancient zombie warrior army will change during this time?" How much is it?" said a bald city lord with epic fourth-level strength.

"City Master Yehua, I support you. I would rather die in battle than wait to die. We may still have some chances to survive if we fight. If we wait, we have only one possibility, and that is the extinction of mankind." A warrior held in his hand Said the city lord of the fourth-level epic of the knife.

"Yes, yes, we want to fight. We are not fighting for ourselves, but for all human beings. We must win, otherwise human beings will perish," said an epic fourth-tier city lord .

"Yes, we have no chance to choose now. This is our last chance. If we don't seize this opportunity, there is only a dead end waiting for us," said an epic fourth-tier city lord.

"Haha, it's much better at night than during the day. Surprisingly, few people disagreed to go and organize the gathering of the ancient zombie warrior army." Li Jie said after listening to those people's words.

"Yes, there are not many people who disagree now, because this choice is not a simple choice. This is the fate of all mankind. Those present are not fools if they can become city lords or leaders." Lin Hua said slowly.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, heard that more and more people agreed to prevent the army of ancient zombie warriors from gathering, and he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face, but because she was wearing a mask, everyone didn't see her The smile on the face.

Then Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, said to the city lords below, "Is there anyone who disagrees with stopping the army of ancient zombie warriors from gathering? If you can stand up, no one will laugh at you, and no one will force you to fight Yes, because everyone is afraid of death, and there is no one who is not afraid of death."

After hearing the words of Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang, none of the city lords or leaders of the wild forces stood up. Although some people were afraid of death and wanted to stand up, they couldn't afford to lose their color, so no one stood up.

"Boss, the Lord of the Night Talks, really hurts with his words. If he said that, who would have the nerve to stand up?" Li Jie curled his lips after hearing what the Lord of the Night Talks, Duanmu Hanjiang, said.

"Yeah, he said he didn't coerce anyone. What he said is coercion," Murong Xian said with a contemptuous expression to Duanmu Hanjiang, who was standing in the middle of the stage.

Lin Hua shook her head and said with a smile, "If I were Duanmu Hanjiang, I would do the same. He did nothing wrong."

"Why, how hypocritical it is to do this, it makes people feel disgusted" Murong Xian said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah, it makes people feel hypocritical and disgusting, but if you do this, at least no one will stand up and disagree. The number of human beings we have now is not as large as the number of ancient zombie warriors. If someone disagrees , then many people who are afraid of death will disagree," Lin Hua said slowly after hearing Murongxian's words.

"That's right, what the boss said is not wrong, what we lack now is momentum, so there is nothing wrong with what the city lord of the night talk did," Xuewu continued.

After Yehua City Master saw that no one stood up, the face under the mask smiled, because this was the result he wanted, and then Yehua City Master Duanmu Hanjiang said, "It proves that we are not afraid Dead, maybe we will die in the hands of ancient zombie warriors when we fight this time, but think about why we fight, we fight for the survival of mankind, even if we die, our death is worth it, "

"Yes, even if we are dead, we must stop the army of ancient zombie warriors from gathering this time, and kill the corpse king of that ancient zombie warrior, so that we humans can survive and not perish." Bai Zhantang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic Said.

"City Master Yehua, what do you think about our going to stop the army of ancient zombie warriors from gathering?" A city lord of the fourth level of epic asked Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City.

"Yes, City Lord Yehua, we have all agreed to stop the army of ancient zombie warriors from gathering, but what are we going to do?" said a third-level city lord with a No. [-] spear in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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