Chapter 659 And Me

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, shook his head and said, "I don't know the strength of that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor. The people I sent simply didn't find that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor. I believe that the strength of the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, should have broken through the boundaries of the epic, I am not sure that I can defeat her."

Hearing Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, say that the strength of the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang had already broken through the epic level. Lin Hua and the others were shocked when they heard it, and broke through to the epic level. The strength of the zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, should be at least the first rank of immortality.

Immortal level Lin Hua, I heard it in the ten years of the end of the world, whether it is a human or a zombie, once she suddenly reached the epic level and reached the immortal level, then her strength is not just increased, but doubled, ten People of the fifth level of epic and their joint efforts may not be able to defeat a person of the first level of immortal strength.

Although Lin Hua was a little shocked, she soon calmed down, and then said to Duanmu Hanjiang, "Since you know that you are not the opponent of that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, why do you want to organize people to stop that ancient immortal level?" The Zombie Warrior Zombie Emperor summoned an army of ancient Zombie Warriors, it can be said that he is going to die like this.”

'Well, I know that if I don't kill the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, then this army of ancient zombie warriors is basically impossible to be defeated, but I have no other way now, because now it is the last one for us This is an opportunity, if we give up this opportunity, then human beings will really be wiped out." Duanmu Hanjiang thought for a while and said to Lin Hua.

After hearing Duanmu Hanjiang's words, Lin Hua thought for a long time, stood up and said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, "Don't worry, when you deal with that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, you are not alone, but me." Lin Hua When Hua finished speaking, she walked directly towards you outside.

When Li Jie and the others watched Lin Hua walking outside, they followed Lin Hua one after another.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, heard what Lin Hua said just before leaving, and the face under the mask smiled very happily, because Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, was responsible for everything. Even if she had to face this unfathomable ancient zombie warrior who had reached the level of immortality, she should carry it by herself, but the appearance of Lin Hua took some of the pressure off of him.

"City Master, can this Lin Hua's strength really stand up to that immortal rank ancient zombie warrior Shihuang?" Wei Chen, deputy city master of Night Talk City at the fourth level of Epic, said after watching Lin Hua and the others leave.

"Well, maybe the two of us working together can deal with that ancient zombie warrior's corpse emperor. As long as we defeat that ancient zombie warrior's corpse emperor, we should be able to win this war." Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, said to Wei Chen, the deputy city lord who wrote the fourth-order epic, said.

After Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk city finished speaking, he also left the hall and went back to rest, because Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk city, was very happy today because of Lin Hua's words!Let him feel that he is not alone, he has always been alone!

When Lin Hua and the others left the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City, Li Jie couldn't help but asked Lin Hua, "Boss, why did you say such a word to that Duanmu Hanjiang before you left? I didn't think about it for a long time. come up with"

"Yeah, boss, why did you say that to Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of the night talk city? Could it be that you were worried that she would shrink back because of the power of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor, so you said that to encourage her?" Gu Tian was very puzzled asked Lin Hua.

After hearing Li Jie and Gutian's Hua Hua, Lin Hua smiled and said, "I'm not comforting him, I just feel that he is the same person as me, that ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor is so powerful , he himself should not be able to defeat that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, and I myself will not be able to match the corpse emperor, so the two of us may have a chance if we join forces."

"Oh, so, is the immortal level really that powerful? It's just one level higher." Gao Fei said after hearing Lin Hua's Hua.

"Hehe, isn't it so powerful? Otherwise, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk city, would not be so dignified when he heard the boss talk about the strength of the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor." Li Jie said after hearing Gao Fei's words.

Lin Hua has never seen the level of immortality in this life or in the last life, but even hearing about it makes Lin Hua very worried. The opponent of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor.

"Leader Lin, the strength of that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, is at the level of immortality. How sure do you think you are when you join forces with Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City?" Huo Guang looked worried, and turned to Lin Hua asked.

Huo Guang was particularly worried when he heard Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, say that the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang's strength was immortal level, because he had also heard that immortal level and epic fifth-level strength are not just simple. The difference is as simple as one level, but that is the gap between heaven and earth. He knows that Lin Hua's strength and Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, are both epic level five, and they are the two most powerful people in the Human Alliance. The zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, can only be dealt with by the two of them, so he is particularly worried.

The victory or defeat of this battle between humans and the ancient zombie warrior army does not depend on other things, but mainly depends on whether the ancient zombie warrior corpse king can be killed. If it is killed, then the human army can win. If not If you kill it, even if you defeat the ancient zombie warrior army, the ancient zombie warrior corpse king will gather the ancient zombie warrior army again and make a comeback.

"I'm not sure now, because the difference is one level, not a simple level. If the strength of Duanmu Hanjiang and I are both at the peak of the epic fifth level during this period of time, we should be able to fight. Otherwise, with the current strength, it would be very difficult to defeat that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Besides, our time is extremely short now. We simply don't have time to go out and hunt down ancient zombie warriors to improve our strength," Lin Hua continued.

(End of this chapter)

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