Chapter 662 Elite
After hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed a charming smile on his face, and then nodded.

The third zombie king of ancient zombie warriors directly led the four corpse kings and walked down the mountain, preparing to lead an army of 200 million ancient zombie warriors to stop the human army.

"Huang, although the human army is small in number, it is the most elite. The third corpse king and the others have an army of 200 million ancient zombie warriors. I am afraid it will not be easy to deal with it." The first corpse king saw the third corpse After Wang went down the mountain, he said to Emperor Nuo, the ancient zombie warrior.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor thought for a while after hearing the words of the first corpse king, and then said, "Although the third corpse king is not enough to destroy those human armies, they can also consume the power of most of the human army, which is already very good. By then, we can easily wipe out the remaining human army by waiting for work.”

After the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangyu finished speaking, he turned around and continued to look at the mountains in front of him.

And those ancient zombie warrior corpse kings behind the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo still stood quietly behind the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor, as if nothing happened.

After the third zombie king and several other ancient zombie warriors descended from the mountain, he directly summoned about 200 million ancient zombie warriors and marched in the direction where Lin Hua and the others came.

At this time, the human army is marching towards the hell on earth where the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor gathered the ancient zombie warrior army.

At the forefront of the human army were Duanmu Hanjiang and Lin Hua, the city lords of Yehua City, and more than 30 other city lords.

Although Lin Hua and the others were at the forefront of the army, they were not with Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, and the other city lords, but somewhere in the middle of the front.

"Boss, you said that if we go this way, we will scare the snake away. Such a large human army will definitely attract the attention of these ancient zombie warriors around. What should we do when those ancient zombie warriors are ambushing us?" Li Jie looked at the The mighty human army behind said afterward.

"Yes, going this way will especially attract the attention of the ancient zombie warriors around. We have been walking for almost a day, and no ancient zombie warriors have attacked us," Huo Guang said after Li Jie finished speaking.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua smiled and said, "It's okay, we are just marching now, and nothing will go wrong. After two days, I think the Lord of the Night Talk City should be able to detect it."

What Lin Hua said is not wrong. In fact, the Lord of Yehua City has also discovered this problem, but he did not say anything during the march during the day. At night, Duanmu Hanjiang, the Lord of Yehua City, summoned all the city lords. In the tent of the conference hall, I was going to discuss the issue of marching with all the city owners.

Although the tent in the meeting hall was very large, it could only accommodate more than 100 people, so Lin Hua didn't take everyone there, but took Li Jie and Huo Guang.

When Lin Hua and the others came to the tent in the conference hall, basically all the city masters had already arrived. At this time, the city master Yehua was sitting in the center of the conference tent.

Lin Hua and the others randomly found a seat and sat down. After Lin Hua and the others sat down, four city lords came in.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, saw that all the city lords had arrived, and said to everyone in the conference hall, "I think everyone must have discovered today's march, and I didn't see any ancient zombie warriors. Everyone Do you feel strange?"

After Lin Hua heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, she smiled and said nothing. Lin Hua thought it would take a few days for Duanmu Hanjiang to react, but she didn't expect Duanmu Hanjiang to react so quickly.

After hearing the words of Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, a fourth-tier epic city lord said directly, "We have so many human armies, how could those ancient zombie warriors take the initiative to appear when they saw our human army.

"Yeah, these ancient zombie warriors are not fools. They know that our human army has a large number, so of course they won't appear," said another third-tier epic city lord.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, shook his head and smiled after hearing what the two city lords said, but he didn't speak.

"Yehua City Lord, do you mean that we are too powerful, and we are worried that those ancient zombie warriors will ambush us?" said a city lord with a machete in his hand at the fourth level of epic.

"Well, our big momentum will definitely attract the attention of some ancient zombie warriors. A small number of ancient zombie warriors may not appear, but when they gather to a certain number, they may sneak attack or ambush us, although These ancient zombie warriors will not defeat our army, but they can also consume part of our strength, which is unnecessary consumption for us, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, said slowly.

After hearing the words of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, all the city lords thought about it, and there was really such a possibility, and then a city lord of the fourth level of the epic said, "What the city lord Yehua said is not wrong, the ancient zombie warriors of today Many of them already have some wisdom, and they will definitely gather to consume our strength. The number of our human army is far lower than that of ancient zombie warriors. If they are being consumed, then for our war Might be very unfavorable”

"Yeah, we are originally a small number of people. If we are consumed like this, how can we defeat the army of ancient zombie warriors in the hell on earth?" a fourth-tier epic city lord said worriedly.

"Then what can we do? Are we afraid of being attacked, so we can't march?" said a third-tier epic city lord.

"Yeah, why don't we go out and wait for the army of ancient zombie warriors to come over?" A city lord of the fourth level of epic said a little depressed.

"City Master Yehua, do you have any good ways to avoid the consumption of our army's combat power?" said a third-tier city lord.

"Yeah, Yehua City Lord, you discovered this problem, so I think you must have thought of a solution to this matter," said a fourth-tier epic city lord.

When Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, heard someone asking if there is a solution, Duanmu Hanjiang smiled and said, "There is a solution, and that is to form a vanguard force. The number cannot be too many, but the strength must be strong. In this way It can attract those ancient zombie warriors to attack them, and wipe out the ancient zombie warriors in front of the march in time, lest they gather together and suddenly attack us"

(End of this chapter)

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