Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 67 Survivor Squad

Chapter 67 Survivor Squad

The strong man Liu Peng looked dumbfounded, but his words were unambiguous, his temper was completely opposite to Tao Yun's, and he said in a smooth voice: "Sister Tao is here recently, don't take what she says to heart."

"Hey, Shitou, you really know how to speak for outsiders?" Tao Yun became angry when she heard it, and stared at Liu Peng.

Zhang Ren was obviously used to it, and explained to Lin Ye: "Every time I bring someone back, Tao Yun always has to say something, so don't take it seriously."

Lin Ye smiled, and he could tell that Tao Yun's words were harsh, but it could also be seen that she hoped that Zhang Ren would not be dragged down in any way, and she had a good intention.

On the whole, Zhang Ren's team seems to have good humanity.

Lin Ye asked, "Brother Zhang, where are you going next?"

Zhang Ren said with a smile: "Let's go to Yundu, we are going to find a large survivor base, join in, and live a stable life."

Lin Ye nodded after hearing this. Yundu is famous and covers a large area. It is connected to Yundu Bay in the east and is a large port in Central China.

According to Lin Ye's knowledge, Yundu does have several large survivor bases, and it is also one of the five guard cities, one of the five cities with the largest survivor capacity in the future.

However, in the early days of the doomsday, it was very chaotic. Zombies and mutant beasts were rampant, there were many people with supernatural powers, disputes continued, and the allocation of resources was really limited. It was not Lin Ye's ideal place, nor was it suitable for his development.

But it will be different when Zhang Ren goes. Zhang Ren's current team is not bad. After entering Yundu, they can still rank in the top ten.

"How about it, young man, are you interested in going with us?" Zhang Ren sent out an invitation.

Lin Ye shook his head, and didn't stop talking, "I still have to go to the imperial capital, and I have some things to do there. After finishing, I might go to Yundu to meet with Brother Zhang, maybe you can get together .”

The imperial capital is located in North China, and the later Baidi sits in the town, which was renamed Baidi City.

"That's fine, but I have to mention, the imperial capital... that's not close. In this world, it's extremely difficult to travel along the way."

Zhang Ren was a little surprised at Lin Ye's refusal. He actually admired Lin Ye very much. One was that he heard from Jiang Xinyu that Lin Ye was strong. The other was that Lin Ye's performance was very suitable for him, neither arrogant nor impatient. , work is also stable.So Zhang Ren really hoped to get Lin Ye into the team.

However, Zhang Ren still thought about Lin Ye, and he didn't mean to keep Lin Ye. In his opinion, everyone has his own destiny, and there is no need to force it.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang, when you get a firm foothold in Yundu, I will definitely come, and I may disturb you even then." Lin Ye said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's good. When you come, I will definitely entertain you well." Zhang Ren never refused to come, and his heart was straightforward.

After saying this, Zhang Ren said again: "You are going to the imperial capital, and I am going to Yundu. The road is still in the same direction for the time being. Do you want to get a companion first?"

Lin Ye nodded, "That's fine, but Brother Zhang, I still have two friends here, I wonder if I can pick them up..."

"Oh? Do you still have someone here? It's okay to pick them up, as there are more people, the strength is stronger." Zhang Ren agreed immediately, and looked at the sky, "It's going to be dark today, so Ahui, I, and Xiaohui will accompany you Let's go together, so we can pick up people before dark."

Seeing that Zhang Ren was so enthusiastic, Lin Ye didn't refuse. It was indeed getting dark, and it would be a bit troublesome for him to pick up people by then, so he nodded, "Then I'll trouble Brother Zhang."

Soon, darkness enveloped the earth, and a blood moon hung in the sky, and the black mist could not conceal the blood moon's chilling aura.

After a while, two figures appeared on the messy pedestrian street, no, four figures to be precise.

Lin Ye sat on a huge golden retriever dog, followed by Zhang Ren who was riding Ah Hui.

Lin Ye had told Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei to wait for him in the temporary camp long before departure, while Zhang Ren accompanied him to pick up Xuewu and Li Jie.

Lin Ye used the moonlight to scan his memory and ran towards the place where Xuewu was. He didn't encounter any zombies along the way. In a small town like this, zombies either gather together or there are not many zombies at all. This is also convenient for Lin Ye. Yep they act.

Moreover, the mutant beasts were much faster than humans. In less than half an hour, Lin Ye and Zhang Ren arrived at the street where Xuewu was hiding.

"Is this here? Xiao Lin?" Zhang Ren changed his address to Lin Ye.

"That's right, it's here." There were crawlers visiting this street once, and Lin Ye remembered it clearly.

"Well, let's go in then."

After finding the place, Lin Ye went in first, and when he entered, he found something was wrong.

Next to a small building on this street, there were several decent motorcycles and a minivan.

Lin Ye squinted his eyes and found that there were four or five people smoking in the corner of the building. They looked very leisurely, and they were getting closer, and the conversation of several people came directly.

"Ha, these two are pretty good at fighting. The boss has been blocked for a long time, but he didn't catch him." One of them yawned.

"Hey, it will be troublesome to meet any zombies later." The other said worriedly.

"Tsk, it's nothing to run into zombies, the boss is here, our lineup, let alone zombies, we are not afraid of a few mutant beasts."

"Don't talk about mutant beast zombies, I've been numb these days, let's talk about that woman just now, tsk tsk, I don't know if the boss surrendered or not."

"You guys watch it first, I'll take a piss." Several people were chatting, one of them threw away the cigarette, and when he turned around, he suddenly saw two tall figures.

Looking at the mutated golden retriever under Lin Ye, he was terrified. What the man saw was a pair of green eyes, and he backed up a few steps in fright, and fell into the crowd, "Mutated beast, there is a mutated beast!" beast."

When he yelled, several people who were originally in low spirits suddenly trembled. Due to the darkness, they only recognized two huge mutant dogs, and they all grabbed the weapons in their hands.

Compared with other mutant beasts, mutant dogs are more common in Doomsday, and they are generally not very powerful.

But one is alright, the second seems to be too much for the few of them, one of them took the lead and shouted: "Quick, call the brothers, and Fat Brother and Sister Xiaotong to help."

Soon a person ran back in a panic.

Lin Ye took a general look and found that this group of people didn't seem to be good at it. Most of the weapons in their hands were iron rods, and some were holding knives.

Cars and weapons are the standard equipment for a survivor team in the apocalypse, and it is also the key for ordinary people to fight against zombies. Of course, supernatural beings are also indispensable.

No wonder this team is smoking recklessly here, it turned out to be a little dependent.

When Lin Ye observed them, they all looked at Lin Ye nervously.In their eyes, the mutant beast was nothing. The point was that there was someone riding on the mutant beast. On second thought, it was very likely that this was the same supernatural being as their boss.

(End of this chapter)

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