Chapter 678
After hearing the words of the third corpse king of the fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior in the epic, Lin Hua showed a happy expression on his face and said, "Okay, what I want to ask is, how many of your ancient zombie warrior army have gathered now? It wasn't sent here to stop our human army, but what is the strength of your ancient zombie warrior's corpse king?" Lin Hua asked directly to the third corpse king of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the third corpse king, frowned, because Lin Huaye was sensitive to these questions, but then the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the third corpse king, frowned. The Three Corpse Kings thought for a while that Lin Hua and the others were about to die in his hands, even if they found out the news, there was nothing they could do!

After thinking of this, the third zombie king of the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior said slowly, "Our army has gathered about 500 million people. Our army is here to stop and destroy your human army. I don’t know the strength of my emperor.”

Lin Hua didn't react after hearing the words of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior. Regarding the previous two questions, Lin Hua had already guessed the answer. What Lin Hua wanted to know most was the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor. strength, but it's a pity that this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, doesn't want to talk about it.

Then Lin Hua said to the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king, "I have already asked all my questions. I'm sorry I can't tell you the answers to the two questions you just asked me."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others couldn't help laughing, and the face of the third-level zombie warrior of the epic fifth level showed some murderous intent, but she still held back, because she still I wanted to ask Lin Hua some questions, and then the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, said, "How many of your human armies are here?"

After Lin Hua heard the words of the third zombie warrior of the epic fifth rank, she shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, your question is sensitive, and I won't answer sensitive questions."

These few words of Lin Hua completely aroused the anger of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, and then the epic ancient zombie warrior third corpse king shouted at Lin Hua angrily, "Don't answer! Go to hell with me." After the third zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic finished speaking, the army of ancient zombie warriors behind rushed towards Lin Hua and the others, but the five ancient zombies of the fifth rank of the epic The soldier didn't move.

After Lin Hua saw that the army of ancient zombie warriors was already rushing up, he directly controlled the ice dragon to rush towards the army of ancient zombie warriors rushing forward.After seeing that the fight was already started, Ghost Dance at the back hugged Gutian directly, and flew towards the back of the army of ancient zombie warriors with the flying artifact, while Xuewu controlled the fire phoenix and also rushed towards the ancient zombies The army of soldiers rushed past.

And Li Jie and the others directly took out their respective weapons and rushed towards the army of ancient zombie warriors behind!
But when the two sides were about to fight together, Lin Hua directly released the skill Absolute Freeze at the army of ancient zombie warriors rushing forward.

In an instant, the army of ancient zombie warriors rushing over was directly frozen into transparent ice sculptures by Lin Hua's absolute freeze. Birch's skills are absolutely frozen to frostbite.

And the five ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of the epic were particularly angry after seeing that the ancient zombie warriors rushing over had been frozen by Lin Hua's skill Absolute Freeze. The high-level ancient zombie warrior Zombie King waved their weapons and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others. At this moment, they wanted to tear Lin Hua apart.

"Papa papa" There was a sound of ice sculptures shattering.The bodies of these ancient zombie warriors who were frozen into ice sculptures by Lin Hua's absolute freeze were directly shattered, forming a vacuum zone several hundred meters long.

And those epic-level human superpowers behind Lin Hua were very excited when they saw that Lin Hua had killed so many ancient zombie warriors in an instant, and rushed forward one after another.

After Lin Hua looked at the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King rushing forward, Lin Hua released her clone of the Frost Profound Truth. In an instant, two supernatural beings exactly the same as Lin Hua appeared beside Lin Hua. !
"Boss, Beibei, Huo Guang and I can deal with each of us," Li Jie said directly to Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua looked at the three of them, he directly controlled a supernatural body and directly faced the No. 15 corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank in the epic, and Lin Hua's body directly went to fight the most powerful The third corpse king of ancient zombie warriors.

Li Jie, Beibei, and Huo Guang were alone against an epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king.

Lin Hua's remaining supernatural body was controlled by Lin Hua, and the two of them, Binglong and the others, rushed towards the vacuum behind with everyone else.

The vacuum zone only existed for about half a minute before it was occupied by the rushing ancient zombie warriors. However, Lin Hua's supernatural body once again released the skills of absolute freezing. In an instant, the strength of the rushing ancient zombie warrior army The low ones were directly frozen!Then there was a burst of "cracking" ice sculptures shattering.

However, not all ancient zombie fighters were frozen by the absolute freezing of Lin Hua's supernatural body. Some ancient zombie fighters with a higher epic level were not frozen, but these ancient zombies that were not frozen The fighters were handed over to Heisha and the others to deal with them.

At this time, Heisha and the others were very excited to fight with those epic superpowers, because Lin Hua's supernatural body and the ice dragon opened the way, they simply slaughtered these ancient zombie warriors rushing along the way.

And Gui Wu used the flying artifact to quickly find a very good position on the mountain road behind, put Gu Tian there, and then Gui Wu flew back!
After Gu Tian was put down, he immediately began to summon stone men and elf archers, and then Gu Tian controlled these stone men and elf archers to attack the ancient zombie warriors in the mountain road below, where Gu Tian is located The location is in the middle of the Hollow Mountain Mountain Road, above the highest peak.

(End of this chapter)

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