Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 682 The Stone Man

Chapter 682 The Stone Man

At this time, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic who was fighting with Lin Hua, the third corpse king, was very disturbed when he saw Lin Hua's supernatural being coming, because they were five ancient zombies of the fifth level of the epic. Warrior Corpse King, now he is the only one left!

And even though Lin Hua's supernatural body stood behind him and didn't make a move, he didn't need to think about it, he knew that he was waiting for an opportunity, a chance to kill with one blow, as long as he showed a little flaw, then That supernatural body of Lin Hua who was standing there without moving would definitely rush over and attack him.

After thinking of this, the third corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior in the epic five, became even more worried. Every time he defended against Lin Hua's attack, he was deeply afraid that he would show his flaws that time and let him The supernatural body of Lin Hua who was waiting by the side made a surprise attack.

After Lin Hua saw the worry of the third zombie warrior of the epic fifth rank, she smiled and said, "What's the matter, are you particularly worried that you will die in my hands? In fact, you don't have to worry about it. It's an inevitable thing"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the third corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior in Epic Five, also knew that even if he was undefeated now, he would lose later, it was only a matter of time, and then said, "Even if I die If we are here, then our great corpse emperor will also avenge us."

After Lin Hua heard the words of the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, she couldn't help but intensified her offensive and said, "You just believe that this battle between the human army and the ancient zombie warrior army will definitely be your ancient zombie warrior. Did the army win, instead of our human army, and you said that your corpse emperor will avenge you, I feel ridiculous, why do you trust your corpse emperor so much?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, this epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, guarded every attack of Lin Hua vigilantly, while saying, "Hehe, because she is our emperor, she can lead our ancient zombies The army of warriors wiped out your human emperor, our army of ancient zombie warriors will definitely win, and you humans are just fighting in the corner."

"Hehe, let's see who will win in the end, but you shouldn't be able to see it." After Lin Hua finished speaking, Lin Hua's body disappeared directly in front of this ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king. The third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior saw that Lin Hua's body had disappeared. He knew that it was not good. He knew that Lin Hua planned to end the battle as soon as possible. Lin Hua's supernatural body, but when she turned around, she found that Lin Hua's supernatural body behind him had also disappeared.

At this time, the third zombie king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic, felt a strong sense of danger attacking from his heart!He looked directly at the other two directions, but when she just turned around and looked to the left, she had developed Lin Hua's body, and was stabbing at her heart with the Eight Strange Cold Sword, but this Epic Level [-] The third corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior, was not an ordinary person. Although the time was a bit rushed, she still used her big knife in time to block Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword stabbing her heart.

"Pfft..." But just when he resisted Lin Hua's body's eight-odd cold sword that stabbed at her, on the right side of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior third corpse king, the eighth-level body of Lin Hua's supernatural body The Qihan sword directly pierced this, the head of the third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior.

And this ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king, felt that his head had been stabbed, and he should have died on the spot, but he was unwilling to die, turned around abruptly, and saw Lin Hua's strange appearance. The eight strange cold sword of the energy body pierced her head, and then the two eyes opened wide, looking at Lin Hua's ability body, but Lin Hua's ability body pulled out the ancient zombie that pierced into the fifth level of the epic. After the eight strange cold swords on the head of the warrior third corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior third corpse king of this epic five miles slowly fell down.

It turns out that when Lin Hua's main body disappeared using the skill Ice Shifting Phantom just now, Lin Hua's supernatural body also disappeared with the skill Shifting Ice Phantom at that time. After Lin Hua's main body disappeared, it reappeared at the fifth level of the epic. On the left side of the zombie warrior third corpse king, Lin Hua stabbed at the body of this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior third corpse king with her eight-odd cold sword, but it was a pity that the ancient zombie warrior third corpse warrior who reacted in time The corpse king blocked it with a big knife, but Lin Hua was not alone. When Lin Hua's body appeared on the left side of the third corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, Lin Hua's supernatural body It was Lin Hua's supernatural body that appeared on the right side of the third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, and stabbed directly with her eight strange cold sword. Towards the head of the third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of level [-] epic, although the third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of level [-] epic reflected in time to block the attack of Lin Hua's body, but it did not resist and Lin Hua's attack. At the same time, Hua attacked her, and Lin Hua's supernatural body attacked, so this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, was pierced through Lin Hua's supernatural body and died.

Lin Hua's body directly used the Baqi Hanjian to take out the heterogeneous nucleus in the head of this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king.

After Lin Hua killed the third zombie warrior, the five epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior corpse kings who came to stop the human army were all dead.

After Lin Hua took out the heterogeneous core of the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king, she did not take back her supernatural body, but ran forward with the supernatural body.

When Lin Hua and his supernatural body ran to Heisha and they got stuck around the corner of the army of ancient zombie warriors, they couldn't help being shocked, because Lin Hua saw that Li Jie and the others almost slaughtered these ancient zombie warriors, everywhere. The corpse of an ancient zombie warrior.

Most of the ancient zombie warriors rushing forward were injured, some were still burning with fire, some were corroded and emitting black smoke with a pungent smell, and some ancient There are still a few arrows missing from the zombie warrior.

But Li Jie and the others knew that Lin Hua must have killed the most powerful ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king, after seeing Lin Hua coming!Can't help but feel a big shock of confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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