Chapter 686
Although it is absurd to use more than 100 people to defeat an army of millions of ancient zombies, only a miracle will happen, and Lin Hua and his hundred and ten people can defeat an army of one million.

However, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, hoped that Lin Hua could create a miracle. Otherwise, their three days would have been wasted, and he is the most powerful human being, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City. A lot will be lost too.

Just after the three deputy city lords left the tent of the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, they happened to meet the epic fourth-tier city lord Bai Zhantang who came back to report.

The three deputy city lords of the fourth level of the epic knew that Bai Zhantang was a member of the vanguard. He must have brought back some news when he came back this time. They were all very curious about what news Bai Zhantang brought back.

Then Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the epic fourth level, said to Bai Zhantang, "City lord Bai, did you bring some important news when you came back so late?"

"That's right, City Lord Bai, aren't you in the vanguard, why did you come back suddenly?" Another city lord of the fourth-level epic asked Su Xing
Bai Zhantang of the fourth level of the epic knew that the three of them were the three deputy city masters of Yehua City. After looking at the three deputy city masters of the fourth level of the epic, Bai Zhantang said slowly, "I did bring back a piece of news this time. And it’s very big news, I told you that you might not believe it.”

After hearing the words of Bai Zhantang from the fourth level of the epic, the three city masters of the fourth level of the epic showed some puzzled expressions on their faces, and they were all guessing in their hearts what the news that Bai Zhantang would bring back would be.

Then a deputy city lord of level [-] epic asked Bai Zhantang, "City lord Bai, are you coming back to tell us that it is a lie that Lin Hua found an army of ancient zombie warriors ambushing in Hollow Mountain?"

"Yes, City Lord Bai, are you coming back to tell us that no ancient zombie army was found in Hollow Mountain?" Wei Chen, the city lord of the fourth level of epic, said with a worried expression on his face.

After hearing the words of the two deputy city lords of the fourth level of epic, Bai Zhantang was completely surrounded, but Bai Zhantang was not an ordinary person, and then he understood the meaning of these city lords, and then faced the three deputy of the fourth level of epic. The city lord said, "Don't guess the three deputy city lords. There is indeed an army of ancient zombie soldiers ambushing in Hollow Mountain, but it's not just a million, but 200 million. This is what I saw with my own eyes."

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, the three city masters of the fourth level of epic all showed shocked expressions, because they could tell from Bai Zhantang's eyes that Bai Zhantang didn't seem to be lying!Then it means that they all blamed Lin Hua wrongly.

Then Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic, said to Bai Zhantang, the deputy city owner of the fourth level of the epic, "The meaning of the return of the city lord Bai is that he wants the human army to go and fight the ancient zombie warrior army ambushing in the hollow mountain?"

After hearing this, Bai Zhantang, the city lord of the fourth-tier epic, smiled and said, "I really want the army to move forward, but it's not to fight, but to pick up the alien core, that's fine, I won't tell you Alright, let me tell the news to Yehua City Lord." After Bai Zhantang finished speaking, he walked towards Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang's tent.

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, the three city lords of the fourth level of epic had very confused expressions on their faces. They didn't know what Bai Zhantang meant, and then the three of them followed Bai Zhantang to the tent of Duanmu Hanjiang gone.

When Bai Zhantang walked into the tent of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, he happened to hear Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, sighing.

"City Master Yehua, what's there to sigh about? Is it because of the army of ancient zombie warriors ambushing in Hollow Mountain?" Bai Zhantang walked into the tent, looked at Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yecha who was sighing, and said.

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the Lord of Night Talk, raised his head to look at the happy Bai Zhantang, and knew that Bai Zhantang must have brought news when he came back, and the current state of Bai Zhantang should be good news. Han Jiang said slowly to Bai Zhantang, "City Master Bai, the news brought back this time must be good news, otherwise you wouldn't be so happy."

As soon as the words of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang of Yehua were spoken, three city lords of the fourth level of the epic also entered the tent of Duanmu Hanjiang of the city lord of Yehua.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, looked at the three deputy city lords of the fourth level of epic, and then looked directly at Bai Zhantang.

After Bai Zhantang heard the words of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang in Yehua, he smiled and said, "It's good news, great news, but when I'm talking about the news, I want to ask the city lord first, is it because you sighed just because of something inside Hollow Mountain?" Sighing at the army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush."

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, smiled and said, "Looking at you, it should be Lin Hua who killed the ancient zombie warriors lying in wait in Hollow Mountain."

After hearing Hua, the lord of the night talk, Bai Zhantang had a depressed expression on his face at that time, because Bai Zhantang didn't expect that the lord of the night talk city would be so smart to guess this matter all at once.

After seeing the gloomy expression on Bai Zhantang's face, Yehua City Master suddenly stood up, and said with a smile, "Lin Hua, I really didn't see you, you really created a miracle."

At this time, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, had already guessed it, and the news brought back by Bai Zhantang!
After hearing the words of the city lord of Yehua, Duanmu Hanjiang, the three city lords of the fourth level of epic all looked at the city lord of Yehua with puzzled faces, not knowing why he suddenly said these words.

After Bai Zhantang heard the words of the city master Yehua, he immediately understood that the city master must have guessed the information he brought back, and he admired the wisdom of the city master Yehua in his heart!

Then Bai Zhantang directly said to the Yehua City Lord, "Although the City Lord has already guessed it, the news I brought back, but I still need to say it again."

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, sat down and said to Bai Zhantang, "Tell me, tell me what happened today in detail. I want to see how Lin Hua created a miracle."

After hearing the words of the Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, the three epic fourth-tier deputy city lords looked at Bai Zhantang with special curiosity about what happened to them today.

Bai Zhantang looked at the three curious-looking fourth-rank deputy city masters of the epic and said slowly, "I said that what I saw with my own eyes and what I heard with my own ears are all facts. There are 200 million ancient zombie warriors ambushing in Hollow Mountain. , was led by five ancient zombie warriors of the fifth epic level, but the army of 200 million ancient zombie warriors was wiped out by us at around three o'clock this afternoon, and we humans The army killed 23 epic-level supernatural beings, and those ancient zombie warriors' different nuclear forest city lords let us fighters only collect supernatural-level supernatural cores, and the other heterogeneous cores are reserved for the human army behind."

(End of this chapter)

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