Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 688 Who Is Responsible

Chapter 688 Who Is Responsible

Because he knew that the words of these two epic fourth-tier city lords were the voices of most of the city lords, because they were all dissatisfied with believing in Lin Hua and wasting a day.

Then Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, smiled and said, "I believe that what the two city lords said just now represents the aspirations of all the city lords. They are all dissatisfied with my belief that Lin Hua gave him three days, but it doesn't matter. It didn't take three days, Lin Hua just used a team of more than 100 people to kill an army of 200 million ancient zombie warriors led by five epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior corpse kings."

After hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, bursts of noisy voices rang out from those city lords. Almost all the city lords did not believe that what Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, said was true!
Because this news is too incredible, how could it be possible, and then a city lord of the fourth level of epic asked Yehua City Master, "Yehua City Master, you really know how to joke, how can this be true?"

"That's right, Yehua City Master, Lin Hua and the others used more than 100 people to defeat the 200 million ancient zombie warriors led by five epic fifth-order ancient zombie warriors. How could this be true?" Another epic four Said the super city lord.

"Right, yes, I don't believe it's true either, City Lord Yehua, did Bai Zhantang bring this news back, you must have heard of it too." Another city lord of level [-] epic stood up and faced Duanmu, the city lord of Yehua. Han Jiang said.

"Indeed, the Lord Bai of Baizhantang brought it back. Do you have any questions?" Duanmu Hanjiang, the Lord of Yehua, said slowly after hearing the words of the fourth-level epic city lord just now.

"City Lord Bai, what do you mean by saying that? Why do you want to deceive everyone? I'm very strange right now." The city lord who spoke just now at the fourth level of Epic asked Bai Zhantang.

"Yeah, City Lord Bai, why did you bring back this news to lie to everyone? How could you more than 100 people defeat an army of millions of ancient zombie warriors?" asked another city lord of the fourth-level epic.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, anyway, I saw it with my own eyes," Bai Zhantang said after hearing the words of those city lords, because she was very unhappy when she heard what the city lords said just now.

"City Lord Bai, what kind of attitude is this? It's reasonable for you to deceive people, isn't it?" said another epic fourth-tier city lord.

"Okay, let's be quiet, everyone, I know everyone doesn't believe the words of Lord Bai, but we will march tomorrow, and you can see the results tomorrow, but since you don't believe so much, I think the 200 million ancient There is no need to keep the heterocore of the zombie warriors. After all, they worked hard to defeat the 200 million ancient zombie warrior army. Those heteronuclei will be assigned by the vanguard of the city lord Lin." Said slowly.

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, these city lords showed some sarcasm on their faces, because they didn't believe that Lin Hua and the others defeated the 200 million ancient zombies led by five epic fifth-level ancient zombie warriors. The army of soldiers, they thought it was Bai Zhantang and Yehua City Lord who joined forces to deceive them.

"Yehua City Master, we will know the result tomorrow, but if all these things are false, because Lin Hua has delayed our human army's march for a day, how many ancient zombie warriors will be created in this day's time?" Gathering, who will be responsible for the consequences of this?" A fourth-tier epic city lord said slowly to the night chat city lord.

"That's right, the city lord of the night talk, it has delayed our day. Who will be responsible for the consequences? Who can be responsible? This is a major event related to the life and death of our human beings." Another city lord of level [-] epic stood up Said.

After hearing what they said, the city lord Yehua showed some anger on his face under the mask, and then said angrily, "Then what good ideas do you two have, just say it."

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, after being a little angry, the two city lords of the fourth epic level who spoke just now felt a little uneasy, because they did not expect that what they said just now would anger the city lord Yehua, but They all said it just now, and there was no turning back when they opened the bow, so they could only continue talking.

The epic fourth-level master who questioned the Yehua City Lord just now, although I was a little afraid of the Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang, but after thinking about it, I said, "Yehua City Lord, I don’t mean to blame you, I know you must have been punished by Lin Hua's bewitchment, that's why they ordered the army to stop marching. The culprit in this matter is Lin Hua, and it has nothing to do with you. You just need to punish Lin Hua."

"Yeah, Lord Yehua, all of this has nothing to do with you, it's all Lin Hua's fault, I think Lin Hua has wasted a precious day for our human army, even if you kill him, you won't be able to make amends. So I think Yehua City Lord will kill Lin Huali's military power," another city lord who questioned Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang's epic level [-] said slowly.

After hearing the words of the two city lords of the fourth level of the epic, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, was furious. Just when he was about to stand up to speak, he looked at Bai Zhantang's face and stood up angrily.

At this time, Bai Zhantang was very angry, because the two city lords just didn't believe his words at all, they didn't believe him at all, and they wanted to get rid of Lin Hua. He was not reconciled to Lin Hua, because Lin Hua brought their 100 Many people are working desperately to ensure that the human army behind can reach their destination without any damage, but these two city lords really want Lin Hua to die. How can this not make him angry.

After seeing Bai Zhantang standing up angrily, all the city lords looked at Bai Zhantang to see what he was going to do.

Bai Zhantang looked at the two city lords who wanted to punish Lin Hua to death just now, and said, "Hehe, the two city lords have always said that they want to get rid of Lin Hua, but you will see it tomorrow. Killed the army of millions of ancient zombie warriors, you question our hero and disturb the morale of the army, don't you two deserve to die?"

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, the city lords who bought two epic fourth-tiers stood up at that time, and they were all very angry. One of the epic fourth-tier city lords said, "Bai Zhantang, what do you mean? You can sleep well when you say this. It's good." "

"Yeah, Bai Zhantang, you and Lin Hua are in the same group, and you are also the one who delayed the march this time. You should die," said another city lord of the fourth-tier epic.

(End of this chapter)

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