Chapter 695
Then all the people came to the spacious place in the middle of the camp, and when those human supernatural beings saw that there was something exciting to watch, they all surrounded them.

Li Jie was fighting Sun Wu, and the zombie slayer Wu Yu was fighting Chen Zhang. Because they didn't see Lin Hua doing it himself, these city lords were inevitably a little disappointed!
But disappointment is disappointment, and this can be regarded as watching the excitement. At this time, these city owners guessed that among the four of them, which two would survive.

Gu Tian and the others within the circle surrounded by human supernatural beings all took out their weapons and prepared to fight!
Lin Hua looked at the four people who were already ready to be killed, and said slowly, "Gu Tian, ​​kill Wu Yu as soon as possible, and we will continue on our way later."

"Boss understands," Gu Tian said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Don't worry, boss," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said directly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the two city lords at the fourth level of Epic had sarcasm all over their faces.

Sun Wu, the city lord of Tier [-] Epic, said, "Lin Hua, you and Yehua have already agreed, if we win, let us go."

Lin Hua smiled after hearing the words of Sun Wu, the fourth-level city lord of this epic, and said, "I, Lin Hua, am a trustworthy person, but there is no chance at all."

Just as Lin Hua's voice fell, Gu Tian waved her big knife and rushed towards Sun Wu, the epic fourth-level city lord, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, waved her two sharp claws and rushed towards Chen Zhang.

"Bang bang bang" Sun Wu, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, saw Gutian rushing towards him wielding a big knife, and he also waved her big knife and rushed towards Gutian. When the battle started, there was a fierce confrontation sound!
And Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, was extremely fast. When he was a few meters away from Chen Zhang, the fourth-level city lord of the epic, Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, immediately accelerated violently!And Chen Zhang, the fourth-level city lord of the epic, became a little vigilant after seeing Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, speeding up fiercely, because this battle was about her life and death.

Because Gu Tian and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, are both at the peak of the fourth-order epic, and although the two city lords are at the fourth-order epic, they are only at the beginning of the fourth-order epic, so they died soon. In the hands of Gu Tian and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer.

And those supernatural beings who watched the excitement saw that the battle was over so quickly, they all admired Lin Hua's vanguard even more, and admired their strength.

Those city lords were particularly shocked when they saw these two epic level [-] city lords, Sun Wu and Chen Zhang, who died so quickly. They didn't expect Gu Tian and the zombie slayer Wu Yu to also be epic level [-] Strength, but the strength gap is so big.

Secretly admire Lin Hua and the others, Lin Hua and their vanguard are really extraordinary.

After Lin Hua saw that the two city lords of the fourth level of epic had been killed, she smiled and said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, "City lord of Yehua City, now these two city lords of level [-] epic have affected The morale of the army has already been dealt with, I think after that, the morale of our human army should be stable, and there will be no more troubles."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the Lord Yehua smiled and said, "City Lord Lin, you have made great contributions to our human army this time, and you still left so many different cores for the human army. If you win, your credit is indispensable.”

Lin Hua smiled after hearing the words of the Yehua City Lord, "Yehua City Lord, I still say that, just to live."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, all the city lords couldn't help being stunned. Why didn't they just want to live? After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, smiled and said, "City lord Lin There is nothing wrong with that, but to live, to live for others and to live for ourselves, I think when everyone lives for others, the victory we want to win is just around the corner.”

After hearing the words of Duan Muhan, the city lord of the night talk, he couldn't help but smile. It can be said that he, Lin Hua, has always lived for others, and has never lived for himself!But Lin Hua likes this feeling, the feeling of being needed.

Then Lin Hua slowly said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, "This war is really not easy to win. Where did I get some important news from that ancient zombie warrior corpse king?"

After hearing that Lin Hua had important news to say, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, and the other city lords continued to return to the tent in the conference hall.

After all the city lords had already sat down, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, slowly said to Lin Hua, "City lord Lin, tell everyone the news you got, so all the lords of the city are here." of'

Lin Hua looked at the city lords, not at all, because these city lords once suspected that he had any dissatisfaction, but as if it had never happened. Li Jie and the others did not have a tent in the conference hall, but waited for Lin Hua outside the tent. Woolen cloth.

When Lin Hua looked at the city lords in the tent of the meeting hall, they all had complicated expressions, and they all felt ashamed of what happened last night!How could Lin Hua not know the reason for this, and then smiled and said, "Don't feel ashamed because of what happened yesterday, city masters, there is no need for this at all, we are all for the human army to defeat the ancient zombies It’s just an army of soldiers, our goals are the same, just think in one place and use energy in one place’

After hearing Lin Hua's words, these city owners felt even more ashamed. Lin Hua looked at these city owners and said, "Actually, our situation this time is very pessimistic. Where did I get the news from that ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king?" , this time the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang has gathered no less than 500 million ancient zombie warriors. The strength of this ancient zombie warrior Shihuang is at least at the first level of immortality. He has a total of eighteen ancient zombie warriors. , the strengths are all at the fifth level of the epic. According to the ranking of strength, they are ranked from the first to the eighteenth corpse king. Among the five we killed this time, the strongest is the third corpse king, whose strength has faintly reached the peak of the fifth level of the epic. I I think the strength of the remaining first corpse king and second corpse king is higher than this third corpse king, and the minimum should be the peak of the fifth-order epic."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone was shocked, and their faces showed some shock. They no longer doubted Lin Hua's words.

(End of this chapter)

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