Chapter 699 Warning
Just when Zhang Ze had found a place and was about to make it convenient, the second zombie king, the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, had quietly arrived not far from her.

As the third zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic approached slowly, although the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic tried his best to control his footsteps, it was heard by Zhang Ze.

Then Zhang Ze looked back, and the second corpse king, the fifth-order ancient zombie warrior in the epic, rushed over quickly when he saw that Zhang Ze was going to turn his head back.

"Ah, there are zombies." Zhang Ze, who turned his head, yelled when he saw the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior rushing towards him, and was knocked out by the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior.

This epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the second corpse king, directly carried Zhang Ze on his shoulders and ran to the back.

After Heisha and the others heard Zhang Ze's voice just now, they immediately became vigilant and called out Lin Hua and the others who were resting.

And Gu Tian ran towards the place where Zhang Ze yelled just now with four epic-level superpowers.

Just in time, I saw the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior carrying Zhang Zeyuan away!Then Gutian shouted loudly, "here, a group of ancient corpse warriors" and then Gutian chased after that ancient zombie warrior, the third corpse king.

After hearing Gu Tian's words, they came to their senses, Lin Hua and the others all rushed over, and the other ancient zombie warriors, the corpse king, saw it just now. All of them ran towards that ancient zombie warrior, the second corpse king.

When Lin Hua saw those ancient zombie warriors running back with Zhang Ze on their shoulders, she immediately released the ice bondage, and then used the skill Shifting Ice Phantom to chase those ancient zombie warriors.

The ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, the tenth corpse king, looked at Lin Hua who was about to chase them, and said to the second corpse king, "Second corpse king, there is a person behind us who is going to catch up with us, do you want to kill him? "

After hearing the words of the tenth corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the second corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, looked back at Lin Hua and said, "Tenth corpse king, take this human back first. , interrogate the news, I will hold this human being”

After the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic finished speaking, he straightened his steps and handed Zhang Ze, who was carried on his shoulder, to the tenth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic.

And that ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, the tenth corpse king, picked it up directly and Zhang Ze ran to the back.

After Lin Hua looked at the ancient zombie warriors who had stopped, he didn't stop, and continued to chase the ancient zombie warrior Tenth Corpse King who was carrying Zhang Ze running with his Ice-moving Phantom.

Because Lin Hua saw that the strength of these ancient zombie warriors was not low, several of them were at the fifth level of epic strength, they did not attack, but robbed people, Lin Hua had already guessed that these ancient zombie warriors The purpose of kidnapping Zhang Ze.

Those ancient zombie warriors who stopped in their tracks saw that Lin Hua didn't stop at all, and they all understood that Lin Hua planned to stop the ancient zombie warrior in front of him, the Tenth Corpse King, and then they continued to run forward.

After Lin Hua used the ice-moving phantom five times, she came directly in front of the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, blocking her way.

After seeing Lin Hua blocking her way, the tenth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic stopped in his tracks and looked at Lin Hua coldly. At this time, her eyes showed some fear, because he I can't tell that there is a supernatural power, but Lin Hua obviously used his skills to catch up to him just now. There is a possibility that Lin Hua's level and strength are higher than him, but he guessed wrong, Lin Hua's level and strength are no higher than him. He is tall, and also has the strength of the fifth level of Epic, but it is only because Lin Hua and the others have eaten a fruit by mistake, so that others can't see his strength.

Soon the rest of the ancient zombie fighters all caught up, and they all stared at Lin Hua vigilantly.

Lin Hua looked at these ancient zombie warriors, and finally his eyes stayed on the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior who was at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, because Lin Hua could see that his strength was the strongest. The ancient zombie warrior of the third rank is much stronger than the third zombie king.

Moreover, the strength of the remaining four epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse kings is also stronger than that of the last epic fifth-order corpse kings.

Lin Hua had already guessed that they should be the subordinates of the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor. They came here to inquire about the news. Then Lin Hua said slowly, "Which corpse king are you, at least you should be the second corpse king?"

At this time, Li Jie and the others also chased after them, and stopped behind those ancient zombie warriors.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, couldn't help being shocked when he heard Lin Hua's words, but he immediately reacted, and then said to Lin Hua, "Did the third corpse king die in your hands?"

Lin Hua smiled after hearing the words of the second corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, and said, "Your third corpse king died in my hands, and the 3 million ancient zombie warrior he led The army of zombie soldiers was killed by more than 200 of us."

"What, how is it possible, more than 100 people have been killed, and the army of 200 million ancient zombie warriors led by the third corpse king, how is it possible?" The tenth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, said in disbelief.

"Human beings are cunning. He just wanted us to be afraid of them. How could more than 100 people defeat an army of 200 million?" the No. 11 corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, said slowly.

And the second corpse king, the most powerful ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth-order epic, smiled and said after hearing Lin Hua's words, "Hehe, do you think we will believe what you say?"

Lin Hua shook her head after hearing the words of the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the second zombie king, and said, "I didn't intend to convince you, you didn't attack us, but you kidnapped people to find out the news Well, is it your corpse emperor who is a little afraid of the strength of our human army?"

When they heard Lin Hua talk about their corpse king, the faces of these ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of the epic were full of anger, and their eyes were full of killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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