Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 711 Explanation of Old Fried Tiao

Chapter 711 Explanation of Old Fried Tiao
"Let's see, the old fritter Huo Guang has said so, can there be a lie?" Li Jie said a little proudly after hearing Huo Guang's words.

After hearing what Li Jie said, Huo Guang showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Huo Guang's nickname in their team was Lao Youtiao, because Huo Guang was very experienced in dealing with people, so Li Jie gave Huo Guang this nickname, and he called it just like that.

After Beibei heard Huo Guang's words, she believed Li Jie's analysis, because although Huo Guang's strength is not the strongest after Lin Hua, but in terms of fighting skills, he is the best besides Lin Hua So they trusted Huo Guang's words very much.

Then Beibei said to Li Jie, "Okay, okay, since the old youtiao said so, then I will trust your analysis."

After hearing Beibei's words, they made Li Jie and the others laugh. Li Jie and the others were not worried. Lin Hua was currently fighting the ancient zombie king who was at the peak of the epic level five.

Because they can all see that although Lin Hua has always been on the defensive, Lin Hua is indeed completely in the upper hand. If Lin Hua does not defend, with the same method, then Lin Hua will soon be able to win the victory , but Lin Hua didn't do this, and they all understood that if they did that, the risk would be too great, maybe Lin Hua might be injured, and now they are about to fight against the ancient zombie warriors gathered by the corpse king. , Lin Hua is the top powerhouse, who needs him to deal with the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang, how could Lin Hua be injured here.

After hearing Li Jie's laughter just now, the smile on Lin Hua's face didn't weaken at all, and she wasn't angry at all because they didn't come to help her.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level in the epic, saw Lin Hua and heard Li Jie's laughter. After he didn't get angry at all, he was very puzzled why Lin Hua didn't come to help his teammates, but instead Where to watch the fun, he didn't get angry at all.

Then the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level [-], sneered at Lin Hua and said, "Hehe, is this your human army? You don't even know to come to help you after the battle is over, because these are not as good as our zombies. It’s really ridiculous to want to defeat the army led by our corpse emperor.”

After Lin Hua heard the transformation of the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, she couldn't help but smiled and said, "Didn't you see it? Although they didn't come to help, they were watching our battle all the time. , even the different cores are not charged, do you know why?"

After hearing Lin Hua's transformation, the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, frowned on his distorted face because of his anger, and then said, "Because they don't want to help you, but because it's a team. Yes, face needs to be decent, that's why they watched our battles instead of picking up different cores."

After Lin Hua heard the words of the ancient zombie warrior corpse king with the peak strength of the epic level [-], she smiled and said, "You really think about it, but you are wrong. The reason why they don't come to help is first of all because they all I can see that I have the upper hand because I don’t need their help. The second is their absolute trust in me. This is something that you zombies don’t have. When you are human, you may have trust, but you have become a zombie. After that, maybe I have forgotten what trust is.”

What Lin Hua said was correct. Li Jie and the others didn't come to help because of their trust in Lin Hua. They believed that Lin Hua could defeat this epic fifth-order peak-strength ancient zombie warrior, the second corpse king, so they didn't have any A man from here came to help.

And after hearing Lin Hua's words, the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, couldn't help but become even more angry. Although the ancient zombie warriors of the lower level who have no wisdom have little trust in the same half, this does not mean that they These high-levels have IQs not weaker than human beings, ancient zombie warriors, corpse kings, and they have no trust in each other!
They have special trust in the powerful ancient zombie warriors, just like they trust the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor. All their ancient zombie warriors believe that their great emperor will definitely lead them to the ancient zombie warriors. The army of zombie warriors wiped out all the human beings in this world, and let the world be completely reduced to the rule of zombies.

Lin Hua looked at the attack of the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, a little unstable!Lin Hua knew that the second zombie king, the fifth-tier epic zombie warrior, saw that he had been attacking him for so long, and he was still defensive, so he relaxed his vigilance a bit.

However, Lin Hua still didn't do it directly, but continued to wait, waiting for a chance to kill this ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth-order peak, or the second corpse king.

"The second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, his attack was much more relaxed. Why didn't the boss seize the opportunity to attack him directly? What a good opportunity it was just now." Li Jie looked at the battle. Lin Hua asked a little puzzled.

"Yeah, it was really a good opportunity just now, why didn't the boss attack the second zombie warrior of the epic fifth rank?" Gu Tian also asked in puzzlement.

"Old Youtiao, you know why not, if you know, explain to us" Beibei asked directly to Huo Guang
"Yeah, old fritters, if you know, please explain to us, you are the one with the most combat experience besides the boss, you must know what's going on," Gao Fei said after looking at Huo Guang.

Then several people looked at Huo Guang, waiting for his explanation!

After Huo Guang heard them call him old fritters, he habitually smiled awkwardly and said, "Leader Lin just saw that ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth-order peak. Completely relax, although just now may be the best chance for leader Lin to kill the second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth-level epic, but with the personality of leader Lin, for the sake of safety, he is afraid that it will be the fifth-level epic The second corpse king at the pinnacle did that on purpose, to induce himself to do it. At that time, the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic suddenly became sharp and attacked leader Lin. If leader Lin reacted slowly, he would definitely be seriously injured , So League Leader Lin didn't attack the ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth-order just now, but was waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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