Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 733 What a pity

Chapter 733 What a pity
There is no problem in chasing Lin Hua now, because they have always been within the range of their ancient zombie warrior army, but if they chase Lin Hua and the others, if Lin Hua and the others ambush themselves, the speed of the ancient zombie warrior army will be reduced. It simply can't keep up with the speed of flight, then the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuoke will really fight alone, but the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo doesn't want to give up the chance to chase Lin Hua later, because this ancient Zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo also knows that Lin Hua is one of the two most powerful people in the human army. As long as Lin Hua is killed, then the remaining coach of the human army, Night Talk City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang, is powerful. Powerful, but still no match for him, but this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo is still afraid that he will be ambushed!Therefore, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo seemed particularly hesitant and didn't know what to do.

After more than ten minutes passed like this, the abilities of Xuewu and Guiwute had consumed about [-]% of their abilities one after another, and then the two of them did not fly towards Lin Hua, but directly towards Duanmuhan, the lord of Yehua City. Jiang flew away to where they were resting.

After Lin Hua looked at Xue Wu and the others who were flying towards the back, Lin Hua pretended to be tired and smiled and said, "That's all for today, I will come tomorrow."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she flew directly to the back without looking back. After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo heard Lin Hua's words, some hesitation appeared on his face, because she still made the choice now. It's time to continue chasing Lin Hua. There are two possibilities. One is to wait for Lin Hua's abilities to be exhausted, and then killing Lin Hua will be an easy task to defeat the human army. Another possibility is that Lin Hua The exhausted look on Hua's face was all faked, all to seduce him to pursue him, and to ambush him when the time came, even though it was the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo was not afraid of Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang. They teamed up to deal with themselves, but the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo really didn't want to take the slightest risk, because his goal has not been achieved yet, and human beings have not been completely wiped out. Thousands of ancient zombie warriors will be defeated by humans.

The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo thought of this, and finally decided not to pursue Lin Hua, because he didn't want to take the risk, so after watching Lin Hua leave, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo did not pursue, but quietly stay in the air.

And the eight ancient zombie warrior corpse kings with epic fifth-level strength all came to stand under the ancient zombie warrior emperor Nuo!

Lin Hua looked back, stopped in the air and didn't pursue herself, but kept looking at her ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, then sighed, thinking in her heart that if this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo pursued him How nice I should be.

After Xuewu and the others flew away, they found the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. Instead of Yuyu chasing Lin Hua, they stopped, waiting for Lin Hua, and they flew back together.

"It's a pity that this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo didn't chase us." After Lin Hua flew to Xuewu and the others, Ghost Dance said to Lin Hua.

"Well, it's a pity, but it's all expected. Although the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo is very angry, since he can be the emperor, his brain is definitely not bad. If you think about it casually, he won't pursue it," Lin Hua said after hearing Gui Wu's words.

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he immediately summoned the ice dragon, and then all three of them went on top of the ice dragon, which could reduce the consumption of Xuewu and the others' abilities.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xue Wu asked Lin Hua curiously, "If the boss follows what you say, then it's impossible for this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Zi Nuo, to chase us?"

"That's right, if he doesn't chase us, then Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, and the others are lying in ambush for nothing," Gui Wu said after hearing Xue Wu's words.

"Well, but this ancient zombie king didn't chase us this time, it doesn't mean he won't chase us in the future, this time he can hold back the killing intent in his heart, next time, big next time, but that is to say Not sure, so an ambush is very necessary, as long as he comes to chase us once." Lin Hua said after hearing what Xuewu and the others said.

"Oh, that's it, but today it seems that the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo can bear it quite well. I think most people can't bear the things that make people unbearable," Xuewu said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, sister Xuewu is right. Ordinary people can't help it. How many ancient zombie warriors have been killed, and the boss has been going around with him for such a long time. What if What I said, even if I knew it was an ambush, I couldn't swallow it, and besides, he couldn't be sure that we had an ambush." ​​Gui Wu thought for a while and said after hearing Xue Wu's words.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with this, but this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not have sat in the position of Emperor Zombie. When I left, I was in this ancient His hesitation can be seen in the eyes of the zombie warrior Zombie Emperor. He is not sure whether there will be an ambush, but he is very careful. This time he won't chase us." Lin Hua thought for a while after hearing Gui Wu's words.

"Is that because we didn't stimulate this ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo enough? If the stimulation is in place, he will chase us." Xuewu said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"I feel that what the boss said is not wrong. The ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, is so careful. It would be too much for us to come again a few times. This ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, will not even come to chase us." Ghost Dance said after thinking for a while .

"Well, we have two plans, even if the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo doesn't come to chase us, we have to ambush him, even if the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo really doesn't come to chase us once, then we consume Without the massive strength of the ancient army of zombie warriors, our efforts would not have been in vain," Lin Hua said after hearing what Xuewu and the others had said.

(End of this chapter)

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