Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 735 Offending the Corpse Emperor

Chapter 735 Offending the Corpse Emperor
After hearing the words of these two corpse kings, the other six corpse kings also knelt down. The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth-order epic said to the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo, "The emperor, The sixth and seventh corpse kings, they didn’t mean to offend the emperor, and we are now in the middle of employing people, so please give them another chance.”

"Yeah, the emperor haha, let's give the two corpse kings a chance. They are also thinking about our army. They just messed up because the army wasted a lot at a time," said the epic fifth-level strength. The fifth corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior, said slowly.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo looked at the eight corpse kings kneeling in front of him, shook his head, sighed and said, "You all get up, I understand that you have consumed a lot because of the army, and one I was in a bad mood, and I was also in a bad mood. I blamed me why I didn’t go after those humans, and I thought in my heart that I was timid, afraid of being ambushed by humans, and dared not pursue them.”

"The emperor doesn't think so in our hearts. We all know that the emperor didn't pursue those humans for the sake of the overall situation." The first zombie, the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, heard it, the ancient zombie zombie warrior corpse emperor After Nuo's words, he said.

"Yeah, what you said just now, the emperor, doesn't exist in our hearts at all, because you are our emperor, the emperor who wants to lead our ancient army of zombie warriors to unify this world, your thoughts are definitely That's right, we won't have any ideas," the fourth zombie king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, continued.

"Get up, don't kneel down there, tell me about any good solutions on campus that can solve the plight of our current army being consumed by those humans." The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo looked at it and was still kneeling Several corpse kings said slowly.

"Now there is nothing we can do. We can only rely on the emperor to delay the attack of the commander of the human army. After we leave the territory of this hell on earth, if there is no trace of the human army, We can only change the route and find some nearby cities or villages to attack. In this way, if the human army can't stand it anymore, they will show up to fight our army." The first corpse of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth epic Wang said slowly.

After hearing the words of the No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient Zombie Warrior with the peak strength of Tier [-] epic, the ancient Zombie Warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo frowned and said, "Do you know there is a city or a village nearby?"

"Yes, my lord, today I asked the heavens to ask some soldiers. These soldiers said that as long as they leave the Hollow Mountain, there are dozens of relatively large villages after walking for another day. Those with supernatural powers are nothing after our army. Now, according to the speed of the march I asked, they can reach Hollow Mountain within four days. After arriving at Hollow Mountain , we change direction, when the time comes, the human army may not be able to find the marching direction of our army. It has increased a lot," said the No. [-] corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor.

And after the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo heard the words of the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the epic level [-], he showed some smiles on his face and said, "It is indeed a good way. Our army has changed direction. Then those Human beings with supernatural powers will not be able to find us for a while. When they find us again, those human villages have been destroyed by us. fought against us,"

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean by the emperor. There are some cities not far from those villages. There are many zombie fighters wandering around around the city. Although there are many zombie fighters wandering around, but There is no organizer, so they are scattered. When our army goes, these zombie fighters wandering around the human city will definitely join our army, and the number of our army will continue to increase. It's easy to exterminate human beings," the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the fifth-order epic continued.

Then the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo and these ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of epic strength talked about those human villages and cities.

After nearly two hours passed like this, Lin Hua and the others finally returned to the place where Duanmu Hanjiang and the others rested.

When they saw Lin Hua coming back, they all asked Lin Hua about their attack on the ancient zombie warrior army, and then Lin Hua told the three of them what happened to the ancient zombie warrior army this time. Talk to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, and the others.

When everyone knew what happened to Lin Hua and the others, they couldn't help but sigh. What they sighed was that the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang didn't pursue Lin Hua. If so, so many of them are desperate to kill this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. At that time, the army of ancient zombie warriors will be much easier to defeat them because there is no Emperor Nuo.

But the sigh is the sigh, and the city lord and the others are also very happy. Although Lin Hua and the others did not attract the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, they still killed hundreds of thousands of ancient zombie warriors. It is a good thing for their human army.

Lin Hua came back and told everyone what happened, but when Xuewu and Guiwu came back, they just sat cross-legged to rest and recover their abilities, because Xuewu and Guiwu consumed the most abilities. They have been attacking the army of ancient zombie warriors from the beginning to the end, and Lin Hua attacked the army of ancient zombie warriors before the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo came, and then the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo came, Lin Hua just played around with that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Shi Nuo, so Lin Hua didn't consume too much power at all.

(End of this chapter)

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