Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 744 The Battle Stalemate at the Entrance

Chapter 744 The Battle Stalemate at the Entrance
"Boss, you've already reached the attack range, should you start attacking?" Gu Tian looked at the army of ancient zombie warriors approaching from a distance and said slowly to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua didn't speak, just nodded, and then Gutian controlled the elf archers and stone men to attack the ancient zombie warriors in the mountain road.

"Awwhhhhhhhhhhhh" at the moment when Gutian controlled the elf archers and stone men to attack the ancient zombie warriors walking in the distance, there were bursts of roars from the ancient zombie warriors in the mountain road.

After the ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road were attacked, they found Lin Hua and the others on the top of the mountain, and began to rush towards the peaks where Lin Hua and the others were located, and then began to climb along the mountain. These ancient zombie warriors couldn't climb such a steep mountain at all. After climbing a few meters, they fell heavily!

However, these ancient zombie warriors were still climbing towards the mountain where Lin Hua and the others were, and did not continue marching.

Li Jie saw those ancient zombie warriors did not continue to march but continued to climb the mountain where they were, and then smiled and said, "Haha, those ancient zombie warriors seem to have no IQ. They just can't climb up. Where are you climbing?"

"Yeah, these ancient zombie warriors seem to be mentally handicapped," Beibei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Lin Hua looked at those ancient zombie warriors falling down and crawling, and after falling down, she smiled and said, "If these ancient zombie warriors have always been like this, then not many people in our human army will die."

"That's right, although the efficiency of killing ancient zombie warriors like this is relatively low, we didn't suffer any casualties," the Lord Yehua said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

And those city lords saw that the ancient zombie warriors below had stopped marching, and began to climb up the mountain, but they all showed some happy smiles on their faces after they couldn't climb up!

Then a fourth-tier epic city lord said, "According to the current situation, our war must belong to the winning side."

"That's right, those ancient zombie warriors can't climb up, and they haven't marched forward, so they can only be beaten passively," said another city lord of level [-] epic.

However, when these ancient zombie warriors climbed towards the mountain where Lin Hua and the others were on for about a minute, they were stopped by a sudden howl of an ancient zombie warrior. After the howl of an ancient zombie warrior, these The ancient zombie warriors stopped climbing towards the mountain, and began to rush towards the entrance of the hollow mountain frantically.

It turns out that the ancient zombie warriors who climbed towards the mountain where Lin Hua and the others were, delayed the marching of the ancient zombie warriors behind. An epic four-level ancient zombie warrior notified the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo of the situation in time. The howling sound of the ancient zombie warrior is the order issued by the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo.

The order issued by Emperor Nuo, the ancient zombie warrior, was to ignore Lin Hua's attack on the mountain and continue marching forward.

"Ah, it's over so soon." Li Jie was a little depressed when he saw those ancient zombie warriors continued to march after hearing the roar of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, instead of climbing towards the mountain where they were. said
"The roar just now should have been made by the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, let those ancient zombie warriors continue marching," Lin Hua said directly after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Hey, after all, the two armies are still at war," a city lord of level [-] Epic said with a sigh.

"Yeah, if it was like that just now, how great would it be? How many fewer people will die in our human army with supernatural powers?" Another city lord of the fourth level of epic sighed.

"This war is inevitable, but I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo would issue an order," Lin Hua said after hearing the words of the two city lords at the fourth level of epic.

"Dino's order came so quickly. I thought it was at least half an hour, and I could persist. I didn't expect it to persist for about 10 minutes." Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

After the night chat city lord Duanmu Hanjiang finished speaking, he looked at the ancient zombie warriors rushing towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain below!

After arriving at the entrance of the Hollow Mountain, the ancient zombie warriors saw the human supernatural beings that surrounded the entrance, and they all went crazy, attacking those human supernatural beings, and the people at the entrance of the Hollow Mountain Human supernatural beings waved their weapons and attacked the ancient zombie warriors rushing towards them.

In this way, the war between the human army and the ancient zombie warrior army started in full swing.

Although these ancient zombie warriors are particularly crazy about the human army of supernatural warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, none of the human supernatural warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain have regressed in the slightest. The human supernatural warrior rushed up to fill the vacant position.

The entrance of the Hollow Mountain is about 50 meters away, and the encirclement of the human superhumans at the entrance of the Hollow Mountain is about 300 meters, so the human superhumans occupy an absolute advantage in number, and there is always a human superhuman When it falls, at least dozens of ancient zombie warriors will be killed!

Lin Hua and the others saw the human supernatural warriors guarding the entrance of Hollow Mountain with painful expressions on their faces. Although every time a human superhuman died, there were more than a dozen or a few of them. There are ten ancient zombie warriors, but these are all exchanged for human lives, a completely life-for-life style of play.

Although Lin Hua and the others couldn't bear to watch the supernatural beings and ancient zombie warriors of the human army at the entrance of Hollow Mountain change their names with their lives, this is the best way for their human army to win!If the entrance of the Hollow Mountain is not guarded in this way, then the condition of their human army will be bad, and more people will die in the human army.

Now basically those human beings guarding the entrance of the Hollow Mountain have no wounded, some only die, and almost none of the injured human beings retreat, and they all fight to the end. After the death of the human beings, they The dead bodies will be thrown behind by those ancient zombie warriors, and those ancient zombie warriors behind will be eaten as food.

(End of this chapter)

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