Chapter 759 Drinking
Lin Hua and Yehua City Lord did not show any worried expressions after hearing what these City Lords said, but in Lin Hua and Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang, they were all dealing with the one they were about to face. The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo is full of infinite worries.

Especially Lin Hua, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, only saw this ancient zombie warrior once, and only had the impression of that time. As for Lin Hua, those times when he went to the ancient zombie warrior army to consume the strength of the ancient zombie warrior army, Lin Hua has always been in contact with the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, and Lin Hua became more and more worried about the strength of the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo once he met him.

Although it was he and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, who were going to deal with the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, and both of them had already reached the peak of the fifth level of the epic, although it seemed that the peak of the fifth level of the epic and the immortal one There is not much difference in level, it is just one step away, but for Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, they have reached the peak of the fifth level of the epic for a long time, and they have always wanted to break through the peak of the fifth level of the epic to the first level of immortality. It was just one step away, but it took a long time to make a breakthrough. Both of them understood that with just one step away, their strengths were worlds apart.

Although worrying is worrying, but Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, are the spiritual pillars of the human army. If they all show worry, it will directly affect the morale of all human armies, so some Things can only be thought in the heart, not spoken out.

After Lin Hua looked at the human city lords and leaders of the wild forces on the ice dragon, he smiled and said, "Everyone will face a decisive battle that will determine our life and death later. How can we do it if we don't eat enough?"

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out all the food in the space ring and distributed it to all the city lords and the leaders of the wild forces. Maybe it was because they were about to face a life-and-death battle, so all the city lords were not hungry. eat up.

"Boss, I remember you still have some wine in your interspatial ring, let's take it out and drink some," Li Jie said while eating
"Yes, yes, take it out, boss, I haven't had a drink for several days," Gao Fei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Because their human army has been marching for more than a month, and all the wine they brought was drunk as early as the first few days of the march, so these city lords are also, and have not drunk for a long time .

And Lin Hua has a space ring, which has a lot of space. When Lin Hua came here, he brought a lot of wine. Every time after Lin Hua and the others fought during the day, Lin Hua would take out some for Li Jie and the others to drink!

"City Master Lin, if you have wine, let everyone drink some, and nothing will happen if you drink less," Duanmu Hanjiang, the city master of Yehua, said after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

"Yes, Lord Lin, please bring out some wine for everyone to drink. Drinking less will not affect the battle. Everyone hasn't had a drink for almost a month," said a fourth-level epic city owner.

"Yes, yes, after a few days of marching, there is no alcohol to drink, and I am almost starved to death," another city lord of the fourth-level epic said.

After Lin Hua heard what Li Jie and the others said, she looked at Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, and then at the other city lords, smiled and said, "In that case, I'll take some out for everyone to drink, but we still have to fight." , so everyone don’t drink too much, if you want to drink, after we kill the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor, I will take out all the wine in my space ring, and everyone will not get drunk if they drink one.” Lin After Hua finished speaking, she took out five jars of wine from the interspatial ring and handed them to Yehua City Lord and the others.

"City Lord Lin, don't worry, we won't drink too much," a city lord of level [-] epic said after receiving the wine handed over by a city lord.

"That's right, City Lord Lin, the wine in your interspatial ring must not be enough for us people to drink." Another city lord at the fourth level of Epic laughed and said.

"That's right, right, right, City Lord Lin, don't say that you don't have enough wine, that's not good," said another city lord at the fourth level of epic.

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as we kill that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zang Nuo and come back alive, then my wine is enough for everyone to drink, and I promise to let everyone drink to their heart's content," Lin Hua said with a loud laugh.

Afterwards, Lin Hua and the others passed the five altars of wine to each other, and each of them took a sip. At this time, everyone's faces were filled with smiles, without any worry about the imminent life-and-death battle.

Lin Hua tried her best to carefully look at the faces of these city lords and leaders of the wild forces, because Lin Hua didn't know what would happen after they killed the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang Nuo, and how many people would there be? survive.

After Lin Hua looked at the faces of the city lords and the leaders of the wild forces, he remembered their appearances in his heart, then walked to the city lord Yehua, and whispered to the lord of Yehua, Duanmu Hanjiang, "I know you so well. For many days, I have always wanted to ask you a question, I think if I don’t ask today, I don’t know if I will have a chance to ask you again in the future.”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of the night talk city, smiled and said, "I know what you want to ask me, you probably want to ask me why I wear a mask, right?"

Lin Hua nodded after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, and said, "Well, I'm a little curious."

"Because I'm so handsome, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I wear a mask." Duanmu Hanjiang, the host of Night Talk City, said with a smile after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Oh, you are quite narcissistic, you are pretty narcissistic, you are handsome, compared to me, am I more handsome?" Li Jie, who was behind Lin Hua, was a little disbelieving after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua. Said.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, smiled and said, "Compared with you, it's not at the same level at all, the difference is too much."

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, didn't look angry at Li Jie's words, because Li Jie and the others were very familiar with Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City these days, otherwise Li Jie wouldn't have said that.

"Haha, I know you can't compare with me, but don't be discouraged, because there are not many people who are more handsome than me." Li Jie laughed loudly after hearing the words of Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

"Li Jie, you have misunderstood me. What I mean is, you are not as handsome as I am, it's not that I am not as handsome as you." Duanmu Hanjiang, the Lord of Night Talk, said with some contempt after hearing Li Jie's words.

(End of this chapter)

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