Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 764 Collision of Power

Chapter 764 Collision of Power

The No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient Zombie Warrior with the peak strength of Tier [-] Epic, after watching the Zombie Emperor Nuo, the ancient Zombie Warrior, continued to attack Lin Hua. He regarded Lin Hua as an opponent of the same level of strength as himself.

Although Lin Hua was shocked by the strength of that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, he quickly reacted and waved his Baqi Hanjiang towards the ancient zombie warrior No.

At this time, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, had already fought with the fourth zombie warrior of the epic fifth-level strength. Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, showed absolutely overwhelming strength in the first battle!

Li Jie fought with the fifth zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, Beibei fought with the sixth corpse king, Huo Guang fought with the seventh corpse king, Heisha fought with the eighth corpse king, Wu Yuhe the zombie slayer The ninth corpse king fights, Gutian fights the No.13 corpse king.

And Xuewu and the others were fighting with the surrounding ancient zombie warriors who had rushed through the fourth epic level!

For a while, all the human supernatural beings fought with those ancient zombie warriors. The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo seemed to like the feeling of watching others fight!There was a strong sense of excitement on his face.

However, when the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo saw the battle between Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, and the fourth zombie warrior, he couldn't help but frowned, because the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior No. The battle between the Four Corpse Kings and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, has just begun. This epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the Fourth Corpse King, is at a disadvantage. !

Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, is at the peak of the fifth level of epic, infinitely close to the first level of immortality, and the fourth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic, has not yet reached the peak of the fifth level of epic, only the fifth level of epic. He was in the late stage of the stage, so he was suppressed and beaten by Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City.

At this moment, the fourth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength had already been stabbed in several wounds by the two sharp daggers of the city lord Yehua, and it would be a matter of time before he was defeated.

Even though Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, is fighting this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the fourth corpse king, he has always been vigilant against that ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, because his goal is this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo. .

And Lin Hua, who was fighting against the No. [-] Zombie King, an ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level [-], was also wary of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo who sat on the giant chariot and watched them fight.

Lin Hua didn't use all his strength now, but only used [-]% of it, because just now Lin Hua saw that the ancient zombie warrior cared about the ancient zombie warrior corpse king who was fighting with him. If he used all his strength now, then the ancient zombie warrior If the warrior corpse Emperor Nuo came to attack him again, Lin Hua knew that he would be at a disadvantage.

Li Jie's battles were also extremely fierce, but the strength of the ancient zombie warriors who fought with them was not very weak, so it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Several of the remaining city lords have reached the fifth level of epic strength, so the pressure of fighting those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic is not particularly high. Because of the large number of ancient zombie warriors, they It can only be undefeated, and it is impossible to solve the battle for a while.

And Xuewu controlled the three egg-sized fruits and vegetables he released, and kept attacking those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic that were attacking him nearby. At the beginning, there were a few ancient zombies of level [-] epic The fighters didn't pay much attention to the three egg-sized fireballs released by Xuewu's skill Burning Pain, but which of the ancient zombie warriors who didn't pay much attention to the three egg-sized fireballs was penetrated by Burning Pain, and their bodies After igniting the fire, these ancient zombie warriors of the epic level [-] near Xuewu became more vigilant. Xuewu's skill Burning Pain released three egg-sized fireballs.

The ancient zombie warrior Ghoul Tino saw that the fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior fourth corpse king had more and more wounds on his body. Died at the hands of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

And at this moment, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo suddenly made a move, and quickly rushed towards Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City.When the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King Nuo waved his fists and rushed towards him, Yehua City Master repelled the attack of the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior fourth zombie king with one blow, and swung two fists with all his strength. Use the sharp dagger to prevent this attack from the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo!
With a "bang", Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, was directly knocked back by the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo, and then managed to stabilize his body for five or six meters. The impact of the force of that blow just now made Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua city, boil with anger and blood.

Looking at Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, who was steadying his body, the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor said with great interest, "It's not bad that I can block my attack just now with the power of the fifth-order peak of the epic. It seems that you You've been on guard against me for a long time."

"Hehe" Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, said coldly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, but he showed a deep fear of the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo in the eyes of the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang If he hadn't been on guard against this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo just now and used all his strength, maybe Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, would have been killed by this ancient zombie warrior even if he didn't die. Emperor Nuo was seriously injured.

All of this happened in an instant. After Lin Hua saw the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo sneak attacking Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, he knew that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was powerful. Duanmu Hanjiang, the city owner of the night talk, Definitely not the opponent of this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Zhe Nuo.

(End of this chapter)

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