Chapter 770 Choice
The human army is sure to win, but this is at the cost of their own lives.

If Lin Hua had to dodge, then even if this ancient zombie warrior Shihuang was attacked by his supernatural body, it would not cause much harm to this ancient zombie warrior Shihuang Nuo. The battle will still continue, and the final result of the battle is still unknown.

But just as Lin Hua was hesitating, the two daggers of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, were already behind him when they aimed at the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo.

Lin Hua's body and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, happened to be opposite each other. Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, also knew Lin Hua's situation at this time, and knew that Lin Hua was facing a difficult choice now, so he did not hesitate at all. Duanmu Hanjiang shook his head directly at Lin Hua, telling Lin Hua not to die with this ancient zombie warrior.

Lin Hua understood the meaning of Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, after seeing Duanmu Hanjiang shaking his head. Lin Hua smiled bitterly. Now it's time. If he backs down, they will hardly have another chance to kill him. The ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor promises.

So Lin Hua made up his mind and decided not to dodge the attack of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, and the Baqi Hanjian still stabbed the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo in the head.

Seeing that Lin Hua didn't have the slightest intention of evading, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was a little flustered at the time. He didn't want to die with Lin Hua, because his mission hadn't been completed yet. The ancient zombie warriors perished under the army, so the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo directly retreated to the back, trying to avoid the sword that Lin Hua stabbed at his head, but his two fists blocked Lin Hua's thrust. To the front of the Baqi Hanjian of his head.

"Bang" Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword stabbing at the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo was directly blocked by the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo.

However, at the moment when the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo resisted the attack of Lin Hua's body, "Puff puff puff!" Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword pierced through the left chest of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, and Duanmu Hanjiang's two sharp daggers also pierced the body of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Shi Nuo.

'Aww' The severe pain made the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo howl like crazy, and the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo twisted his body fiercely, taking Lin Hua's supernatural body, and Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, was thrown several meters away, and the wound of this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo's stab wound deepened a lot, and a large amount of black blood flowed out continuously.

"Bang bang" Lin Hua's supernatural body and Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, were thrown out by the huge force of the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Zine Nuo, and fell heavily to the ground.

After Lin Hua saw the ancient zombie warrior throw out Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, and his own supernatural body, he swung the Eight Strange Cold Sword again and stabbed the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang Nuo.

The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was seriously injured at this time, and his strength was greatly reduced. He looked at the human supernatural beings who were still fighting around him, and then at Lin Hua who was attacking him.

The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo knows that he is seriously injured now, and his strength is greatly reduced. It is impossible for him to be Lin Hua's opponent. If he continues to fight, then he will die in Lin Hua's hands. If they die, their army of ancient zombie warriors will collapse and be defeated by the human army!
In this situation, those ancient zombie warriors simply couldn't help themselves to kill Lin Hua and the others.

Now their army of ancient zombie warriors is doomed to fail. If he does not die, he can regroup the army of ancient zombie warriors and start all over again, although this time he failed to make the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo special Not reconciled, but in order not to die in the hands of Lin Hua and the others, the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang decided to escape and planned to start all over again.

After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo had the idea of ​​escape, he directly waved his pair of wings behind him and quickly rose to the sky!
When Lin Hua saw this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo flapping his wings and flying towards the sky, he knew that this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, planned to escape. Victory, but if this ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo is not dead, then one day he will come again. Leaving this ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo is a disaster, so we must kill this ancient zombie no matter what. Di Nuo, the warrior ghoul, and now is the best chance, because the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo is too powerful, and now he is seriously injured, and his strength is greatly reduced, so he must be killed.

Lin Hua didn't hesitate at all. After seeing the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo flying into the sky, he directly used the flying artifact to chase after the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo.

When Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of the night talk city, saw Lin Hua chasing the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo with the flying artifact, he couldn't help worrying for Lin Hua. Although the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was seriously injured, the emaciated camel Bigger than a horse, Lin Hua himself may not be able to kill this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, so he must go to help Lin Hua, the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, he does not have a flying artifact now, and the remaining two flying The artifact is at Xuewu and Guiwu.

Xuewu and Guiwu are fighting against ancient zombie warriors at this time, Xuewu is the closest to their position, so Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, quickly ran towards Xuewu, helping Xuewu to fight Xuewu. After the ancient zombie warriors were dealt with, they took Xue Wu's flying artifact and chased them in the direction where Lin Hua and the others flew away.

At this time, the ancient zombie warriors around saw that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo had fled. The morale of the army of ancient zombie warriors collapsed instantly, and the morale of the army collapsed. From time to time, these ancient zombie warriors howled, which should be conveying The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor promised to escape the news.

This ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, fled. Duanmu Hanjiang and Lin Hua, the city lords of Night Talk, went to chase and kill this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo. Victory is not far away!

(End of this chapter)

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