Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 784 The Person With the Space Ring

Chapter 784 The Person With the Space Ring
"That's right, the village chief, we can't just rely on Lin Hua alone, we all have to raise our strength, so that we can all protect the village," another villager said.

After hearing what Zhang Liang and the others said, the village chief also knew that what Zhang Liang and the others said was correct, and Lin Hua could not rely on Lin Hua alone to protect their fishing village, because Lin Hua had lost her memory and stayed in their fishing village. They also know that Lin Hua is not an ordinary person, and he will leave their fishing village after he recovers his memory, so they must become stronger before Lin Hua leaves, at least they can protect their fishing village.

Then the village chief handed over the heterogeneous cores collected in the past two days to Lin Hua, because these heterogeneous cores were basically obtained from the zombie fighters Lin Hua killed, and all the villagers in Lin Hua had no opinion at all.

Lin Hua looked at the different cores handed over by the village head, thought for a while and said, "Just give me ten, and share the rest with the rest." After hearing Lin Hua's words, the village head took out ten power levels The highest heterocore was handed over to Lin Hua, and the rest were shared with the villagers.

Lin Hua got ten extraordinary-level heterogeneous cores. Although they were all high-level heterogeneous cores in the eyes of the village chief, they were of little use to Lin Hua. Because of his own level of strength, he directly ate an extraordinary-level heterogeneous core, but after Lin Hua ate this extraordinary-level heterogeneous core, he found that the supernatural powers in his body hadn't increased much at all.

Then he told the village head and the others about his eating of the different cores just now, saying that after eating some of the different cores, his strength had not improved much at all, and then he gave the village chief and the others the remaining nine different cores.

After hearing Lin Hua say that he didn't improve his ability much after eating the extraordinary core, everyone had some guesses, that is, Lin Hua's level may have surpassed the extraordinary level and was already an epic level. Otherwise, it is impossible for the extraordinary-level heterogeneous core to have no effect on Lin Hua.

However, the better Lin Hua's strength was, the better it was for them, so the villagers didn't think too much about it, and took out the different cores they had just been allocated to start improving their strength.

Lin Hua didn't need to improve her strength, so she sat under a tree by herself, staring at the surrounding environment vigilantly, preventing zombie fighters from coming to attack them.

After Alice finished raising her strength, she saw Lin Hua sitting alone and walked towards Lin Hua, because now it is certain that Lin Hua's strength level is particularly high, but it is still an ice-type ability. Originally, there were very few people with ice attribute abilities in the world, but the powerful ones were even less pitiful. Although Lin Hua had lost her memory now, Alice always went to chat with Lin Hua whenever she had the chance!So I asked Lin Hua some questions about ice attribute abilities.

Lin Hua looked at Alice who was walking towards him, then smiled and said, "Why did you come here again and ask me, I still haven't remembered anything."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Alice showed some embarrassment and said, "I didn't come here this time, I just wanted to chat with you."

After hearing what Alice said, Lin Hua smiled and didn't say anything. In Lin Hua's heart, she actually had a special affection for Alice, but it wasn't a relationship between a man and a woman, it was like a relationship between a brother and a sister.

When Alice saw Lin Hua heard her words and did not speak, she looked at Lin Hua carefully, and found that the interspatial ring on Lin Hua's hand was very beautiful, and then said to Lin Hua, "Aren't you I'm married and I wear rings."

After hearing what Alice said, Lin Hua looked at the space ring in his hand and shook his head, "I don't know, I've been wearing this ring since I lost my memory, I don't know if I'm married or not."

"Can you show me?" Alice said to Lin Hua with some embarrassment.

Lin Hua was also very generous. After hearing Alice's words, he took off the price control ring on his hand without saying anything, and handed it to Alice.

After Alice took over the space ring, she felt that the space ring was particularly strange. She had some supernatural powers, so she was very curious about what the ring was, so she looked at the space ring very carefully. Four special small characters on the space ring were found on the inside.

When Alice saw the words space ring, a shocked expression appeared on her face, because although he had never seen the space ring, he had heard of it. The large space can store things. There are very few space rings in the world, and the value of each space ring is incomparable.

After Lin Hua saw the change in the expression on Alice's face, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, and then asked Alice, "What's the matter, is there anything strange about this ring?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Alice looked at Lin Hua very carefully. Because Lin Hua can have a space ring, it means that Lin Hua must have a very powerful identity and status, because they are the president of the casual labor union, so It's amazing that people don't have a space ring, but Lin Hua does have one, and then said to Lin Hua, "Don't you know this is a space ring?"

After Alice finished speaking, she handed the space ring to Lin Hua. After Lin Hua took the space ring, she put it on where it was originally on her hand, and then said to Alice, "I don't know, this is the first time I heard it. It is said that this ring is a space ring, what is so special about it, isn't it just an ordinary ring?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Alice said a little funny and annoyed, "This interspatial ring is an artifact, so I just let you treat it as an ordinary ring. It's really too wasteful."

At this time, those villagers who have improved their strength, the village chief, and Aidier, where are they chatting after they have improved their strength? Hearing that Alice and Lin Hua were chatting very hotly, they all walked towards Lin Hua and the others one after another. !

"Alice, what are you guys talking about? It makes you so excited." After Adil walked over, he looked at Alice and Lin Hua and said with a smile.

"Yeah, what are you talking about, you're so excited," the village head said after hearing Edil's words.

Alice looked at the village chief, then at Adil, and said, "Lin Hua is wearing a space ring, do you believe it?"

After hearing Alice's words, Edil and the village head were both very surprised, because the reputation of the space ring is too great, and those who have the space ring are all very noble in status and status, although Lin Hua showed that His strength is particularly powerful, but none of them believed that what Lin Hua was wearing was a space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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