Chapter 804
After finishing speaking, Wei Chen led the nearly five hundred people and left the base. Lin Ye led the way and hurried towards the big river.

And a few kilometers away from the back of the base, there were roars one after another, and one swaying figure after another quickly ran towards the base.The hundreds of people who stayed in the base were basically ordinary humans, and a few supernatural beings were still below Amethyst. They didn't notice the zombies approaching at all.

Lin Ye led everyone to the bank of the big river, and then he opened the entrance to the passage of ice, and let everyone go down one by one. On the other side of the base, hundreds of people were violently attacked by the zombie group, because they couldn't resist. , all destroyed.

All the people in the base settled down, and then everyone rested here for a few days. Lin Ye also considered leaving, and he had other things to do. During this period, Xin Yu also woke up. Although his body was still very weak, at least Now that he can walk, Lin Ye found some different cores for him to eat, and he recovered happier. Then he bid farewell to Wei Chen, and he still had to go to Baidi City, and he still had something he wanted to do. Will stay here forever, Wei Chen knew what he was thinking, and didn't keep him too much.

Xue Wu, Li Jie and Xin Yu definitely wanted to leave with Lin Ye, as well as the psychic named You Qiran. Although he himself was unwilling to leave with Lin Ye, Lin Ye insisted on taking him with him. Adil and Alice, because Alice did not want to see the intimate behavior of Lin Ye and Xuewu Quality Inspection, so she did not leave with Lin Ye. Adil must follow her sister, and the two parties will part ways in the end. We have experienced a lot of time together, but Lin Ye can't say too much, after all, this is a matter of relationship.

In the end, Lin Ye, Xuewu Li Jie, Xin Yu, and You Qiran left together. Wei Chen sent them to the exit of the Ice Passage. Lin Ye shook hands with him and said goodbye: "If there is a destiny, we will meet in Baidi City."

Wei Chen nodded and said, "We will definitely meet again."

Xuewu asked Lin Ye where they were going?

Lin Ye looked to the south and said, "Let's go to the south."

"What are you going to do in the south?" Li Jie asked.

"I want to build a base that belongs to us." Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye and his party walked for many days, in a deserted place, until they saw a village. It was night and the village was quiet, but there were many messy footprints on the dirt, which showed that there were a large number of zombies pouring into the village. After entering this village, they probably won't meet any living people, but they may be able to search for lonely zombies, and get a different core to replenish Xin Yu's body.

But when they entered the village, they found a scene that stunned them. The whole village was filled with countless zombies, full of strong "human flavor". It was taken away, what kind of person killed so many zombies at once, and took all the different cores away.

The night was getting late, and a few people wanted to seize the time to pass through the village. Suddenly, Xuewu stepped on the air and fell to her knees. Lin Ye quickly helped her up, and there was a small "chug" sound from around, In this silent night, it was very obvious.

And more than ten meters away, there was a clicking sound quietly from a small mound of dirt.

"Is it a human or a zombie outside?" An inaudible voice could only be heard by himself and the people next to him.

"In this kind of place, how could a human come in normally through the door." The man holding the gun replied in a low voice.

"What should we say to the captain?" the man asked again.

"What can I say, this village has been ransacked by zombies." As he spoke, he raised his gun and wanted to shoot the second strongest, but found that the figures he saw just now had disappeared. When it was strange, the people around him The man suddenly let out an "ah", and turned around hurriedly, only to find that he was already under the control of several people.

Lin Ye put the dagger on the man's neck, looked at the man holding the gun and said, "Put the gun down."

Seeing Lin Ye talking, the man realized that they were actually human beings, and hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry everyone, I didn't expect human beings to come from somewhere. After all, in this kind of place, it is basically invisible. A living person." He said and put the gun on the ground.

"Then who are you and what are you doing here?" Li Jie asked.

"We are members of the Red Tiger team, and we are here to let the wind go, to see if there are any zombies coming." The man said.

"Squad Red Tiger, what is that?" Lin Ye asked.

"Hey, where did you come from? There is no one in this human base with a radius of hundreds of miles who doesn't know the Red Tigers. The Red Tigers are a famous team that fights zombies. They are all well-trained special forces. There are also many high-level supernatural beings." The man said with a sense of pride.

Lin Ye had never heard of such a team. This person also said that there were many human bases over there, and he could take them there. Lin Ye and the others were tired from the journey these days, and they just wanted to take a rest, so they agreed. down.

And these two people still have a jeep. They drove Lin Ye and the others towards their base. When they were about to arrive at the base, Lin Ye and the others found that there were many corpses piled up nearby. The corpses of tens of thousands of zombies are here, and when approaching the base, Lin Ye found that there are mountains of zombie corpses everywhere, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Why are there such zombie corpses here?"

The man said: "To hide the smell of human flesh from living people!"

Seeing that Lin Ye and the others were still very confused, the man continued: "There is a biologist in our base. He found that the zombie's other senses have basically failed except for the sense of the nose. When they are looking for humans, they smell human flesh. and the smell of blood, and putting so many carrion corpses around here can block the smell of humans and more effectively prevent zombies from coming over."

"Eh? Is this still possible?" Xuewu asked doubtfully.

In fact, this is just a psychological effect, and the zombies will find them after all.Lin Ye thought to himself, but didn't say it out loud.

When they arrived at the base, the man took Lin Ye and the others to a small room with two single beds, "You should live here tonight, and I will take you to meet our captain tomorrow."

Lin Ye thanked him, and the man withdrew. There were two beds, and five people slept separately. Regardless, he lay down on one bed first, while Lin Ye, Xue Wu, and Li Jie made the other bed. Xin Yu lay down to rest. After all, he was still very weak. Xin Yu couldn't evade it, so he lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

(End of this chapter)

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