Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 808 Changing the Combat Strategy

Chapter 808 Changing the Combat Strategy
He stopped chasing, "Go back."

"Why, have you finally calmed down?" Li Jie said.

"Yes." Lin Ye nodded.

The three of them returned to the base. It was dawn at this time, and all the soldiers were exhausted. There were guards in all four directions of the base. Qin Zhengyi and the others went back to take a rest first, and came to discuss the situation of today's battle.

After this battle, Qin Zhengyi's affection for Lin Ye and the others increased sharply, and he asked them to discuss the battle situation together.

"Brother Lin, these are the elites who I am right, and they are also sensible and supernatural beings." Qin Zhengyi introduced to Lin Ye the five people sitting straight around him.

"Hello, I'm Wu Hao, the team leader!"

"I am the second group leader, Zhang Chen!"

"The leader of the third group, Qi Huming!"

"Chi Zheng, the leader of the fourth group!"

"The leader of the fifth group, Cheng Shenren!"

"Haha, I'm not happy to be a soldier. I introduce myself with such a loud voice. My name is Li Jie. Hello."

"Okay, now let's discuss the situation of the battle tonight." Qin Zhengyi said: "Although we beat the zombies away this time, it was not a victory. The zombies may come back again, and these zombies have become so orderly , as Brother Lin said, as if someone is directing."

"Report to the captain, I think the attack of these zombies tonight is just the beginning." Qi Huming, the leader of the third group, said.

"Oh? Tell me the reason." Qin Zhengyi said.

"Our team fired rifles in the front, so we can see more clearly. Although the zombies are fiercely aggressive, they have no real intention of climbing up. Our team reported to me that he found that when the zombies climbed halfway, It won’t climb up anymore, but waits for us to knock it down, and then it will continue to climb, and it will stop moving after climbing halfway.” Qi Huming said.

"There is such a thing?" Because of the fierce battle scene and the large number of zombies, no one noticed such small details. They all thought that the zombies couldn't climb up because of their attack too fiercely, but they didn't expect it to be them. Take the initiative not to climb.

Lin Ye pondered for a while, and said, "They are doing this, as if they are deliberately testing our strength, and when the testing is almost done, they will retreat."

"How could this be? They are just zombies, and they still test us?" Chi Zheng, the leader of the fourth group, asked.

"So this is the suspicious point. Ordinary zombies will definitely jump up when they see a living person, but we stood in front of them just now, and they were completely indifferent and kept retreating." Lin Ye said: "Just It's like someone tells them what to do, and they do."

"Isn't this human being still thinking after becoming a zombie?" Li Jie asked.

"People can understand it with thinking, but why are those animals also obedient?" Yu Qiran asked.

"This..." Li Jie was speechless.

"So, it's not the zombie's problem, but what method the person who lost command used." Lin Ye said.

"Human?" Qin Zhengyi looked at Lin Ye: "How can you be sure that the person commanding the zombies is a human? If he is a human, why does he let the zombies estimate us?"

"I'm making a preliminary estimate. First of all, we have never seen zombies that can launch such a regular attack, and there is no such zombie that can be commanded. Even the ancient warrior corpse king I have encountered before will not have this kind of power, because Zombies have no thinking, and there is no way to command them at all, but this time the commander behind him has done it, and he is very successful in commanding these. No, these hordes of zombies came to attack us. It was just a trial at the beginning. I think a Zombies are absolutely impossible for you to do such a thing, so you can only suspect that it is a human being." Lin Ye said, in fact, he is not too sure, but my intuition tells him that the commander behind this is definitely not simple!
Qin Zhengyi also fell silent when he heard what he said. What happened this time was beyond the imagination of all of them, so it was impossible to determine which guess was true and which guess was false.

"However, I think that if this battle is just a test, then they will definitely attack back." Li Jie said.

Qin Zhengyi nodded: "Nine times out of ten, he will come back, so we still have to prepare for battle tonight."

"But I think we should change our combat strategy," Lin Ye said.

"Why change?"

"If they were just probing this time, then they must have tested our strength and details before retreating, so we should hurry up and change our defensive formation, so as to disrupt that person's plan to a certain extent." Lin Ye analyzed. .

"Well, that makes sense, so what do you think is a better way for us to change our strategy." Qin Zhengyi looked at Lin Ye, felt that this young man had a lot of ideas, and wanted to hear his opinion.

"Before we used the corpses of zombies as walls, but this limited the performance of fire-type superpowers. It would be troublesome if the corpses were burned, so this time, we directly set up my ice outside the base wall. The wall, and then let the earth-type supernatural powers set up earth walls, and the stone-type supernatural powers set up stone walls, so that they need to pass through three layers of barriers to attack. When they break through these three barriers, we use sniper Pistols, machine gunners, and superhumans come to attack them, and rifles and grenades wait for them to walk in before using them, which not only guarantees security, but also saves ammunition." Lin Ye said.

"Hmm..." Qin Zhengyi nodded lightly in thought, feeling that it was still a feasible solution.

"Then if the three barriers are not broken and the zombies attack the city directly, then even if the base is defended, it will still be scarred." Wu Hao, the team leader of the first group, said.

"Well, this is the sacrifice of war. No battle will be won without sacrifice." Qin Zhengyi said.

"If you do as I said, you must find the best supernatural beings to do it."

"That's no problem." Qin Zhengyi said.

After speaking, he ordered his men to go down and do it, and Lin Ye went with him, and the others should rest first and make full preparations for tonight's battle.

What Lin Ye planned was to set the wall around the zombie corpses on the outside, and when the zombies came to siege, set those corpses on fire, which would be another barrier.

Qin Zhengyi did the same, and sprinkled gasoline on it.

In this way, after all the defenses are done, it is time to wait for the next wave of attacks from the zombies.

This time Qin Zhengyi took out something more powerful, which was a kind of solidified gasoline bomb. When this bomb was thrown out, the bomb would stick to the zombies like lard paste, and these zombies kept moving. In this way, it can be spread to the surroundings, so that more zombies can be ignited. After hesitating, a gasoline bomb is extremely high temperature. This temperature can burn a zombie into coke within a few minutes. It is a very powerful one. Kind of incendiary bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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