Chapter 810 Adventure
"There is no other way. I have thought about it a lot. Only my method is the most feasible and has the greatest chance of success. Then I want to ask Captain Qin to let the soldiers cover me with artillery fire."

"No!" Li Jie came from behind, and he had heard their conversation just now: "Lin Ye, I found that you are always acting on your own will recently, and you don't go through your brain when you do things. You should calm down and think about it. You build an ice bridge When you walk to the middle of the zombie crowd, what if your ice bridge is attacked by zombies? Or if it is broken by the attack of the supernatural zombies, then you will fall into the zombie crowd and have no chance of surviving."

"Li Jie, I know you are worried about me, but I really can't procrastinate any longer. If I procrastinate any longer, I'm afraid that after the second barrier is destroyed, I won't be able to carry out this method, and I will really have nowhere to go." Lin Ye said, "Li Jie, you should understand me."

"It's because I understand you that I don't understand why you let yourself take such a big risk? You were not like this before, everything is for yourself to survive, why now..."

"Because what we are facing now is not our life and death, but the life and death of the entire human race! It's not me being a hero, it's me. Since I have this power, I have this responsibility. I will do what I should do , I also think I can survive, but if you think about it, when human beings are facing extinction, is it possible for us to survive?" Lin Ye supported Li Jie's shoulder: "Brother, you understand what I mean."

Li Jie turned his head away, not looking at him: "Xuewu will never agree with you to do this."

"Xuewu, I'll let her go back to the base to rest first, she won't know." Lin Ye said.

"You want to hide it from her?!"

"Well, because I don't have time to persuade her anymore." Lin Ye seemed to have made up his mind, and Li Jie also knew that what he said would be useless, so he had no choice but to give Lin Ye a hug: "I believe in you, brother. "

"um. Thank you."

After persuading Xue Wu to return to the base, Xin Yu walked up to Lin Ye and said, "Everything must be based on the premise that I can survive."

Lin Ye nodded and said, "This is necessary. My life was given to me by you, and I haven't raised your body for you yet. I will definitely come back alive."

"You, what you health has improved a lot, now you have to worry about yourself, do you understand?" Xin Yu said helplessly.

"Well, I understand, brothers like you, and Xuewu, how could I die first, don't worry."

Soon Qin Zhengyi issued an order to all the teams to focus on the zombies in the center, and the firepower was extremely fierce, which caught the originally orderly group of zombies by surprise, especially the frozen petrol bomb, which was born to destroy the zombies. Yes, it is impossible to move forward if the zombies are restrained.

Then Lin Ye slowly released the ability, and then built an ice bridge until the center of the zombie. Because the zombie was set on fire by the soldiers, he had no time to worry about Lin Ye's ice bridge. All his attention was on the firepower of the soldiers, and Lin Ye didn't delay Time, directly and quickly ran towards those supernatural zombies.

Li Jie looked at Lin Ye who was getting farther and farther away from the wall, and his heart beat suddenly, always feeling that something was going to happen.

"Increase the firepower! Continue to increase it!" Qin Zhengyi roared.

The soldiers were moving ammunition non-stop. Box after box of bullets and grenades were used up. Lin Ye also successfully reached the center of the zombie group, and then released his ability to freeze all the zombies in the center. Shouted: "Break!" Then all the frozen zombies were blasted to pieces.

The disappearance of the supernatural zombies immediately caused the entire group of zombies to commotion. They were no longer as orderly as before. They seemed to be in a panic, because this was different from the previous order. Supernatural zombies would not die. Why did they die now? So what do they do next?
The group of zombies began to crowd, and they began to bite each other. Looking at the situation, it seemed that Lin Ye had succeeded!
When Qin Zhengyi was happy, he still did not forget to issue an order: "Don't cease fire, continue to attack, and wipe out these zombies in one fell swoop!"


"Boom!" There was intense artillery fire.

"Aww!" and the screams of the zombies.

I thought that the balance of war had already tilted towards human beings, and when everyone was ready to welcome victory, suddenly, Lin Ye's ice bridge collapsed, and Lin Ye, who had not had time to return in the future, fell directly into the crowd of zombies!

"Lin Ye!!!" Li Jie yelled, he wanted to rush down to save him, but Xin Yu held him back: "Let me go! I'm going to save Lin Ye!"

"Calm down, aren't you going to die now?!" Xin Yu shouted.

"Then Lin Ye...Lin Ye..." Li Jie gripped the railing of the guardrail tightly with both hands, tears almost flowed from the corners of his eyes, Lin Ye, died like this?

Qin Zhengyi was still directing the soldiers to fight the zombies where Lin Ye fell, but his efforts were in vain. When a wave of zombies fell, new zombies rushed up immediately, and Lin Ye could not be seen at all.

"This... there should be no bones left." One of the soldiers whispered.


Li Jie and Lin Ye have known each other for a long time. Lin Ye also told him about his ambition. He wants to go to Baidi City, the largest base of mankind, and then he wants to increase his strength and create an ice empire. I have been working hard in this direction and have been getting along. At the beginning, Li Jie felt that Lin Ye was a very indifferent person. He would ignore things that were not beneficial to him, and he would always put himself first. After a long time, Li Jie found that he would treat his partners who were sincere to him, and he was very protective of his partners, just like an old hen protecting chickens, haha.

But now, no, Lin Ye won't just die like this!

Li Jie looked at the place where Lin Ye fell, and stared intently. He definitely would not die so easily!

The question now is, why did the ice bridge collapse suddenly? Xin Yu asked this question, and those zombies were still below, and it was useless to leave, but they did not attack the base either. Qin Zhengyi was still commanding the soldiers. A soldier ran out of the base and shouted to Qin Zhengyi in a panic: "Captain, the people in the base are rioting!"

"What? What's going on?!" Qin Zhengyi looked serious.

"Because some people saw the wounded and felt that we had no way to defeat the zombies, so they all left the base to escape by themselves, but were pulled down by our soldiers. However, some people were very arrogant and unreasonable, saying nonsense that we would kill the zombies. If they were thrown to the zombies as bait, and then we ran away, the situation is almost unbearable now! Captain, you have to adjust it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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