Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 813 High morale

Chapter 813 High morale
"Don't say it as if I did something wrong! You control my friend to go to the zombie group, can I stop you?!" Li Jie said.

"Then isn't the risk too great?" Qin Zhengyi said.

"Yes, there are certain risks, so it depends on who is willing to enter there." You Qiran said.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and then a person pushed the door in, and a soldier stood outside: "Report! Lin Ye is back!"

When Li Jie ran out, Lin Ye was standing there covered in mud, Xue Wu was crying softly beside her, and Lin Ye carefully wiped her tears.

"This kid made us worry for a long time, but in the end, the girl was here crying for him. If I had punched him in the face," Li Jie said.

"It's all about him," Xin Yu said.

Lin Ye went to take a shower first, and then Qin Zhengyi suggested to let him have a good rest.

"I think it's better not to let Lin Ye know about the plan to infiltrate the zombie group this time," Xin Yu said.

Li Jie nodded in agreement: "If he knew, he would definitely go."

"By the way, brother, how many people can you psychics control together?" Qin Zhengyi asked.

"According to my current strength, at most three people at a time, any more may reveal their identities." You Qiran said.

"Then please let me sneak into the zombie group!" Qin Zhengyi said.

"No, Captain, you can't go." The leaders of the other teams said in unison.

"Yeah, Captain Qin, you still have to stay in the base to command all these people, so you must not go, I'd better go." Xin Yu said, he didn't help anything this time, and he also came up with an idea. a force.

"What are you talking about, you should take good care of your body here, I'll go, I must go this time." Li Jie said: "Xin Yu, you absolutely can't go, you are now Lin Ye's key protection object, If he disappears, he will definitely ask, and if you ask this question, won't all the truth be revealed?"

"This... If you go to him, he will ask you." Xin Yu said.

"I'm different. You just need to make up an excuse to stop rushing, and I'm not injured." Li Jie said.

"Captain, I will petition on my own initiative." Cheng Shenren, the leader of the five groups, saluted and said, "I am both a soldier and a person with supernatural powers. It is most suitable for me to go."

"And me, captain!" said Wu Hao, the captain of the first group.

"Chi Zheng, the leader of the fourth group, is going to petition!"

"I'll go too!" said the second team leader Zhang Chen.

"And me!" said Qi Huming, the leader of the third group.

"Hey, I know that you are not afraid of difficulties and death, but you can't go. None of you except Shenren are supernatural beings. Only supernatural beings can go on this mission." Qin Zheng Yi said.

"Then, I'll go with Captain Cheng Shenren, or both of you." Li Jie said.

"No, it's better to have three people, one more person, more protection." Xin Yu said disapprovingly.

"I'll go, I have to go this time." Qin Zhengyi said: "If something happens to me, I'll need so many team leaders to take over for me, so there's no problem."

"No, captain, our entire team needs you to command!" Wu Hao said.

"Hey, I've made up my mind. Don't try to persuade me. I must go." Qin Zhengyi said forcefully.

"team leader……"

"Captain Qin, they are right, you can't go." At this moment, Lin Ye opened the door and came in.

"Why are you here?" Li Jie asked, "Go back and have a good rest."

"Li Jie, I know your plan, and I know that you are hiding it from me for my own good, but I still want to go, because I have already discovered something strange, and I want to go there to verify it myself." Lin Ye said, in his When he fell into the group of zombies and then dug a hole to escape in, he found that the zombies around him were all carrying this strange thing on their bodies. He felt that this thing must play a very important role, so he wanted to check it out.

"Here you are again. You have no physical strength now. If you lack special abilities, can't you take a good rest?" Li Jie said.

"I'm really fine. Isn't the most important thing now is to solve these troubles? I'm also at a very high power level. How could I not go?" Lin Ye insisted on going, Li Jiexinyu couldn't hold back him , I had to agree.

"Well, let's hurry up, otherwise it will be difficult at night." You Qiran said.

In the end, it was decided that Lin Ye, Li Jie, and Cheng Shenren would sneak into the group of zombies together, let them release their abilities, and control the three of them. After the actions of the three of them gradually became no different from zombies, let it be He manipulated them to approach the group of zombies.

Now the sky has completely cleared up, and on that uphill, the zombies gathered together, lowered their heads, and did not move at all. It seemed that they were resting. How strange, this zombie was still resting?
And the people on the top of the mountain, seeing the three zombies coming from the base, couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahaha, it's really too naive."

He was playing with a strangely shaped object in his hand and looked at the three zombies.

Lin Ye and the others didn't have their own consciousness at this time, they were still walking towards the group of zombies, so they saw the strange appearance of the zombies from a distance, although they didn't know what they were doing, but they had no choice but to let Lin Ye and the three of them Do so to avoid revealing the filling.

Because I was afraid that too many people would be discovered, so as long as Lin Ye and You Qiran and Xin Yu came, and the others did not come, Lin Ye, Li Jie, and Cheng Shenren had already successfully entered. Zombies, while Yu Qiran and Xin Yu hid behind a big rock on another mountain not far away.

"Are you going to touch control now?" Xin Yu asked.

"Not yet, look at the man on the top of the mountain. He has been staring at Lin Ye and the others in their direction, as if he has discovered something unusual. If the control is released now, the three of them may be exposed immediately." Said that he has been observing the person on the top of the mountain, and if there is a change, he will let Lin Ye and the others withdraw in time.

After waiting quietly for more than ten minutes, when he realized that the person was no longer so focused on Lin Ye and the others' direction, he slowly released the control. Lin Ye and the three gradually regained consciousness and observed the surrounding area. They were all zombies, and they didn't dare to act rashly. They just imitated those zombies, lowered their heads, and then peeked at the zombies next to them. Lin Ye found that the zombies on his left and right were all inserted into their chests. A strange thing the size of a button, that is, the thing Lin Ye saw before, he suspected that this thing controlled the zombies, in other words, it was the person who used this thing to control the zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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