Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 819 Persuasion

Chapter 819 Persuasion
"Let me tell you, you guys are still in the mood to care about my affairs when you are dying? You should think about which way you should choose to die." Yi Er said, playing with the shape that can control zombies in his hand Weird whistle.

Lin Ye was even less anxious, and then he actually sat next to Yi Er, who jumped up reflexively: "What are you doing! Stay away from me!!!" He yelled.

"Are you afraid of our contact?" Lin Ye asked: "You are not afraid, nor do you hate it, you just have no way to open your knot. Think about it, since we sneaked into the zombie group, I guess you have already You found us, why didn't you give the order to kill us then?"

"Because I want you to die more interestingly, and I want to see the expressions on your faces that you would rather die than die." Yi Er said without hesitation.

"Look, it really is like this, you are obviously very, very lonely, and you want someone to accompany you, so when you met us, you didn't kill us directly, but let us go again and again, because You don't want to kill us at all, you want us to play with you." Lin Ye looked directly into Yi Er's eyes, as if he had already seen through him.

"Hahahahaha, you really know how to tell jokes. I have my favorite friends and hordes of zombies. I need you to accompany me? Hahaha, can you stop being so self-righteous, it's disgusting enough. "Il looked at the three of them with disgust.

"Zombies can't talk, can't run, can't bicker with you, and your friend can only talk and can't do other things, and you are just a teenager now, what you want is absolutely nothing Domination of the world and the extinction of all human beings, what do you want to experience is true emotion, whether it is family affection, love, or friendship, you have not experienced all kinds of emotions, you will regret it, so you are not so I want all human beings to perish." Lin Ye said confidently, even Li Jie felt that what he said was really nasty, but it worked surprisingly well for Il, alas, after all, he was a child who was not yet an adult, although he had experienced too much And become precocious, but in fact, not so mature mentally.

Looking at Yi Er's ever-changing and flickering eyes, Lin Ye knew that he was tempted, so he stopped talking and waited for him to think for himself.

"Il, I think what they said is right." The words came out of Il's clothes.

Il looked at his right chest: "Chengcheng, why don't you hate humans, they have done so many things to us, why don't you hate, I really can't bear it, I don't want to just let it go pass them."

"Il, the people who did wrong things to us are dead, turned into zombies, and are still controlled by you. This is the retribution they deserve, so I have no sympathy for them, but the others Human beings are different, gamers never did anything wrong, why should they be held accountable?" Cheng Cheng persuaded Yi Er earnestly.

"Chengcheng, why did you speak to them? You are my good friend. You should speak nicely to me, not to human beings. Have you forgotten? How did human beings treat us at that time? How did they treat us? What did you do to your body, have you forgotten?" Il said angrily, he didn't understand why his long-time good friend, who he treated as a family member, wanted to help others to talk about himself, this is He couldn't bear it, he must kill these three humans.

Looking at Yi Er's expression now, Lin Ye knew that he was very angry because Cheng Chengcheng helped them speak, and the situation has become a little worse, but since it has developed to this situation, he can go along with the flow and continue to make him angry. In this way, time can continue to be delayed, but the most important thing now is not to let Yi Er vent his anger on them.

"Why are you so obsessed? So many of us persuade you, including your best friend and your family, to change your view of human beings. Although human beings have done so many hateful things to you, they are only a small part of human beings. , Your opinions on human beings are somewhat paranoid, you should think about it, if all human beings are extinct, then you will definitely be more lonely than you are now living alone in such a big world." Li Jie persuaded that he still wanted the child to experience the beauty of life, because he felt that he was too miserable, which was unfair to him.

Il's face is full of anger now, he doesn't want to hear these words anymore, he doesn't want to hear any good things about human beings, human beings are really disgusting, why must he be asked to understand those disgusting human beings, this is simply Insane, why does Lian Chengcheng help them speak, human beings are really disgusting and hateful.

"Don't say anything now, I know what I want and what I want to do, and none of you can stop me, hehe, I know that you are saying these things to me now to delay time, I hope you If you want to survive, then this method is too clumsy, do you think I don’t understand?, I will not let you off so easily, including the people in the base, they all have to die!” Yi As Er said, he put the whistle in his hand to his mouth, and when he was about to blow the command to the zombies, Lin Ye suddenly released an ice spike, which shot straight at Yier's hand. Whistle, Yi Er seemed to have expected him to do this, and easily dodged his ice spike.

With a sound of "Ji!!", the group of zombies behind frantically rushed forward.

"Come on, run!" Lin Ye yelled, and then released his ability to build an ice wall to separate Lost there. The zombies frantically scratched the ice wall and hit the ice wall. The ice wall was crumbling. .

"Hey!!!" Il blew the whistle again, the sound of the whistle made the zombies go crazy, the impact became stronger and stronger, there were already countless cracks on the ice wall, and the ice wall was about to be knocked open, Lin Ye and the three of them turned around and ran in the opposite direction. What they were afraid of was not one or two, but the whistle in his hand and the large group of zombies behind him!
"You can't escape!" Il shouted from behind.

The group of zombies had already smashed the ice wall away, and a huge number of zombies chased Lin Ye and the others at an extremely fast speed. Lin Ye and the three of them used their abilities to increase their speed, but they couldn't shake them off.

"What should I do, these zombies are running so fast, it should be related to Il's whistle to give orders, I think, if you want to stop him from attacking the base, you have to destroy his whistle, he is gone Whistle, you can't command zombies, and you can't attack the base." Li Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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