Chapter 831 Cheeky

Lin Ye and Xue Wu were speeding forward on the road, eagerly looking for the figures of their partners.At the end of the forest, I finally found Li Jie, Yu Xin, Yi Er, let it be them.When the partners meet, they are all very eager.Yes, after a great war just now, it is such a rare and precious thing to be able to get together peacefully in this chaotic world.

They looked each other over carefully, to see if their precious companion was hurt.Fortunately, everyone is fine, just some minor injuries, and the clothes are stained with heavy dust due to the long-term battle, and they are mentally exhausted.But everyone noticed one thing, and that was Lin Ye's arm.

Li Jie noticed Lin Ye's arm, and asked anxiously, "Lin Ye, why is your arm injured! It's so serious." "Don't talk about it, go back for treatment." Yu Xin also saw it and said eagerly.Yi Er and Yu Qiran didn't say anything, but their eyes followed Yi Er's wound closely, full of worry.At this time, Xuewu shed tears.She is very, very distressed.

Lin Ye was hurt because of her.To protect her.Why is Lin Ye so stupid, why did he hurt himself because of her.My heart is so sour.It's all because I'm not strong enough and useless, so I need Lin Ye's protection, and I always stand behind Lin Ye.She wanted to protect Lin Ye, she didn't want to just be someone standing behind him and protected by him.Xue Wu secretly made up her mind that for Lin Ye, no matter what, she must become stronger!

Xuewu stepped forward silently, took Lin Ye's arm, put it on her shoulder, and took up its weight.Lin Ye was only injured in his arm, but he was taken care of as a seriously injured person, and he was a little dumbfounded.He was about to say no, but seeing Xuewu's determined gaze, he silently closed his mouth.There seems to be something different about this little girl.She seems to have grown a lot after this battle.

The arsenal was destroyed, so Qin Zhengyi was no longer their opponent at all, but because the sneak attack on the arsenal had already consumed a lot of their energy and abilities, if they had a head-on conflict with Qin Zhengyi at this time, it would definitely cause mutual losses Lin Ye didn't plan for this situation.

"Brothers, you have worked hard in this battle. Now Qin Zhengyi must have got the news that the arsenal was destroyed, but he should not act rashly. After all, they are soldiers, and they will become timid without guns and ammunition. " said Lin Ye.

"But if we fight with them now, we probably won't have the upper hand. After all, the arsenal battle has consumed a lot of energy." Xin Yu said, what everyone needs at this time is rest, "You also need to recover from this injury." deal with."

Although the wound on Lin Ye's arm had been wrapped with gauze, the blood had soaked the gauze.

"I have also considered this issue. The base will definitely not go back. We need to find a safe resting place..."

Unexpectedly, before Lin Ye finished speaking, a thunder-type power ball flew towards them. Lin Ye reacted quickly and released the power. Immediately, an ice shield protected everyone, and then escaped the danger. one strike.

"It's Qin Zhengyi's army!" You Qiran shouted.

Not far away, a large group of people surrounded them, led by Qin Zhengyi.

"Everyone is really a dragon and a phoenix among people." Qin Zhengyi looked at them viciously, and said through gritted teeth: "Just because of a whistle, I actually blew up my arsenal!"

Lin Ye snorted coldly and said, "Captain Qin, you forced us to do this. Why, are you still so confident after stealing something?"

"Bah, what a thick skin!" Xue Wu echoed from the side.

"You! You are too unreasonable. After all, we have known each other for a while and fought side by side. Why do you stay with such monsters? Do you know that my arsenal is gone, and the people in that base I can't protect it!" Qin Zhengyi said.

Thinking of the group of people who were arrogant and unreasonable and swearing at Yi Er at the base, Lin Ye had no psychological burden, "Those people are from your base, it has nothing to do with me if you can't protect them, you Stealing my friend's most important thing is so righteous, but it doesn't surprise me, after all, you still hide the fact that you are a biologist, besides, it's you who made Il look like this !" In the last sentence, Lin Ye said sharply, he really hates this Qin Zhengyi to the extreme now, he is really too sanctimonious, with a kind face, but a black heart!
"Hahahaha, your friend's important thing?" Qin Zhengyi smiled a little strangely: "Do you know why I have to take this whistle? Because it is the only thing left by my beloved wife, why should I let it hurt me?" In the hands of the person who killed her, let alone a monster!" He said, staring at Yi Er.

Yi Er's eyes widened in disbelief, and he said with a trembling voice: "You, your beloved wife, could it be..." His body also trembled.

"He's talking nonsense!" shouted suddenly: "Il, undo your clothes!"

Yi Er's trembling hands pulled the clothes away, revealing Cheng Cheng's face, Cheng Cheng's eyes were full of hatred, and those eyes hit Qin Zhengyi's mind directly, and the memories of that time flooded into his heart in an instant, at that time, all day and all night Yes, in the laboratory, except for the screams and cries, it was once no different from hell.

"Dr. Nores Kaderina, she is not your wife!" Cheng Cheng roared, the corners of his eyes were dry, his eyes were red, and he was clearly in a rage.

It was also the first time for Yier to see Cheng Cheng like this. He didn't know what Qin Zhengyi had done. Cheng Cheng was usually very gentle and rarely got angry.

"Qin Zhengyi, thanks to the fact that your name is still called Zhengyi, you are insulting the word!" Cheng Cheng shouted, "I remember when I was in the laboratory, I saw Dr. Wiping my tears, I went over to her and asked her why she was crying. Dr. Nores Cardelina didn't want to tell me, but I saw a picture of a man in his hand. This man was wearing a military uniform. I asked who he was , Dr. Nores Cardelina looked at the photo, and tears welled up again. She told me that that man was her beloved, and she really loved that man very much, but that man was killed by you Already!"

The last sentence surprised several people present, Yi Er looked down at Cheng Cheng, "Why?" Why did he kill Dr. Nores Kaderina's most beloved man?
(End of this chapter)

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