Chapter 833 Search
"That's right, that's what it means,"

"So now we have to leave one person behind, let this person hide in the base, and when we escape, Qin Zhengyi will definitely bring someone to chase us. At that time, there will be no one guarding the base, even if someone guards it It's just a few supernatural beings. Ordinary people are definitely no match for our supernatural beings, so we have to leave one with slightly stronger combat power. I originally planned to keep it, but when I think about it, I still want to fight for you! After all, I can protect you." Lin Ye said, he also considered a lot, and he wanted to let these people withdraw together, so that Qin Zhengyi could not catch them. Not high, but more in numbers, and his ice ability can resist these numbers. If he stays at the base, the only ones among them who can release group skills are Xin Yu and Xue Wu. No, there is no way to exert too much strength. Xuewu alone can't resist, because people with fire-type abilities have strong attack power, but relatively weak defense power, so it is easy for those with electric-type abilities to go so far The distance's ability hits, so he has to stay, and he has to pull out with it, leaving another person potential base.

Li Jie stood up and said: "Then let me go, my attack power is relatively strong, and among our supernatural beings, I am an extraordinary level, and my retreat ability is also very strong, so I feel that I am the most suitable .”

Lin Ye nodded slightly. In fact, Li Jie was also his first consideration. Li Jie is strong, and then he is strong when he encounters the strong, so he is also the most suitable. The people at the base connected, and he was the only one who could get them connected to each other.

"Then, Li Jie stays at the base, waits for Qin Zhengyi to take people out, and then you search the base quietly, try not to let others find out, we will let You Qiran contact you spiritually at that time, if we find out Qin Zhengyi carries a whistle with him, and he will notify you, and you will evacuate from the base. If you have obtained the whistle and successfully evacuated from the base, you have to tell Yuran, so that we can be prepared. "Lin Ye said planningly.

"Okay, no problem, I will definitely find the whistle, Il, don't worry, we will help you find the whistle!" Li Jie said.

Yi Er is also very grateful to them at this time. After getting along with them for this period of time, he can also feel that Lin Ye and others, and Qin Zhengyi, and the people in white clothes in the laboratory, and the director of the orphanage, and those people Not the same, they are the same as Dr.

Now Li Jie is searching the location of the whistle in the base.

There were many soldiers guarding the base, but they didn't see any supernatural beings. Could it be that Qin Zhengyi took all the supernatural beings out to hunt down Lin Ye and the others?

He shouldn't be so stupid.

Or, those supernatural beings are guarding the whistle?

Wouldn't that attract more people's attention? Don't think too much about it now. No matter what, you must first find the supernatural being before you can find the whistle.

Li Jie walked quietly in the base. Occasionally, one or two soldiers or ordinary people would pass by. Li Jie hid them well and was not found. But the base is huge, and it is very troublesome to search for it. , troublesome and laborious.

Maybe there is another better way. Li Jie hid in a small house, then closed his eyes, and carefully felt which direction would have the supernatural power.

Although the base is very large, the crowds are relatively concentrated. For example, the crowds in the southeast are relatively noisy, which may be the place of residence, while the southwest is very quiet, basically nothing, and there may be warehouses or other places.

Then in the northwest, I can occasionally feel someone moving, wait, there is a supernatural power in that place!

The ability is very weak, it should be far away from him, well, that's the direction!

Li Jie opened his eyes, and then walked out of the hut, suddenly a group of people came from the front, Li Jie, who had nowhere to hide, had to hide in the hut again, quietly waiting for these people to pass by.

But by coincidence, when these people came to the door of the hut, they stopped in their tracks. The sudden stop of footsteps made Li Jie's heart skip a beat. Did they already find out that I was here?I held my breath and tried my best to listen to the sound of breathing outside the door. Those people were still outside, but they didn't seem to want to open the door to come in.

"Is it okay here?" Suddenly a man outside spoke.

"Well, I think it's okay. There's no one here, so it's just right." Another man said.

Then there was a rustling sound, as if he was holding something, and after a while, the first man's voice said, "Will we be discovered if we do this?"

"You're stupid, we've all done this, no matter whether we find it or not, we can't stay in this base anymore!" said a new voice.

"Then where do we hide him?"

"Hmm... How about hiding it in this barrel and pushing it into this hut? Basically, no one comes to this place. By the time they find out, we've already run away!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Then they made a sound outside, as if they were putting something into the barrel. After they filled it and sealed the mouth of the barrel, they carried the barrel to the hut together, and the door of the hut was about to be pushed open In desperation, Li Jie turned over on the beam of the house, hugged the beam with his four limbs, and then hung upside down on the beam of the house. God, he never thought that he could do this difficult movement!
The door of the hut was pushed open, Li Jie wished he could stop breathing, for fear that people who were less than four meters away from him would find him, but luckily the room was too small, after they pushed a wooden barrel in, There wasn't much space left in the hut, so the people outside didn't come in at all, but just closed the door and left.

Li Jie didn't get off immediately, but continued to hang on the beam, listening to those people's footsteps really go away, until he couldn't hear them, he jumped off the beam, his arms and legs were already numb.

Li Jie pushed the wooden barrel inward to make room for himself. He didn't know what those people put in it, and they were still mysterious. Thinking of this, Li Jie put his hand on the wooden barrel lid, I thought about opening the lid of the wooden barrel, but found that they were so strong that I couldn't open it.

He knocked on the body of the barrel again, but there was no movement inside.

Or forget it, he'd better go find the whistle first, and stop wasting time here.Li Jie thought of this, and when he was about to open the door to go out, there was a sudden "boom!" in the barrel.

(End of this chapter)

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