Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 836 The Dark Side

Chapter 836 The Dark Side

"The whistle is strictly guarded, and no one approaches it," the assistant said.

"Well, let those who run away let them go, as long as the whistle is fine, besides, there are more terrifying things over there, and they can't survive." Qin Zhengyi said.


Then Qin Zhengyi looked at Lin Ye and the others, and shouted, "Brother Lin Ye, there is no way for us to continue this stalemate, right?"

Heh, I couldn't bear it anymore: "Oh? How does Captain Qin want to break this deadlock?" Lin Ye replied.

"It's easy for me to say, it mainly depends on what brother Lin Ye thinks. You blew up my arsenal, and we lost all the ammunition. Then, if there are zombies attacking us in the future, how will we resist it? What about it?" Qin Zhengyi said.

Lin Ye was too lazy to circle around with him, and asked directly: "What exactly do you want, just tell Captain Qin, there is nothing bad to say now."

"Hahahaha, Brother Lin Ye is so happy. In fact, the arsenals of mine that you destroyed are all really expensive things, but you also know that in this era, the former is useless. Only ability is the most important thing." It's useful, so I want to know how to really play the role of the whistle." Qin Zhengyi said, his eyes fell on Yi Er.

Yi Er looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

"Oh? What does Captain Qin mean? The whistle is already in your hands, but you come to ask us how to use the whistle?" Lin Ye sneered, stole someone else's things, but still asked others how to use it with a big face Yes, the thickness of this face is really unprecedented.

Regarding Lin Ye's sarcasm, Qin Zhengyi just smiled, and then continued: "This thing doesn't belong to him in the first place, I'm taking back my own thing, and you blew up my arsenal, I didn't ask you to compensate, but just asked you to tell me how to use the whistle, which is very kind."

"I really admire you. Now that everyone knows your true colors, you still have the nerve to say that the whistle belongs to you. It's too thick-skinned."

"Hehe, don't talk about him like that, they are all his subordinates here, and you will lose face as a leader." Xin Yu, who usually speaks rigorously, couldn't help but say this time, this Qin Zhengyi is a bully. Too many people.

"Captain Qin, I advise you not to waste your time. It is impossible for us to tell you how to use the whistle, but you have already said that the whistle originally belonged to you, so why don't you know how to use it?" Lin Ye said. .

The smile on Qin Zhengyi's face was almost unstoppable, but he still tried his best to maintain a smile, and he must not lose the upper hand in terms of momentum: "Although it belongs to me originally, it has not been in my hands these few years. , in case the person holding the whistle does something to the whistle, so that I can't use the whistle, it's not impossible."

"You don't have to hide anything anymore, Qin, you keep saying that you love Dr. Norres Kaderina, but you can cruelly kill Dr. Norres Kaderina's true love, and also hide the truth from Norres. Dr. Skadarina has been hovering around her like a demon. People like you are really the most disgusting, but I don’t want to be angry with people like you. It’s not worth it. I also hope Nore Dr. Skaderina Izumi has been reunited with her beloved, and then completely forget about you, a wolf-hearted thing!" Il said: "Are you going to ask me how to use the whistle this time? Hehe, Let me tell you, even if I die, I will never tell you. Didn’t you always think about getting the whistle? Okay, now you have it, but you can’t use it. This is really cool. !"

Yi Er's words gave Qin Zhengyi a critical blow. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, slowly revealing his dark side, which was also his true face.

Qin Zhengyi looked at Yier coldly, and said, "Why didn't you little white mice just crush you to death back then.


"Oh why, did you finally show your true nature?" Yi Er looked at Qin Zhengyi's face contemptuously, and what kept echoing in his mind was that they were wearing white clothes and injecting something into their throats one by one. In their bodies, their bodies felt incomparably tormented. Yes, they were guinea pigs at that time, at the mercy of others, but now, Yi Er took off the mask directly, revealing his truly paralyzed face, Looking at Qin Zhengyi calmly, he said, "Do you think you can scare me just because of your current appearance? Are you still thinking about how you tortured us at the beginning? Now you won't have that chance again , never again."

"Oh? So confident? That's right. Now you have a few of them backing you up. You are tough, but without them and without a whistle, what else can you do? You are a waste!" Qin Zhengyi said sharply.

Just as Yi Er was about to refute back, he was stopped by Lin Ye. Lin Ye looked at Qin Zhengyi's provocative face, and whispered to Yi Er, "Don't be impulsive, you haven't got the whistle yet, you have to hold your breath now."

Yier clenched his fists, suppressed his anger, and looked at Qin Zhengyi fiercely with his eyes, Qin Zhengyi smiled proudly: "Why, I have nothing to say? When you talk about your pain, you don't have the face to be arrogant. Bar."

"Captain Qin, can you stop using words to attack a minor just because we didn't tell you how to use the whistle? He's still young, and there are always things he can't do well, so let's help as adults Sigh, oh, by the way, isn't Captain Qin an adult and needs help from adults?" Lin Ye said.

Qin Zhengyi knew that they were also provoking him, and he would not lose his mind because of his anger: "I didn't embarrass you, I have already said that you can't take any responsibility for blowing up my arsenal, right? But I want money, do you have money? Let’s put it this way, what do you have to compensate me for my arsenal?” He paused for a few seconds, seeing that Lin Ye and the others were silent, he continued with a cold snort, “No, right? You have nothing, so I am very kind, just let you tell me how to use the whistle, and let you go, why are you so ungrateful?"

"You stole Yi'er's whistle, why are you so upright, can you show some face and not be ashamed?" Yu Qiran said, looking at Qin Zhengyi with disgust in his eyes.

"I've said it countless times. This whistle originally belonged to that little monster named Il. Even if this whistle doesn't belong to me alone, it belongs to our laboratory base. Everyone in our laboratory base I want to get the whistle back." Qin Zhengyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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