Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 840 Cold Blood in the End Times

Chapter 840 Cold Blood in the End Times
"What? What should I do? He found out." A supernatural person said to the leading supernatural person.

The head of the supernatural person's eyes sank, and let out a murderous look.

"Hahaha, what, are you going to kill me now? Hahahaha, come on! I'm going to take out all of your hearts today to see if it's already black!" Li Jie said.

Then an amethyst power user was about to activate his power to attack Li Jie, but Li Jie moved to his position in an instant before he attacked, grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up, and then only heard "click" With a sound, the supernatural person drooped his head and stopped moving.

Li Jie threw him to the side, looked at the surprised look of the other supernatural beings, and snorted coldly, then the other supernatural beings swarmed up and attacked together.

Li Jie didn't defend at all. He attacked one by one and killed the other. He didn't care if he was hit. He just kept attacking and attacking again, like a beast, making it impossible for such a supernatural being to parry. He retreated again and again, and then they surrounded It became a circle, surrounding Li Jie.

Then the supernatural person among them attacked Li Jie straight from the front. Facing the attack from the opposite supernatural person, Li Jie didn't dodge at all, but went against the supernatural ability released by the supernatural person. , when the other supernatural beings were extremely surprised by Li Jie's dismissal, just when Li Jie and the supernatural attack ball collided, Li Jie's body suddenly turned sideways in mid-air, and then the supernatural attack ball swiped in front of him. It passed over, and then hit the ground fiercely, making a loud "boom".

Just when everyone was stunned by this scene, Li Jie didn't stop moving, but continued to attack the supernatural person behind the supernatural attack ball. Shocked by attacking the ball, Li Jie's attack had already come, and I saw Li Jie clenched his fist with his left hand, with the light of the supernatural power flashing on it, the fist was strong and windy, and Li Jie directly punched the supernatural being in the chest, Then it went through his heart.

The capable person fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief. There was a hole in his chest, and the heart inside had been pierced by Li Jie. Li Jie was now covered in blood, like a devil from hell. Glancing at the other supernatural beings trembling around him, he said coldly, "Who is next?"

A supernatural being was so frightened that his legs became weak that he knelt on the ground. He pointed at Li Jie with trembling fingers: "He, he, he, he is an epic supernatural being..."

"How could this be? He, I clearly felt that he is a supernatural power user just now, why in just a few seconds, he has advanced to the epic..." another person said with a trembling voice.

Although there is only such a difference between the first level of the extraordinary and the third level of the epic, his abilities are very different from the first level of the extraordinary to the third level of the epic. The epic stage is a stage of greatly increasing strength. So when Li Jie was still at the first level of Transcendence, these supernatural beings could still fight with him, but now Li Jie who is advanced to the epic, they are no match for ten more!

But they didn't have a chance to think about what to do anymore. Li Jie's figure quickly eliminated all these supernatural beings, and this place suddenly became hell.

After Li Jie killed all the supernatural beings, he walked back to Cili's place, then hugged Cili horizontally, and left the base.

Outside the base, Li Jie put Cili outside the city gate of the base, ignoring the shouts of the soldier guarding the gate, he put Cili on a wooden frame, and then lit a big fire, and the blazing fire quickly disappeared. Swallow Terry.

Li Jie took out the whistle from his pocket, looked at this little thing, it was it, let Li Jie see human nature clearly again, and then Li Jie threw the whistle into the fire, this kind of thing should not continue to exist .

At this time, Qin Zhengyi learned the news that the whistle had been stolen, so he stopped the stalemate with Lin Ye and the others, and led everyone back to the base.

Lin Ye and the others looked at Qin Zhengyi and they all withdrew, and then they contacted Li Jie, and the few of them joined up quickly.

When Lin Ye and the others saw Li Jie walking towards them covered in blood, they were really indescribable, because Li Jie's expression at this time was too sad, which affected Lin Ye and all of them. They didn't know what Li Jie had gone through. What, but that must not be a good thing.

"Lin Ye, I didn't bring the whistle back." Li Jie said hoarsely.

"No, didn't Qin Zhengyi retreat when he got the news that the whistle was stolen? Didn't you get the whistle?" Yi Er asked anxiously.

Li Jie looked at Yi Er's anxious expression, then bowed deeply to Yi Er, and said: "I Er, I'm sorry, I got the whistle, but..."

"But?" Il looked at Li Jie.

"I burned it." Li Jie said.

"Burn, burn?!" Il said in surprise, "Why?!"

Lin Ye and the others were also unexpected. Why did Li Jie burn the whistle?
All eyes were on Li Jie, and Li Jie lowered his head and said, "Il, if you get angry, beat me, scold me, or kill me, I won't resist."

Il asked in disbelief: "Why did you burn the whistle? You, didn't you say you would help me find it? Or did you just not find the whistle? The whistle is still safe and sound at Qin Zhengyi's place?"

Li Jie shook his head and said, "I already got the whistle, but I burned it at the gate of the base." Li Jie lowered his head so that Lin Ye and the others could not see his expression clearly.

"Why? Can you give me a reason?" Yi Er was a little excited.

"Il, you calm down first, Li Jie must have difficulties." Cheng Cheng persuaded, although he was a little hard to accept the destruction of the whistle, but Lin Ye and the others have helped them so much, Li Jie at this time Still covered in blood, he must have gone through a great battle, and he must have suffered a lot of injuries in order to help them get the whistle back.

Lin Ye looked at Li Jie with his head down, and found that his shoulders were trembling slightly. He hurriedly supported Li Jie's shoulders, and then raised his head. At this time, Li Jie was already in tears.

Lines of tears streaked across the blood on his face. Seeing Lin Ye's face, Li Jie couldn't hold back anymore and cried out loud.

Lin Ye hugged him, hugged him tightly, and made Li Jie burst into tears. What happened to him made him so sad that he shed tears.

Xuewu covered her mouth, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes. She, Lin Ye, and Li Jie had been together for a long time. She had never seen Lin Ye and Li Jie cry. He never shed a single tear, but now that Li Jie is crying like this, it is conceivable that he must have experienced very desperate things, and he needs to cry to vent his despair.

(End of this chapter)

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