Chapter 842 New City
"Could it be that there is another base ahead?" Li Jie said, putting his hands on his eyes, squinting his eyes to try to see what the thing in front was, but he still couldn't make out the difference.

"Then shall we go over there?" Xin Yu asked, "I can't tell what's ahead, it might be dangerous."

Lin Ye also hesitated, and their entire team managed to correct it. If there were any strange enemies ahead, they would have to go through another battle.

"Don't be so timid. Only when you meet a powerful enemy can you improve your strength, so we don't have to be too scared, let's move forward." Yu Qiran said, he likes challenges and looking for excitement.

Lin Ye and the others also knew the nature of nature, but what he said was not unreasonable, so they walked forward without hesitation.

When I walked in, I realized that it was a very lonely city. In this barrenness, there was such a lonely city. After Lin Ye and the others walked to Chengmen, there was a big iron gate in front of the city. , and there are high walls all around, like a city in ancient times. On the city wall, there are many people standing. They seem to be guarding the city gate. When they saw Lin Ye entering the gate, the leader of the guards Shouted: "Who are you, don't go in again!"

"Hello, we are human beings, and we are here to join the human base!" Li Jie shouted back.

"I know you are humans, but humans cannot enter this city casually!" said the leader.

Hey?This is strange, in the last days, all human bases will unconditionally accept the human beings who come to join them and let them live well in the base. This is the first time I have seen a city that refuses to allow humans to enter the base.

"Why don't you let us in? We are really human, and zombies can't speak." Li Jie said to the leader again.

"Why can't zombies speak? Didn't I just say that even if you are all human, we won't let you enter the city, you should find other human bases!" the leader emphasized again.

"Then what should we do?" Xuewu asked, thinking that there was a place to rest, but they didn't expect that they would not allow humans to enter.

"Well... After all, it's their base. They won't let us in, and we have no choice. We should force our way in, or we should go around here." Lin Ye said.

A few people didn't reply, because they had been walking on the road for nearly a month. They ate and drank very poorly. It’s okay to have a good meal, sleep, and wait until you recover your strength before leaving.

Lin Ye also knew that everyone was tired and wanted to take a good rest. He looked at the leader of the guards and said, "How about we go around the city gate and climb in through the side wall?"

Although this city wall can defend against zombies and ordinary humans, as a supernatural being, it is more than enough to climb such a city wall.

When they heard that they could go in and rest, they nodded without hesitation and said, "No problem!"

So they pretended to leave here, and then sneaked around to the side of the city where the guards couldn't see, and then Lin Ye directly released his ability to build an ice step. There was no one around, they were all houses and the like, and then he waved to the people below, telling them that they could come up, and then Li Jie and the others also went up, and they jumped from the fence to the house, from here you can see There are many people walking around in the distance.

They jumped off the roof quietly.

"For a while, we will pretend that we are from this city, and behave naturally. Then we will find a place to eat, and then go to sleep and leave." Lin Ye instructed.

The others nodded one after another, and finally they can eat some delicious food!
When they went out, they realized that this human base was really different from the bases they had been to before. It was like a first-tier city before the end of the world. There were tall buildings, vendors, and modern girls, shopping girls. , Di Di and the car passed by, here, it seems like a city that has not been affected by the doomsday!
Lin Ye and the others stared blankly at all this.

"Doomsday, is it over?" Li Jie muttered to himself.

They walked on the road and looked at the shops one by one, clothing stores, restaurants, supermarkets, everything before the end, but Lin Ye and the others also have a problem. Here, people don’t use money to buy things. The glass window saw that the transaction in the store was a kind of banknote they had never seen before.

"Without that, wouldn't we be able to eat and sleep in a hotel?"

"What banknote is that? Why can't I see it?"

Lin Ye and the others gathered around the entrance of a restaurant, because there was no currency here, and they couldn't go in to eat.

"But this place is really well protected. I thought the end was over." Xin Yu said.

"That's right. When I first saw this place, I was really shocked." Li Jie continued.

"I want to cry when I see it..." Xuewu said, it turns out that these bustling and busy places are so friendly, especially after working hard for such a long doomsday, when all they see is barren, dead bodies When I died, I suddenly saw such a peaceful and busy city, it really made my eyes moist.

But moving is moving, their problem of eating has not been resolved.

"Maybe there are some temporary workers here, let's look for them? Why don't you go earn some money and have a meal first..." You Qiran suggested.

Several people nodded, that was all they could do.

But he didn't want when they were looking for a temporary job, a group of people suddenly came to them and surrounded him. A woman in the lead coldly looked Lin Ye and the others up and down, and then said: "Take them away!" !"

Those people gathered around to catch Lin Ye and the others.

"Hey wait! Why are you arresting us?!" Li Jie asked.

The woman stared at him and replied: "You are not from our city, how dare you sneak in and arrest me!"

As soon as the woman gave an order, those big men held Lin Ye and the others down, grabbed them and left the street.

They pressed Lin Ye and the others to a row of houses, locked Lin Ye and the others into a house, and locked the door firmly.

"Lin Ye, why didn't we resist just now?" Li Jie asked suspiciously. Just when he was about to make a move, Lin Ye stopped him. Otherwise, how could they have been imprisoned here.

(End of this chapter)

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