Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 844 Xu Beichen

Chapter 844 Xu Beichen

"Actually, it was our fault for trespassing here. We apologize." Lin Ye walked to the front and said, "We were also tired from eating and sleeping outside. We finally found such a base, so we wanted to come and have a delicious meal. , have a good night's rest, and then leave, I didn't expect us to be so unwelcome, if your city really doesn't allow outsiders to come, then we'll leave right away."

"Oh, don't beat me up, since you've come in, it's not so easy to leave!" Ling Wei said.

"Look, we've already apologized, so don't be so cold-faced." You said, "How about I let other people continue to dance for you?"

After saying this, the big men around immediately grabbed their clothes and hid far away.

Ling Wei: " idiots, come back to me!"

"Haha, let it be, don't you like watching strong men dance?" Li Jie laughed.

"Stupid, of course the beautiful sister likes to watch big guys dance~" You Qiran also laughed.

"Oh, so it is like this, the taste is really heavy~" Li Jie replied.

"Are these two people singing a double reed..." Xin Yu whispered to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye couldn't help laughing, but after all, they were at fault first, so he still needs to apologize and say a few words: "Then tell me, what should we do so that you don't hold us accountable?" He looked at Ling Wei and asked.

"Hmph!" Ling Wei snorted coldly and said, "First of all, you are not allowed to let my subordinates dance anymore!"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha!!!" Li Jie burst out laughing.

"You!" Ling Wei was angry.

"Li Jie, control yourself..." Lin Ye patted Li Jie on the shoulder: "Although I know it's hard to do this..."

"You guys are really too much..." Xuewu said, why did they tease other girls like this, then Xuewu walked up to Ling Wei and said: "Sister, don't bother with them, they are crazy, I know you are not either Bad guys, it's just that you have such a rule that outsiders can't come in casually, right?"

Ling Wei hesitated for a moment, then nodded and replied, "That's right."

"I'm really sorry. It's our fault that we sneaked in so recklessly. Can you tell me, sister, where are you taking us?" Xuewu asked with a smile.

So it is still girls who can chat with girls, Ling Wei's expression is not as cold as before: "Our leader heard that someone broke in, so let me take you to see him."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Xue Wu nodded and replied, seeing Lin Ye and the others still teasing, she couldn't help but annoyed, "You guys, enough is enough!"

Lin Ye and Li Jie immediately stopped laughing. Although Xuewu usually looks gentle and gentle, when she burst into flames... like the power of a volcanic eruption, they had better not ignite the fuse.

"Okay, you come with me, our leader won't do anything to you," Ling Wei said.

Lin Ye and the others didn't say anything more, they followed and left without being pressured.

Soon, they came to a building. Ling Wei took them in, took the elevator to the 15th floor, walked out, and led them into a room where a middle-aged man was sitting. First asked Ling Wei a few questions, then looked at Lin Ye and the others, and then the man stood up and looked at them in surprise: "Lin Ye?!"

Lin Ye was also taken aback, looked at the man back and forth and said, "Xu Beichen?!"

"It's really you, Lin Ye!" Xu Beichen hurriedly walked out from the table and walked up to Lin Ye: "My good brother, you are still alive!"

"It's been a long time, Beichen!" Lin Ye said.

Then the two embraced tightly.

The others didn't know what happened, they just looked at these two people coldly, and Xuewu heard Xu Beichen's name familiar, so he thought about it carefully, Lin Ye was the boss of an underground gangster before the end came. , then this Xu Beichen... seems to be the brother who followed Lin Ye all the time when he was defeated!

Xu Beichen took Lin Ye and the others to a hotel to catch up on the old days. Lin Ye introduced Xu Beichen to these friends, "Beichen, do you remember her?" Lin Ye pointed to Xuewu and asked.

Xu Beichen looked at Xuewu carefully, thought for a while, and then said, "This is, this is the little girl who was chasing after you all the time before. It seems to be called Xuewu, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's right." Lin Ye nodded.

Xuewu was unwilling, "You actually thought about me for so long, Brother Beichen, have you forgotten that I delivered food to you before?" She said angrily and held her arms.

"How could you forget, haha, Xuewu, the food you cooked before was really delicious, hahaha." Xu Beichen hid his embarrassment with laughter.

"Then this is called Li Jie. He is my good brother. We have known each other for a long time. We have really supported each other along the way. I am very grateful for allowing me to meet this good brother." Lin Ye spoke sincerely.

Li Jie was flattered by this, he didn't expect Lin Ye to speak so highly of him, "Brother, I'm also grateful to have met you!"

"Haha, there are really very few people who can praise Lin Ye so much. It seems that Brother Li Jie must be someone who can do anything for his friends!" Xu Beichen said.

"Hahaha, praise, praise haha." Li Jie said.

"Hey, hey, calm down, your tail is going to the sky." You Qiran gave Li Jie a glance and said, really complimenting him, almost didn't know who he was.

Li Jie didn't care about the spontaneous sarcasm, he still smiled complacently.

"Then the person who spoke is called You Qiran, and he is a psychic." Lin Ye continued to introduce.

"Psychic person?! There really is such a person in this world!" Xu Beichen looked at You Qiran curiously, almost making You Qiran go crazy with his eyes like looking at a rare animal, but was stopped by Li Jie.

As soon as Ling Wei next to her heard that she was a psychic, she had always admired the psychic and knew a little about the psychic. Thinking of the hot dance of her subordinates, she said in surprise: "Sure enough, you controlled it. My men!"

The few people were all taken aback by Ling Wei's words, and then Li Jie and the others broke out into bursts of laughter: "Pfft ha ha ha ha ha, can you not mention him, I will die laughing!"

Xu Beichen looked suspiciously at Lin Ye and his group, some burst into laughter, some held back their laughter, while Ling Wei, his left and right hand, turned blue at this time, and couldn't help asking Lin Ye, who was holding back his laughter, "What happened? What are you laughing at?"

(End of this chapter)

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