Chapter 847 Terrible

"But the body they described was cold, the limbs were straight, and the brain was no longer functioning, which was exactly the same as the onset of the virus." Ling Wei said.

"Why is this happening..." Xu Beichen murmured incredulously, is the nightmare of two years about to repeat itself?

"Let's go and have a look first." Lin Ye suggested.

Xu Beichen nodded, and several of them rushed towards the scene.

"That person was found in a trash can in a small alley. After forensic examination, he has been dead for three days." Seeing Xu Beichen and Ling Wei coming together, Ling Wei's subordinates hurriedly reported the specific situation to them, " In a while, we will pull the body back and dissect his brain to further determine whether it is a virus."

"We must ensure that ordinary people approach here to return the corpse, and you should be careful when handling it." Xu Beichen instructed.


Lin Ye looked at the corpse that was carried out, and sure enough, the face was really pale, and the lips were purple, as if poisoned by some kind of poison.

"It's so strange. Why are there still viruses? They've all been kicked out... Do these viruses still have an incubation period?" Xu Beichen thought.

Lin Ye was also observing the surrounding area. If the virus really has an incubation period, then many people in this city may have already been infected with it, but what exactly is it...

After the general zombie virus is infected, the first hour: the infected site is painful, the face turns purple or brown, the wound is swollen (if it is infected by the wound), and then the wound heals faster.

Fifth hour: high fever above 40°C, chills, slightly idiot-like, vomiting, severe joint pain.

Eighth hour: Persistent high fever, numbness of infected parts and limbs, aggravated dementia, loss of muscle coordination.

No. 11 hours: Paralysis of the lower limbs, stiffness of the whole body, slow heart rate.

No.16 hours: coma.

No. 20 hours: Heartbeat stops [brain waves are flat].

No.20 three hours: the body restarts.

No.20 Three hours later: Become a zombie.

Then this kind of virus has no symptoms, and the moment it gets sick, it may directly kill you.

Whether the virus can infect all living things, "So far, no cases of this virus being transmitted through air and drinking water have been found, and contact with nature will not cause infection." Xu Beichen said.
The virus can only be transmitted through prolonged physical contact.Or be sprayed by the zombie's slurry in the explosion, or be bitten by the zombie.Eating Infected Meat or Liquid will kill you directly, but will not turn you into a zombie.Because these infected meats or liquids are highly toxic.

"Then what should we do next? Do we need to give all citizens a medical examination?" Ling Wei said.

"The physical examination may not be of any use. The virus cannot be detected." Xu Beichen said.

"Then it can't just be like this, if someone else is infected with the virus, then this city will fall, Boss." Ling Wei said.

Xu Beichen also knew that he still hadn't forgotten the nightmare two years ago. The streets were full of dead bodies due to the virus, and every household closed their doors. The streets were desolate, filled with the smell of rotting corpses. , No one dares to touch those corpses, because if you touch them, you may be infected.

"The virus is really scarier than the zombie virus. The zombie virus can at least feel it and know it, but the virus doesn't know it at all. Before you know it, your brain will freeze. Could it be that there is no brain to give instructions? , the heart will stop working, and then the person will die." Xu Beichen said.

For the sudden appearance of the virus again, Xu Beichen once again fell into the fear of two years ago: "The emergence of the virus must be kept secret, it must not be leaked out, and it must not be let others know, otherwise it will cause panic among the masses!" He said Said to Ling Wei.

Ling Wei nodded in understanding, and ordered her men to go down.

"I think we should go outside the city to check the situation." Lin Ye said: "We came from the north and passed through several bases, and there was no such thing as a virus, so I wondered if the virus would be here Around your city, the virus may be caused by something, so it’s better to investigate in all directions.”

"Well, it's not that I haven't thought about it, but because of the panic caused by the virus, no one is far away from the city. They think that there is a virus outside the city. As long as they refuse to let people outside the city come in, and then people in the city don't go out, That's enough." Xu Beichen said.

Hearing what Xu Beichen said, Lin Ye also understood very well. After all, viruses are colorless, odorless, and have no feeling. They really make people feel extremely scared.

"If not, I'll go outside to investigate for you. I'm from outside anyway. I can't keep you in this situation forever. Only by investigating the cause and effect can we find a solution." Lin Ye said.

"No, how can I let you take this risk? Absolutely not, I, Xu Beichen, am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. There is a danger in the city under my jurisdiction, how can I let my brother solve it, while I hide in the city You’re afraid of your hands and feet!” Xu Beichen said, “It’s still I who want to go, I can’t let you go.”

"Beichen, why don't you go? You know that this city is under your jurisdiction. If something happens to you, what should you do? Who will protect your city? I know you are also worried about what will happen to me. , but you have to trust me." Lin Ye said.

"That's right, City Lord Xu, I will go with Lin Ye, don't worry!" Li Jie said.

"Boss, I'll go with them." Ling Wei heard what they said just now, "I must find out what this virus is, which killed so many people in our city."

"Then I'll go too." Yu Qiran said.

"I think it's better to forget it. People like you who only know how to play tricks behind their backs will lose their lives if they go." Ling Wei sneered, it seems that she is still not afraid of letting her subordinates make a fool of themselves. With a grudge.

For Ling Wei's harsh provocation, he didn't take it seriously, but enjoyed it.

"I'll go with you too." Xin Yu said.

"I'll go too." Xuewu said.

Yi Er didn't speak at the side, because he knew that he couldn't help much if he went.

"You..." Xu Beichen looked at them with some emotion: "Lin Ye, it's really great that you have made so many good brothers!"

"Yes, so don't worry, we will definitely find out what's going on, and when we come back, we must treat us well and eat delicious food." Lin Ye said, then looked at Xinyu and Xuewu and said: "You two should not go."

(End of this chapter)

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