Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 849 1 Living Dead

Chapter 849 A Living Dead Man
But Ling Wei shook her head and said: "I've already come here to leave, and I will fall short if I withdraw again. I can feel that methamphetamine must have something to do with this hospital!"

Lin Ye also knew that Ling Wei was eager to save their city, but since they all came out, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to go back without finding anything, so he didn't refute.

"When I entered the hospital just now, I took a rough look. This building has nearly 20 floors. We have already walked nearly five or six floors. If we go at the current speed, we may have to go to the top floor in the early morning. , and we need to be careful when fighting at night, our flashlights may also attract zombies." Lin Ye said.

The others nodded in understanding. As supernatural beings, these zombies are nothing to worry about. They are afraid that there is something waiting for them above them that they don't know.

They quickly found the surgery clinic. The door was closed tightly. Lin Ye kicked the door several times before he opened it. The incandescent lamp inside lit up the whole space, and there was no one there.

A few people quickly rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and sure enough, they found sprays, bandages, and various anti-inflammatory drugs. These are all good things, so bring them all. In the apocalypse, what is most lacking is not food, but medicine.

Just stand guard at the door.

Lin Ye's eyes rolled around, and he slowly approached the light blue curtain, which flickered.He kept his eyes open and approached slowly step by step, as if the person behind the curtain was also approaching him step by step. Lin Ye tightened the gun in his hand, and his fingertips touched the curtain, and there was a static sting. The pain made him withdraw his hand for an instant.

There is an examination room in the trauma clinic. There is no door installed on the door frame of the examination room, only a nylon curtain is hung.

There is a faint shadow behind the light blue curtain, it is shaking slightly, silently.There were only the sounds of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and the tinkling of bottles and cans when they were touched.

"Hush!" Lin Ye issued a warning to them. Everyone stopped rummaging, stood up and gripped their submachine guns, and pointed at the examination room there.

Lin Ye fixed his eyes on the curtain, stretched out his left hand again, and grasped the center of the curtain forcefully, as if crumpling a paper ball, he held his breath.With a bang, the curtain was pulled down forcefully.

A dead man hanging from a ceiling fan with an overturned stool at his feet, did he commit suicide?
Lin Ye stared at the dead man's head. Suddenly, the dead man's eyes opened. Lin Ye was startled and took a step back. Others surrounded him, so everyone was staring at the hanged man. There was a white eyeball in the dead man's eyes. A black spot the size of a bean, he grinned as if smiling, showing a row of teeth, what a weird scene.His eyeballs were still rolling, his neck was strangled by a sling composed of bandages, and his limbs began to shake violently and violently after seeing them, as if he was hanging a living person, and this person seemed to be He will never die, his neck is stretched and stretched, his flesh is split, and if he tries harder, his cervical spine will snap.

"What is this..." Li Jie asked, looking at the strange eyes of the dead man.

Lin Ye stared at the undead himself. He could feel the deep killing intent of the undead, but he seemed unable to move. Lin Ye didn't think that the sling could trap him, maybe he couldn't move himself.

"What should I do? Shall I just blow his head off?" Li Jie said.

Lin Ye shook his head: "I don't know what it is, I just don't know if something will happen..."

"Then we have to deal with him. What if he comes down and attacks us from behind after I go upstairs?" Ling Wei said.

"I'll freeze him first, so as to restrict his activities." Lin Ye released the ability to freeze the living dead.

"Okay, another batch of zombies are coming here." Urran outside urged.

"Let's go!" Lin Ye said.

Several people packed the medicines and left here.

After dealing with these zombies, they have now reached about the tenth floor. Looking out from the window, they can only see a foggy barrenness, and they can't see anything else.

"Alas..." Ling Wei sighed, she didn't want to see this world at all.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise from above. They were startled, and they all stopped, looking up nervously, wondering what the sound was just now.

It was already dark outside, and the whole hospital was shrouded in darkness. Lin Ye and the others turned on two flashlights. Lin Ye walked in front with one flashlight, and Li Jie followed behind with a flashlight.

"Everyone, be careful, I don't know what's up here." Lin Ye walked in front and said.

Everyone was very nervous at this time, because they didn't know what was on it, so everyone walked very slowly, and even their breathing became weak, for fear that any noise would disturb the things above.

"Wait, you guys stay here first, I'll go up alone to see the situation, otherwise there will be too many people going up, and it's hard to get down when encountering a situation." Lin Ye said.

"Then be careful."

"Yeah." Lin Ye nodded, then took the flashlight, bent his waist, and walked up.

The upper space is very large. First, there is a corridor with rooms on both sides, like an inpatient department. Lin Ye walked to your door first, and the door was pushed open a little, and the smell of blood came from inside. The bubbling blood was stopping within sight, and due to time and weather, the blood had already formed a thin layer of film on it, like the bean curd skin on the soy milk, glowing matte under the incandescent lamp.

That's fresh blood.

Lin Ye was shocked, meaning that there was a living person here not long ago!

Lin Ye didn't open the door any more. He held his breath and peeped in through the gap on the hinge. He saw a pair of eyes, dry and lifeless eyes. They were a zombie. He was sitting there, chewing something, and said " Creak, creak" sound, like chewing human skin, suddenly the blunt sound of skin being torn apart and the crisp sound of bones snapping came from the room.

"Ah!!!!" With the last scream.

Lin Ye took a preliminary look. There might be five or six zombies inside. They were eating a person who had just died. Lin Ye was a little sad. If he had come up earlier, this person might not have died.

But there are no living people in this place, which is rather strange. Let’s not talk about how he hid here, just say that he has to pass through so many zombies when he comes up here. Maybe this person is also a supernatural person, but on the way No trace of the ability of the ability user was found.

So weird.

(End of this chapter)

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