Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 857 Half Human Half Zombie

Chapter 857 Half Human Half Zombie

"Then what should I do next?" Lin Ye asked: "I'm using ice to isolate the outside, you can wake up, but after all, the air inside is limited, if I remove the ice, will you see each other again?" Become a zombie, and then you can't see me?"

This question made You Qiran, Li Jie, and Ling Wei silent, because they didn't know what happened, and they couldn't be sure whether they would be confused again when they went out again.

Several people are confused.

The air inside the ice was getting less and less. Lin Ye had no choice but to remove the ice first. Unexpectedly, the moment he removed the ice, the surrounding situation once again brought the three of them into a stalemate.

Here, it has been surrounded by zombies, and the four of them are surrounded by zombies.

The four of them faced countless zombies with their backs facing each other. The small ward was already full of zombies, but the strange thing was that these zombies just surrounded them and didn't pounce on them to bite them, which was strange. This kind of situation only happened when the zombies were controlled by Il. Is there anyone here who can control the zombies?There won't be any whistle or something like that?
These zombies surrounded the four of them, and then let out a low growl together, unlike the roars of the zombies before, but the low growls did not seem to be provocative and declared war, but begging?
The zombies are begging, how is it possible!
But when they saw the eyes and facial expressions of those zombies, they had to feel really sad.

These zombies lowered their heads slightly, intending to please Lin Ye and the others, and then they continued to growl in a low voice. Seeing that the zombies had no intention of attacking, Lin Ye and the others gradually put away their abilities, and then the four of them fought with each other. The zombies in a ward looked at each other.

What is the situation? !
"Roar~~~~" The zombies in the circle closest to Lin Ye and the others lowered their heads slightly, showing their affection to Lin Ye and the four of them. They seemed to be trying their best to show Lin Ye and the four of them that they were No malice.

But after all, in this apocalypse, how could the zombies have no malicious intentions? Lin Ye and the others always kept a distance from these zombies and did not dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, the group of zombies slowly separated to the two sides, forming a passage, and then a zombie slowly walked in from the outside and walked towards Lin Ye and the others. It was holding a piece of paper in its hand, and then she walked up to Lin Ye and handed the paper To Lin Ye.

Lin Ye looked at the zombie dubiously, hesitated for a while, and then took the paper. On the paper, the front and back were filled with words. The zombie pointed to one side of the paper, and motioned Lin Ye to move from there Start reading.

Lin Ye glanced at the zombies in front of him and the zombies around him. Their eyes were all focused on Lin Ye and the piece of paper in his hand.

"Look at what is written on it." Li Jie urged, this was handed over by the zombies, maybe it is what they want to express.

Lin Ye nodded, and saw that the paper read from the beginning: "We are not zombies at all!"

"What, they're not zombies?" Ling Wei asked in surprise.

As soon as Ling Wei said this, the zombies around nodded frequently, for fear that they would not believe them.

Lin Ye continued to read: "The reason why we became like this is because we were infected with the Isjataraku virus, so we turned into this half-human half-zombie appearance, but don't be afraid, we just changed our bodies. It looks like a zombie, but the brain has not changed, so it will not hurt you, you must rest assured!" After reading this, Lin Ye looked at the zombie in front of him incredulously and asked: "Can you understand me? say?"

The zombie nodded.

"Then can you speak?" Lin Ye asked again.

The zombie shook his head, signaling Lin Ye to continue looking down.

It was written on that piece of paper: "Our voice has been destroyed by the Isjataraku virus, and we can't speak at all. The reason why we stop you here is to ask for something, and we sincerely beg you to help We, since the end of the world, are the first real human beings to come to this place, we are really happy, maybe you think this is unbelievable, but it is really true, we are sincere!"

"You said that we are the first batch of humans to come here after the end of the world, so you want to keep us. Then the hallucination we had just now, seeing our partners as zombies, is also your fault?!" He said that the incident just now made him worry about it, because it was so embarrassing and uncomfortable!

I saw that zombie shaking its head like a rattle, and the zombies behind were also shaking their heads, trying their best to deny it.

"Who would it be if it wasn't you, and we saw the illusion that this hospital is full of people, aren't those things all caused by you?" Ling Wei asked.

The zombie waved his hands and shook his head in a hurry, and then a small notebook and a pen came from the group of zombies. The zombie wrote a long paragraph in the notebook, and then hurriedly handed it to You Qiran, let him Look.

The book said: "The reason why you have hallucinations is caused by the gas emitted by the body of the Isjataraku virus. In the room behind the nurse's station, you saw a blue Is it a liquid-colored machine? That is the body of the Isjataraku virus. The liquid it releases passes through the special tube, and it will turn into gas. If you inhale the gas, it will first produce illusions, and then go to companions. Killing each other before was like zombies fighting each other, until all of our bodies turned into zombies."

"That thing is really not a good thing..." Ling Wei looked at the words in the notebook and muttered to herself.

Lin Ye didn't quite know what the blue liquid they were talking about was, and he continued to look at what was written on the paper in his hand: "Please help us, we have been trapped in this hospital for many years , since the end of the day, we have been trapped in this hospital since we were infected with the Isjataraku virus. Really, in this hospital, we just live in such a mediocre way, we can’t do anything, and even want to die I can’t die, I can’t leave and I can’t leave, really this is the so-called life is worse than death! Please help us, even if you help us die, we will thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” Then all the words that followed were requests, Please wait for words.

After reading this, the four of them looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do. This was the first time they encountered such a strange thing.

"You can't die because of the Isjataraku virus you mentioned?" Lin Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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