Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 868 Strange Floor

Chapter 868 Strange Floor
"I suspect that Xu Yichen is one of those people in the city who took the risk because he wanted to find the root cause of the brain-dead virus." People in the city have a deep obsession with the city, which can be seen from Ling Wei, so They want to protect themselves, the only piece of pure land in the last days, and they would rather sacrifice themselves than keep the whole world. You, Lin Ye, admire their spirit very much.

"I don't think this is very likely. He retorted: "Think about it, why did he come to this hospital building alone for the good of the city? He didn't try. How sad his friends and relatives in the city should be. His actions made many people feel very sad. He didn't save his city and lost his own life. My loved ones are heartbroken, I don't think it's from the city, or maybe a person with supernatural powers who was on the road accidentally broke into the hospital, there are various reasons. "

In fact, it makes sense to understand and analyze, but what is being pursued now is not who the dead person is. The two stayed on this floor for a while, but there was no movement, and they headed towards the stairs on the seventh floor. Walking, who would have thought that they had just reached the stairs when there was a loud noise upstairs, and they couldn't tell what it was, but this loud noise was enough to make Lin Ye and Li Jie tremble with fear, and they stopped in their tracks immediately , eyes, all staring at the ceiling with a solemn expression, all guessing what is on it, it should not be a zombie, how could the zombie make such a loud noise, they will only keep looking for blood and human flesh, then What could it be? It couldn't really be the monster Lin Ye mentioned!
Lin Ye and Li Jie looked at each other. They both saw anxiety on each other's faces. Unknown things appeared upstairs. This made everyone feel very anxious in such a dangerous hospital building, and even some people Will run away, but after all, Lin Ye and Li Jie are supernatural beings, so they are still very determined. After hearing this loud noise, the two of them went upstairs in no hurry. You need to plan, if this is the case Go up in a hurry, and if you are completely unprepared, you may be attacked by the monster that made the loud noise upstairs. If you are overwhelmed by the time, you will be easily injured.

"If there are still those monsters upstairs, humanoid monsters, or blue monsters, these two monsters have very strong attack power, fast speed, and very sensitive reactions. It’s not bulky, so when the two of us go upstairs, I will walk in front and you will walk behind. If there is a monster rushing to us when we go upstairs, I will create an ice shield in an instant to protect us first. Two people, and then think about how to solve the monster." Lin Ye said.

Li Jie nodded. He understood Lin Ye's meaning. For the sake of safety, the two of them kept the footsteps to a minimum, for fear of attracting the attention of the monster upstairs.

The two walked up the stairs carefully, and Lin Ye was even more focused, because he always had a bad premonition in his heart, why did he feel that the thing upstairs was not that simple, but he was not afraid that he would not be able to beat him, like Lin Ye and Li Jie are already epic-level supernatural beings, and they are rarely afraid of mutated species, including the humanoid monsters and blue monsters that Lin Ye encountered before. He is not afraid of them, but just feels It is very surprising why there are such monsters in the world. Lin Ye feels very angry, because this virus was researched by humans and experimented with humans. Humans have thoughts and feelings between humans. Humans are advanced. Animals have the seven emotions and six desires, but the seven emotions and six desires are changing. The thinking among human beings, if a person is too selfish, he will do a lot of outrageous things. Why do human beings, especially this one, face a great difficulty? Difficulties have caused the entire human race to face a crisis, but human beings cannot unite to fight against this difficulty, and some people even persecute their own kind. Lin Ye feels that these people are not worthy of being beasts, and the tentacles will not completely kill their own kind .

When the two of you walked slowly to the stairs, you poked your head out cautiously, looked left and right, and found nothing, anything that could move. Could it be that what you heard just now was an illusion?
"Strange, the loud noise just now was really real. How could there be something now, maybe which room he is hiding in, should we go find him one by one, how can we continue to let him go, they put the people here It’s better to clean up all the zombies, otherwise how would you leave here.” Li Jie said, and they also analyzed before that the virus in this building may be the same virus as the brain death virus, so we must investigate clearly. What is it, Li Jie is very thoughtful, so he closes his eyes, feels the surroundings carefully, feels the power that can radiate, carefully distinguishes what direction there is something, you think, the senses are very powerful, there are others, when you concentrate When he was mentally feeling the surroundings, he woke up instantly with something in his heart. In a room at the end of the corridor, one, from the back, should be a human or a zombie. She squatted in the corner and didn't know what she was doing. , speaking sparsely, and I couldn't help but hear what he was saying.

Li Jie opened his eyes, and then he explained to Lin Ye what he saw just now, and Lin Ye thought deeply after listening to his words.

Then the two decided to cover it first, and then the two of them walked over cautiously. From the window, they saw a person squatting in the corner of the ancient man. You said they walked over, and then Lin Ye directly released the ability to freeze Ice this person, and then they saw a piece of paper on the table, he picked up the note, and saw that the note read: Brain Death Virus and Isga Taraku Virus, both viruses are low-level viruses , infected with these two viruses, these two viruses do not have too high attack power, so I feel very dissatisfied, but Zhou Yangshen proposed to me, since the brain death virus, and the Isja Talaku virus, one is, To kill the human brain, one is to change the human body, don't you think these two things are very complementary?So if you think about it in a different direction, why not combine these two viruses together, then the combination of the two will cause human brain death and body changes, and then the attack power of the two viruses will be added together, when the time comes The new virus must have a strong attack power.

(End of this chapter)

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