Chapter 883 Reckless
"What you said is really too forced, and it can't stand scrutiny at all. Just say, how did Linye treat you before your car accident, how did he deceive you, and did he show the intention of framing you again?" ?You two have slept together in the same bed before. It is normal for brothers to sleep together. Then what did he do to you when you were asleep? No, so you can’t because someone tells you a story, You just take it seriously, and then go to Shanghai, yourself, you have always regarded yourself as a good confidant of a friend, so you can think about it carefully?" Xin Yuyu persuaded earnestly.

But Qilian didn't listen to any of them's persuasion at all, he suddenly started to blow his flute more vigorously, and then the half-human half-zombies who were sealed up by Lin Bing began to tremble, cracks began to appear on the ice surface, and then In just a few seconds, the ice suddenly exploded with a bang, and all the half-human half-zombies broke free from the ice's shackles.

"Roar!!!" The half-human, half-zombies roared for a while, and then attacked Lin Ye and the others again. Of course, they easily dodged.

"If not, let's take his flute forcibly!!" Li Jie suggested.

Lin Ye thought for a while and said, "You can take it by force, but don't hurt Qi Lian and these half-human half-zombies, you know what I mean."

"Okay, no problem." Several people nodded and replied.

Then they thought about how to snatch Qi Lian's flute. Li Jie belongs to the close range, and it is most suitable for Li Jie to get close. Then, someone needs to attract Qi Lian's attention, which is easier to handle.

Lin Ye and the others took a closer look at Qi Lian, and found that he was just an ordinary person. The supernatural powers in his body were completely incompatible with his body, and the supernatural powers conflicted with his body, so he couldn't fully recover. Use the supernatural powers in his body, but he doesn't know the mysterious power in his brain, so Qi Lian is actually an ordinary person, what he can use now is to use the flute to control these things. Half-human, half-zombie, but although these half-human, half-zombies have the attack power of zombies, their number is not too much. Even if they attack Lin Ye and the others together, they are not Lin Ye's opponent, so this match There is no suspense, but the problem is that you don't want to hurt Qishisi and the others, who are half-human and half-zombies, and you don't want to hurt Qi Lian, so they can't go head-to-head, they can only outsmart them.

"It's actually very simple. I just need to release the power, talk about the actions of these half-human, half-zombie, freeze them quickly, and then some of you will go into the mountain to snatch Qi Lian's flute." Lin Ye said.

"Just now you also frozen these half-human half-zombies, but his flute sound seemed to make them stronger. Can you successfully freeze them this time?" Xin Yu said with some concern.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't freeze the strength very much just now, because I didn't expect him to strengthen this hand. Now I will increase the strength of the ice and increase the number of times. In this way, even if he plays the flute It’s useless to increase the attack power of the half-human, half-zombie even higher, not to mention that you’re going to grab the foundation, how much energy does he have to play the flute.” Lin Ye said, he also observed before, the flute wants to Blow it, and it can strengthen the attack power of these half-human half-zombies. In fact, blowing it is also very complicated. He watched Qi Lian's hand move back and forth. Lin Ye doesn't understand music, but it seems It was difficult, if Qi Lian was attacked by Li Jie and the others, then he would definitely not have the energy to continue playing the flute.

Not much to say, Lin Ye directly released his supernatural ability, freezing those half-human, half-zombie corpses again, and then Li Jie, Xue Wu, Yu Qiran and Xin Yu attacked Qi Lian from four directions, Qi Lian was shocked , wanted to change his gesture and blow the flute again to strengthen the attack power of the half-human half-zombie, but before he could move, Li Jie was already close to his body, and directly slapped his wrist with his palm. His wrist hurt and he let go. After picking up the flute, the flute was caught by him before it hit the ground, and then the four of them jumped back to their original positions. These movements seemed to happen within a few seconds, and Qi Lian didn't react at all.

As soon as he got the flute, Lin Ye quickly withdrew his ability and broke the ice seal. Qi Shisi and his half-human half-zombies all fell to the ground in unison.

"What's going on?!" Lin Ye exclaimed in shock. He hurriedly went to check on Qishisi's current situation, and found that their eyes were closed, their faces were expressionless and there was no pain, because the half-human, half-zombie itself didn't need Breathing, Lin Ye couldn't detect whether they were still alive.

"Hahahahaha, do you think that if you snatch my flute, you are done? I said you are too naive. Even if you snatch the flute, you can't use it, and because I have already issued an order to them with the flute, If the flute is not in my hands, they are equivalent to the robots that have been activated with orders. They have orders but no commands, so they crashed afterwards. Do you see that they are still motionless now? If the foundation is not there, they will return to my hands forever. It's like this, hehe, really, I think everything is so simple, I know I can't beat you today, so do you think I will go forward so rashly? I have arrangements, see if they don't Qi Lian pointed to the half-human half-zombie lying on the ground and continued: "Don't you regard them as friends? If you don't return the flute to me, then I will burn them all with a fire now, let They've been wiped out, anyway, they can't move now, and you can't move them all away, so, either return the flute to me, or burn them all, you can make a choice."

"Are you threatening me? Hehehe, Qi Lian, I found that you are very naive. I am here, how can you burn them? I can block all your fire with an ice shield, and our side There is also a fire-type superpower, it can absorb all fire, do you think we are so reckless?" Lin Ye said.

The situation was very stalemate, Lin Ye didn't want to hurt Qi Lian, and Qi Lian would definitely not let Lin Ye and the others leave so easily, so neither of the two sides made any further moves, they were all waiting for the other party's next move.

However, this stalemate did not last long, because the arrival of a person broke the situation. That person was Ling Wei. Ling Wei rushed over from the city and saw Lin Ye and his master. Knows too much what they are doing.

(End of this chapter)

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