Chapter 889 Regret
He didn't know what to do, but one day, Zhou Yangshen found him. Zhou Yangshen invited Qi Lian to continue to help him research the virus, and he felt that at that moment, Qi Lian wanted to refuse, because he knew this. What a disaster the virus will bring to mankind, isn't that the case with the zombie virus?It's just a zombie virus, as long as I face extinction, if I add other viruses, the consequences will be unimaginable, but the thought of rejection just flashed by, and then Qi Lian nodded, He agreed to Zhou Yangshen, so he didn't understand, Qi Lian obviously wanted to refuse, why would he agree?
Then Qi Lian and Zhou Yangshen returned to his experimental base, and then stayed in the experimental base for a whole year, studying those viruses day and night.

After Qi Lian invented the brain death virus and the Iscarraku virus, Qi Lian felt guilty in his heart. Although he didn't like human beings, he didn't want all human beings to face extinction. After Lian was resurrected again, he knew that he was no longer a human being, but he still regarded himself as a human being in his heart, so he proposed to Zhou Yangshen to leave the experimental base. Zhou Yangshen agreed to let Qi Lian leave without changing his face, but Zhou Yangshen said Let Qi Lian stay in the experimental base for a few more days, after the brain death virus and the Isijia Talaku virus are relatively stable, Qi Lian is leaving, Qi Lian thought for a while, and agreed, but he did not see Zhou Yangshen's last look. Sinister smiley.

During the few days that Qi Lian stayed, he never stepped into the virus storage room, nor did he check anything related to the virus. Zhou Yangshen didn't say anything, but he could see it clearly , that Zhou Yangshen was using some unknown potion to make the sleeping Qi Lian unconscious, then he got Qi Lian to the experimental base, and then injected a mysterious potion into Qi Lian's body, instantly In Qi Lian's brain, that mysterious barrier is formed, this barrier can prevent everyone from exploring the information in Qi Lian's brain, if Qi Lian wants to say it by himself , then this force will become solid to oppress Qi Lian's brain, and then make Qi Lian fall into a coma.

Seeing what Zhou Yangshen did, he naturally understood that Zhou Yangshen was afraid that information about the brain-death virus and the Isjataraku virus would be exposed, and Qi Lian knew who invented the zombie virus.

It seems that this Zhou Yangshen is really not simple. He actually planned such a big conspiracy. I really don't know what his purpose is.

After the mysterious power formed in Qi Lian's brain, Qi Lian was about to leave the next day, Zhou Yangshen let Qi Lian leave very happily, and sent him off with a smile, but Qi Lian didn't know what happened at all, just watched Zhou Yangshen's look of hiding a knife in his smile gave him a chill in his heart. Suddenly, Zhou Yangshen turned to where Li Youran was with a smile on his face, and then he slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on Li Youran's eyes impartially. Of course.

He was so shocked, this is impossible, he is in a state of consciousness now, how could Zhou Yangshen see him? !
So he calmed down the surprise in his heart, remained calm and did not move, just looked at Zhou Yangshen, and after a stalemate like this for 1 minute, Zhou Yangshen turned slowly and walked towards the experimental base.

Then he exhaled lightly, then turned around and quickly chased after Qi Lian who had gone far away.

But on the day when Qi Lian left, he turned on his cell phone, and his face gradually became burnt-like scars, with more and more scars every day, and finally the whole face changed, Qi Lian found himself This change was not too exciting, but he said to himself: "karma... karma... self-inflicted... self-inflicted..."

Later, Qi Lian met Li Lingwei and Xu Beichen. They were not scared away by Qi Lian's terrifying appearance. Infected with the zombie virus, so let Qi Lian stay in the city.

At that time, the city was very desolate, because there was no electricity, nothing could be done, and they were such a small city, there was no power plant at all, no nuclear power, and no equipment that could supply power, so the city There is no way to develop, but this city is still a safe place, at least the zombies have not appeared here, and there are still many people who come here to seek refuge. As the city lord of this city, Xu Beichen racked his brains to get this The city is doing well, but the problem of electricity consumption cannot be solved, so he is very distressed.

But Xu Beichen never expected that the person named Qi Lian whom he and Ling Wei took in by accident, when he heard Xu Beichen talk about the problem of no electricity, he actually said: "I can help you solve this problem of electricity. Question, in return for taking me in."

"Really! You have a solution to the electricity problem?!" Xu Beichen was overjoyed, and excitedly grabbed Qi Lian's shoulder: "Brother, if you can help me solve the electricity problem in the whole city, brother, I can Let me give you the position of the city lord!"

"No, just give me a place to stay." Qi Lian replied.

In the next few days, Qi Lian began to collect the required materials, various materials, and then spent nearly half a year to invent a generator. The electricity can be used by the last two cities. This is really amazing. I don’t know what this Qilian used to produce such an effect. I was stunned by it. A year in the middle of the year is equivalent to 1 minute in the real world, so I have been following Qi Lian for half a year, watching his pile of broken copper and iron slowly transform into a generator. The most important thing is that Xu Beichen found him the invention room, where he ate and slept.

When the generator was invented and the whole city was supplied with electricity, the whole city began to have a light and become more vibrant.

Everyone in the whole city is very grateful to Qi Lian, and Ling Wei feels that Qi Lian is very powerful, so she worships Qi Lian as her master.

Then Qi Lian has been living in this city.

Looking at Qi Lian's completely ruined face, he suddenly felt extremely regretful, Qi Lian is a rare talent, if he hadn't met Zhou Yangshen, then his fate must not be like it is now... No, it's not all about Zhou Yangshen, and if there hadn't been a car accident...or if someone was willing to lend a helping hand during the car accident...the result would be completely different from what it is now, but fate arranged his life like this, really Nobody can change...

(End of this chapter)

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