Chapter 893
Lin Ye didn't want Qi Lian to die, he wanted him to live, so to persuade him, although he wasn't sure whether he could find that little red thing, but at this moment he had to stabilize Qi Lian's heart first.

He shook his head and said, "He didn't send me any more information."

From this point of view, Qi Lian is really determined to die, what should I do, their persuasion seems to be useless, but they don't want Qi Lian to die, what should I do, Ling Wei is already crying on the ground Get up, "Master, did you hear what my disciple said? Please don't die, disciple, please don't die, we really have a way to help you solve it, and when you recover from your illness, you will You can continue to stay in the city and go find serum with us. This can be regarded as making up for the mistake. Master, please listen to what the apprentice said. In fact, when we first met you, the city lord had already discovered You are, you are Lin Ye's good friend, but he didn't explain it, because he didn't know what you went through to become like this. You were obviously dead at the beginning, and the city lord was also very confused, so he never said anything. Say it, later you helped us invent the generator, the whole city started to have electricity, and it became more popular. It is exactly the same as before the end, and the people in the whole city are very grateful to you, even if you are a dead The resurrected person, we also treat you sincerely. After getting along with you, the city lord fully confirmed that you are another bosom friend of Lin Ye. I remember the city lord said to me that you are very smart, and then you The friend is very good, and he is a person worthy of deep friendship. People like Lin Ye who have been in the underground for many years have become old and cunning, and they don't want to be friends with other people. However, Lin Ye is willing to make friends with you. The boss of the underground black forces regards you as a confidant and friend, so one can imagine how trustworthy you are."

"The city lord said that he is Lin Ye's subordinate, the two are subordinates, and he is loyal to Lin Ye, so Lin Ye is willing to treat him as a bosom friend, but you are different, you are just Lin Ye who met you at a reception , but let Lin Ye regard you as his confidant friend. It is conceivable that Master, you have a great personality charm. Even now we are here, I advise you not to seek death, we do not want you to die, so your personality charm has not diminished, all the things you input are not what you want, now there is a way to help you Get out of that Zhou Yangshen's control, why can't you persevere, master, here suddenly, I implore you, cooperate with us, get out of Zhou Yangshen's control, and survive."

"He has responded!" Yu Qiran said happily.

"Keep talking, keep talking about Ling Wei!" Xu Beichen, who had been standing outside the door, walked in quickly. He had been standing outside the door just now, listening to what they said.

"Master, master, did you hear what the apprentice said? Master, master, I still want to ask you. I still have a lot of questions about all inventions that I don't understand. I want to ask you, so master, you If you have confidence in you and us, we must have a way to rescue you, master, think about it, if you die, you will be over, and that Zhou Yangshen who caused you such misery is still living so freely in this world , are you willing? You think his inventions are also very clever, so you have to survive and fight against him. You have spent the longest time with him, you know him well, and only you can stop him. If If you die, wouldn’t he be very rampant? We can’t fight him at all, and we, the factory now, has generally been taken over by the brain-dead virus. Now our most important thing is to find the serum, but we don’t have it at all. Know what these serums are! So master, we need you! You really can’t die! You have to take us to find Xueqing to save this half of the city. Let’s work together to defeat Zhou Yangshen! Master, master, We want to defeat Zhou Yangshen, so we need you for many things. When someone needs you, master, do you still want to seek death? Do you still want to die? I think you must be reluctant to leave us in this world to suffer , worrying about how to fight against Zhou Yangshen, so master, you persist and cooperate with us to find the medium through which Zhou Yangshen controls you. We will cut off this medium and it will no longer be able to control you. Then you can live normally, and you can be with us Find a way together, let's save the world together, you can make up for the mistakes you made when you were under control! Let's find the serum, let's save the city, okay?" Ling Wei continued to persuade sincerely, She hoped that Qi Lian could hear what she said. She believed that only Qi Lian could hear her, and she would not be willing to let people like them who didn't know Zhou Yangshen at all fight against Zhou Yangshen.

"Oh... you, you guys! I really told you to tell me, I really can't bear to leave you guys behind..."

"He has spoken!" You Qiran forwarded Qi Lian's words to Lin Ye and the others.

Thinking of how helplessly Qi Lian said this, Ling Wei broke into tears and laughed, "Master..." Since Qi Lian said that, it shows that he is willing to cooperate with him in finding a medium, rather than committing himself to death.

"Then, you all go out first, and leave me alone in the room. I want to concentrate on feeling all this, including the information Qi Lian said." You Qiran said.

Lin Ye and the others nodded in understanding and walked out.

"I don't know if it will be successful..." Xu Beichen asked worriedly.

Lin Ye patted him on the shoulder and said, "Trust Qi Lian. Since he said that, it means that he wants to live, and he doesn't want to die. Then we can only let it go."

"Well... Actually, when I found out that he was your best friend back then, I was really shocked and didn't know what to say. After all, after he passed away, I went to his funeral with you, and you asked me to investigate the collision. I didn't expect that there would be a resurrection in this world, and I was very surprised. At first, I couldn't believe it easily. It wasn't until I got along with him for a long time that I was sure that he was really Qi Lian, but I didn't expose it, after all, he didn't take the initiative to mention these things to me, which means that he didn't want to tell me his identity, so I couldn't say it directly."

(End of this chapter)

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