Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 895 Unexpectedly

Chapter 895 Unexpectedly
"Don't hinder me!" Suddenly, a man's voice pierced through the red medium, this voice reached Yu Qiran's brain, a very penetrating voice, bluntly speaking Yu Qi forced him back a few steps, this man His ability is definitely above epic!

Who is this male voice? !
"'s Zhou Yangshen..." Qi Lian slowly opened his eyes at this moment, and said with difficulty, "That's Zhou, Zhou Yangshen's voice." Apparently Qi Lian also heard that male voice.

Zhou Yangshen actually transmitted the voice directly to You Qiran? !
However, he was still calm and did not show surprise, and asked calmly: "Hindering you? I don't know what I hindered you?"

Soon, Zhou Yangshen's voice came through again: "Hehe, you don't need to pretend to me, this person is mine, you, don't meddle anymore, when you went to explore his memory before, I already found you , I didn’t care about you at that time, so it’s still very rampant, right? Let me tell you this, you can’t beat me with just this little trick, you think you drag my medium from his body Come out, won’t he be controlled by me? It’s too simple to think, not only his body is controlled by me, but his heart is also controlled by me. Do you think I forced him to do all this? Wrong, he is willing Yes, so, if you help him like this, he may not be willing." Zhou Yangshen said.

You can take a look at Qi Lian, only to see Qi Lian's completely ruined face with his eyes closed, you can't see his expression at this time, but you can feel that he is very sad now , very sad, if he could shed tears, he would have burst into tears at this time.

"I don't care if you say she is voluntary or not, but what he said now means it was passed on to me. He wants to be liberated, and she doesn't want to be controlled by you anymore, so no matter what you say, I will help him, you Don't let me be deluded by your words again. I know you are smart and cunning. You want to confuse me with words. Although I am not as powerful as you, I am at least a psychic. To control my spirit and my thinking, I think you should not be able to do it." You Qiran said confidently, as a psychic, for himself, the mind control is super strong, and he The spiritual power of the psychic is not comparable to that of ordinary people, so the spiritual power and emotion of the psychic are very strong, and it is difficult for the psychic to like someone because he is too rational, but Ever since he became a psychic, he has never been fooled by a few words from others, and his self-control is very strong.

"Why, you mean that you don't believe me anymore, hehe, I didn't, in order to keep such a person, I lied to you. He voluntarily stayed by my side. Let me tell you, you are all supernatural beings, don't you understand? Understand the emotions between human beings, he is a person, he falls in love with me, so he voluntarily follows me and is controlled by me, understand? I am not forcing him, so you should not interfere in the affairs between the two of us , if you cut me out of his body like this, he should be the saddest one instead of me, okay? Let me put it this way, before he got into a car accident, he came to me and told me what he wanted. I rejected him very rationally. After all, my sexual orientation is normal, so he was very dazed. He was hit by a car on the road, and he just died like that, so I have some self-blame. I think half of his car accident is my responsibility, so I invented something that can bring him back to life. I want him to come back to life again. I don’t want her to be here by herself, rampage, and take her own life, so , we invented a medium, in order to connect me with him, in order to let me always know what he is doing, why after resurrection, he is not willing to stay with me like before, always thinking of leaving me, if I don’t After discovering this medium, if he goes far away, won’t I never find him?” What Zhou Yangshen said made You Qiran wonder if Zhou Yangshen also fell in love with Qi Lian?

"Here, why don't you ask him what he thinks in person, why she wants to leave you, you said it before him, just do what you said, did he like you before, right? He wanted to be with you before, right Why? Why did he think about leaving you after his resurrection? Is there something he was disappointed with you? Why didn’t you consider this and just control it forcefully, causing him so much post-pain , Look at his current appearance, you have carefully looked at his current appearance, do you dare to tell my heart? Do you think she will be happy if you do this? Keep him strong by your side, don’t you brain IQ Do tall people have low EQ? Such a simple question, you can’t figure it out, Qi Lian likes you, so he wants to be with you, but you reject him, which means you don’t like him, so he After being resurrected, he doesn't want to be by your side anymore because he knows you don't like him, so he wants to leave, what has he endured in his heart, won't you use your clever brain to think about it?" He said helplessly that this was the first time for him to be an emotional mediator, but as a psychic, he could easily reveal what other people were thinking. Qi Lian confessed to Zhou Yangshen, but Zhou Yangshen He refused, so he was very sad, knowing that Zhou Yangshen didn't like him, so after the resurrection, when Zhou Yangshen insisted on keeping him by his side, he must have been unhappy every day.

"Quickly remove the medium... from my body..." Qi Lian said with difficulty.

"Remove? Why, are you in such a hurry to cut off contact with me?" Zhou Yangshen said while suppressing his anger.

"Yes!" Qi Lian replied, he is now in dilapidated body, he is beyond recognition, he is useless, he is not as good as the him before the car accident, before she got into the car accident, he went to confess his love and was rejected , now he, what qualifications do he have, what capital does he have to stay by Zhou Yangshen's side, she is already tired, he wants to be relieved, she has done nothing wrong, he just fell in love with someone, why should he be treated so badly? A lot of torture, physically and mentally, he is already a dead person, why, why is he facing so much pain after resurrection, so he wants to be free, whether it is death, or Zhou Yangshen Eliminating these two from my own heart is the best ending for Qi Lian now.

(End of this chapter)

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