Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 908 The Principle and Feasibility of Stealth

Chapter 908 The Principle and Feasibility of Stealth

"In fact, in layman's terms, it is the same light formed by the eyes and the surrounding ambient light. For example, if this yellow substance is really what makes this mutant mouse invisible, then this yellow substance is what makes this mutant mouse invisible. The mouse's own light dissolves in the ambient light. Although I don't know how he does it, it is the only way to make the mutated mouse invisible. How to develop it, how to make the different lights merge into one kind of light, the ambient light is colorful and various, the sky light, the sun light, the reflected light, and people have their own light, and the mouse is the same. !And as you just said, every part of his body has not mutated, but it itself has mutated from his body shape or her face, these are very strange things." Xin Yu said, he basically has some understanding of these things.

Now they encounter such a troublesome thing, although they know the reason behind it, they don't know how to deal with it and solve it. After all, they still have to move forward, and they still don't know where Li Jie and the others have gone. .

This time, Li Jie and the others actually came out from the side of Bingdun. After seeing Bingdun and Lin Ye on the side of Bingdun, Li Jie shouted happily: "Hey, you are here, I I've been looking for you for a long time!"

"Run and get out of there!" Lin Ye and the others shouted in unison.

Li Jie stood there strangely: "What's the matter, why did you run, why did you make an ice shield inside?"

Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom!The sound of heavy footsteps sounded again, indicating that the mutated mouse turned its body towards Li Jie and the others, and was about to attack Li Jie and the others. Lin Ye no longer hesitated and directly removed the ice shield, then jumped up and jumped in front of the mutated mouse. , and then set up another ice shield directly in front of it to separate the mutated mouse from Li Jie, and then set up the ice shield on their side here, so that the mutated mouse was sandwiched between the two ice shields. Between, there is no escape.

Li Jie watched, Lin Ye's series of movements seemed a little strange, but he also heard that thud just now!Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! The heavy footsteps meant that there were mutated species nearby, but he didn't see anything!
"What the hell is going on! What does that voice mean just now! And why are you doing this now? You guys, where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time. You don't know what's going on in this underground laboratory There are so many strange things, the mutated zombies are not just those four types, they are not just lost, they are all monsters, let me tell you..."

"Listen to me first." Lin Ye interrupted Li Jie: "We have an invisible mutant mouse, which is between these two ice shields. He made the sound of smashing the ice shield as you heard. Yes, just now we also analyzed why he became invisible, the principle, but nothing was analyzed, but, Youzhi found that there was a special yellow powder substance in her body, and we suspected that it was this yellow powder substance that caused him to be invisible. Invisible." Lin Ye said.

"Could it be Zhou Yangshen's ghost again?" Li Jie said, "Why is this Zhou Yangshen everywhere? Everywhere, you, a half-human, half-zombie brother, told me that we have a state of suspended animation here." The medicine was invented by Zhou Yangshen, and Chengcheng told me that there is a person's aura in us, and this person's aura exists near us, but this Qixi Festival does not belong to anyone in our group. I was looking for this person according to the aura Cheng Cheng said, but I didn't expect to find you first." Li Jie said.

"We already know the medicine for the suspended animation state, because we met that person, and we met the spider corpse, and we suspect that there might be the spider corpse king in it," Lin Ye said.

"What?! Man-faced spider corpse king? A mutant monster of that corpse king?! A corpse king that is more powerful than that ancient zombie king Nuo?!" Li Jie exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, it is even more powerful than that ancient zombie king Nuo. Tomorrow, the person in the state of suspended animation is next to the lair of the human-faced spider corpse king. You said, in forensic science, fake death refers to the death of some people. Vital signs Breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse, etc. are extremely weak, in a state that seems to be dead, but in fact is still alive, suspended animation is the result of cerebral blood hypoxia, common in various mechanical asphyxia, hypnotics, anesthetics and other poisons Poisoning, electric shock, cold lethargy, sunstroke, heat stroke, deep coma, severe diarrhea and dehydration caused by cholera or arsenic poisoning, postpartum hemorrhage, hypoxia and nutritional disorders, and uremia, etc. Neonates, especially immature infants, The state of suspended animation is more likely to occur. In the following five situations, adults are also prone to suspended animation, namely alcoholism, anemia, hypoxemia, brain injury, opium, hypnotics and anesthetics, uremia and diabetic coma.

Death is a gradual process, and its time is irreversible; it is difficult to distinguish the fake dead from the real dead in appearance.However, if the fake dead are rescued in time, there is a great possibility of recovery. If you act slowly and delay the timing, it will be easy to make the fake come true, and the fake dead will lose the possibility of regeneration.Therefore, it is very important to determine the state of suspended animation in time. It can be said that human life is at stake, but in any case, he is suspended animation. After all, he is still alive. Why didn't the man-faced spider corpse king attack him? Well, this person in a state of suspended animation has actually reached some kind of connection with this man-faced spider corpse king, as if he has made some kind of deal. Knowing that the more human-faced spider corpses there are, the harder it is to deal with them. At that time, we killed at least 30 of them. We also analyzed why the human-faced spider corpse king was here, and finally came to the conclusion that Zhou Yangshen brought him here. Yes, Zhou Yangshen's ability must be higher than you and me, so he can easily deal with the Spider Corpse King. He brought the Spider Corpse King to this experimental base, and you know about this experiment The base must belong to him, he tried his best to get the Spider Corpse King into this base, for what purpose, not to protect the brain death virus, Isjataraku virus, Wu Erla Infinite Terminator virus, the serum of these three viruses?He was afraid that the three serums would be stolen by other people, so he brought the difficult-to-handle mutated monster like the Man-faced Spider Corpse King into the experimental base, and also got a lot of mutated monsters. How many mutated monsters are there in the entire experimental base? We can't figure out this kind of mutated monster at all, so our preliminary suspicion is that the serum may be hidden in the big ball of the spider corpse king, so if you want to get the serum, you have to fight with the spider corpse King fights. "Lin Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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