Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 910 The Arrogant Man-faced Spider Corpse King

Chapter 910 The Arrogant Man-faced Spider Corpse King
In fact, this number is still very strong. After all, it is only against a human-faced spider corpse king at the level of a corpse king. However, this human-faced spider corpse king is different from the ancient zombie warrior Ghoul Di Nuo. The ancient zombie warrior Ghoul Di Nuo Although they are powerful and have many subordinates, they are very ordinary. Zombie bodies, although there are many of them, are easy to deal with, but human-faced spider corpses are different. The more they are, the higher their combat effectiveness is. There is a strong corrosive power in the blood, which is the most difficult point to deal with, and Lin Ye's ice shield has no effect on them, and Li Jie, he is a melee and supernatural user, but he can deal with these human-faced spider silk In other words, it is very unpopular and unfavorable when entering the station, so it will greatly weaken Li Jie's attack power. Xuewu may play a very powerful role in this battle. After all, these human-faced spider corpses are still Very afraid of fire.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King is the second corpse king-level zombie that Lin Ye and the others will face, so the three of them are still very nervous, because when attacking the ancient zombie warrior Ghoul Tino, there are so many people around. We are all together, and we are not so afraid. Now there are only three of them, and there is inevitably some fear in our hearts. However, we can have fear, but we cannot shrink back. Everyone is working hard to find the serum and save the city. They must succeed here, and must not be held back.

Soon, they returned to the experimental base where the man in red and the big ball were. There were still the corpses of the human-faced spiders killed by them outside, and some of them had been burnt beyond recognition, but they It's just the mutation that blames me. What are you talking about?

The three of them all concentrated on looking at the big ball. Your big ball is still wriggling, and the human-faced spider corpse king is inside, but they know that what they are facing first is not the human-faced spider corpse king, but the human-faced spider corpse king. It was hundreds of human-faced spider corpses.

Suddenly, black shadows emerged from the big ball, some crawled out from below, and some even crawled out from the wall. Soon, half of the experimental base was occupied by human-faced spider corpses. Looking at it so big, there may be hundreds of human-faced spider corpses. They gathered together, all staring at Lin Ye and the three of them.

"Be careful!" Lin Ye instructed in a low voice.

"This number is really astonishing." Li Jie said, looking at the darkness in front of him.

"They win by numbers, so of course there are a lot of them, but if you are a melee warrior with supernatural powers, you must be careful that their blood is highly corrosive." Lin Ye said.

"No problem. Of course there are corrosive zombies. There are better ways to deal with them." Li Jie said.

The Human Face Spider Corpse King is different from other corpse kings. It does not have strong combat capability, but its super reproductive ability is quite terrifying. It destroys everything with the corpse sea tactics.

Of course, this is just what people know about it today.

But in fact, no one knows whether the Man-faced Spider Corpse King has a strong combat capability or not.

The corpse king is rare. Many people have killed zombies all their lives, and they may have never seen the corpse king.

And those who have seen the corpse king and survived are actually very few.

Therefore, people's understanding of the corpse king's ability actually comes from rumors.

Among the zombies, there are corpse kings, and among humans, there are god-inspired supernatural beings. However, neither the corpse king nor the supernatural powers actually make a move.

Human beings with supernatural powers actually sit in a certain city, and under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to trouble the corpse king.

First of all, because there is no certainty of victory, and as long as the corpse king does not attack the city, it is meaningless to kill the corpse king.

Although refining the corpse core of the corpse king can improve the ability of the supernatural beings, in fact, when they reach the level of divine enlightenment, they rely more on their own meditation to cultivate.

Therefore, people with supernatural powers generally do not refine corpse cores, but need to use their own efforts to reach a higher level.

As time passed, they were getting closer and closer to the human-faced spider corpse king, and the number of human-faced spider corpse kings around them was also increasing.

Suddenly, these human-faced spider corpses began to howl, and the howling sound fluctuated. After the howling sound passed, in front of the big ball, those human-faced spider corpses gave way to an open space about 50 meters away. , it seems that it should be specially reserved for Lin Hua and the others.

"Oh, this human-faced spider corpse is the same as that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. It seems to welcome us specially, and also leave us a special space." Li Jie saw the appearance of these human-faced spider corpses. After the howling, the empty space left by the human-faced spider corpses spoke to Lin Hua and the others.

"Pfft..." Xue Wu couldn't help laughing and said, "Your words are the same as what you said back then."

"That's right, Lin Ye, what did you say back then?"

"At the beginning, I said that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo of course welcomes us. He knows that our purpose is to kill him, and we are some of the most powerful people. He thinks that as long as we come If these people are all killed, then this war should end soon, but that is not the case today, King Spider Corpse, I know you can hear us, the purpose of our coming today is not to kill you, Just to get what we are looking for, as long as you are willing to give that thing to us, we will never kill a child of you, and we will definitely not touch a single hair of your hair, how about this deal is not bad, right? I know, you think you have a lot of numbers, and it will be a little troublesome for us to deal with, but don't forget that we, as epic-level supernatural beings, although you are more difficult to deal with than the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, the ancient Zombie Warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo is the peak corpse king of the epic level, and you, the human-faced spider corpse king, are only the extraordinary peak corpse king. The reason why you are more difficult to deal with than the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo is because you human-faced spider corpses The corrosiveness and quantity are huge, but no matter how difficult it is to deal with, we, as epic-level supernatural beings, can still deal with you, a super-level corpse king. If you don’t want to have too many casualties, cooperate with us and put the serum Leave it to us, and we will definitely leave obediently." Lin Hua looked at the big ball and said slowly.

The big ball squirmed a few times again, and then a low and deep male voice came out from the big ball, "I know the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, you said, haha, why, you think you defeated the ancient zombie warrior?" Zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, can you definitely defeat me? It’s too simple to think, although I say I am a corpse king with only an extraordinary level, but since I can become a corpse king, I must have my strength, You don’t know that’s all, there’s no need to compare me with the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, because the two of us are not the same kind of corpse king at all, and you don’t want to use any ideas to mess with my thinking. I know what you human beings think, I know what you think, and I know what you can't think of, so if you don't want to die, get out of here quickly, I'm not the kind of unreasonable corpse king, you kill me More than 30 children and grandchildren, I will not seek revenge from you, get out of here quickly, don't toast and eat fine wine, if you don't listen to good words, then your result will be death without a place to bury you, oh no, it's not death There is no place for burial, but to die in my womb, and become a new nourishment for my reproduction." The man-faced spider corpse king said very arrogantly.

"Oh, are the corpse kings so domineering now? Whether we can beat you or not is up to us, not you, okay?" Li Jie said.

"Why, you all want to find the serum, but the matter is not yours after all. Why are you so confident in taking other people's things? It's simply shameless. I was entrusted here to take care of this serum. Naturally, I will not fail to keep my promise. You guys Human beings have a good saying, those who don’t believe their words are in vain, so ah! As a corpse king, I will naturally not go back on my word. If you want to get the serum, then beat me until I am convinced, and I am willing. Give the matter to you, otherwise, I will be beaten to death by you, and you will not find where the matter is." The man-faced spider corpse king said, and he said this sentence, Lin Ye and the three of them can Defeat it with your own strength. If you defeat it, and then it is convinced, you are willing to hand over the serum. He would not hand over this serum either. Judging from the tone of the man-faced spider corpse king, it seemed that Lin Ye and the three of them couldn't find it.

"Isn't it Zhou Yangshen who got rid of you guarding the serum here?" Li Jie said.

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King was silent for a few seconds before saying, "You guys know a lot."

"Hahaha, let me tell you this, this Zhou Yangshen, he is a very insidious person, I know you were used by him, but he is still here to tell me what, reputation, what else to say, nothing to say It's ridiculous to be a real man in vain. It doesn't matter if you are threatened or restrained and controlled by something. Now Zhou Yangshen is not here. You don't have to continue to be controlled by him, as long as you help If we find out the serum, or give it to us obediently, we will not stand idly by, because we and Zhou Yangshen are also enemies. Well, you said, since Zhou Yangshen threatened you, you must want revenge, right? We I will help you, as long as you hand over the serum." Li Jie said.

The man-faced spider corpse king was silent again. This time he was silent for a long time, and no one spoke again. Those human-faced spider corpses were also very quiet beside the big ball. Wang was persuaded?

(End of this chapter)

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