Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 92 Team Rewards

Chapter 92 Team Rewards
"Wow~" Just as Lin Ye was thinking about how to kill the hat zombie, the hat zombie in the middle actually howled like a wild wolf, and Lin Ye's face suddenly changed.

This is a sign of evolving into a king. The hat zombie in the center has the most noble bloodlines, most likely because of the extraterrestrial heart in his body.

It is necessary to act quickly, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, Lin Ye said sadly, his eyes were on the hat zombie, waiting for the best opportunity to attack.

After hearing the howl of the hat zombie, several silver zombies in the zombie tide gathered together, a white light lit up on the chest of the hat zombie, several silver zombies knelt on the ground, and their figures gradually became blurred stand up.

Right now, Lin Ye's eyes brightened, and he saw that now was the moment when the hat zombie was the weakest and most immobile.

"A world of ice and snow!" Pieces of crystal clear white petals floated down in the air, and when they reached the mid-air, they suddenly condensed together. Slowly, more and more snowflakes gathered, forming a non-stop spinning movement. lotus shape.

"Explosion!" At the moment when the hat zombie was about to evolve completely, Lin Ye detonated the ice lotus, and the roaring sound resounded in this space. Lin Ye didn't know what happened next, because he forcibly used only The ice ability can only be activated at a higher level, so Lin Ye's mental power has been severely overdrawn, and he passed out.

"Hey, it should be a seedling to be able to create such a powerful attack so quickly. If so, then let's do it..." Just after Lin Ye fell into a coma, all the zombies disappeared, and a monster appeared in the sky. Huge eyes, giant eyes blinked at Lin Ye, and then disappeared.

"Are you okay, Lin Ye." Lin Ye fell towards the ground in mid-air, and Xue Wu reached out to catch him.

"Don't worry, Boss just exhausted too much mental power, just take a rest." Hu Fei felt anxious and confused, and said after sensing Lin Ye's physical condition.

At this time, the three of them had already come out from the empty gate outside the sky, only Jiang Xinyu was still undergoing the test, and he didn't know what was going on.

Two hours later, while Hu Fei and Xue Wu were waiting anxiously, Lin Ye finally slowly opened his eyes. After learning that Jiang Xinyu hadn't come out yet, Lin Ye had a look of joy on his face, unable to tell The slightest hint of worry.

There is no danger of life in the ordinary trial of the outer space gate. If you fail to break through the level, you will be automatically teleported out. If you encounter a fantasy type of space gate, you may die of old age inside.

The longer you persist, the richer the rewards you will get. There are even some legendary items, and the shadows of several items appear in Lin Ye's mind, which are really tempting.

Until it was getting dark, Jiang Xinyu still didn't leave the different space, Lin Ye's eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Look, it's coming out." Hu Fei pointed at a white spot of light in the air and shouted, Jiang Xinyu had already landed smoothly in a moment.

"Wow, why is Xinyu so beautiful? Could it be that someone in the secret realm specially made up for you?" Hu Fei looked at Jiang Xinyu and praised without blinking.

Even Xue Wu's expression flashed with astonishment, the Jiang Xinyu at this moment seemed to be quite different from before.

Among the three, only Lin Ye is the most sober-minded. He knows very well that Jiang Xinyu's appearance is exactly the same as before. It's the Fairy on the Moon.

Looking at Jiang Xinyu, Lin Ye suddenly trembled a few times, as if thinking of something.

In Lin Ye's memory, there is only one kind of person who can reveal this kind of temperament, that is a very mysterious aura, that is - the prophet.

"What's wrong with you, why are you looking at me like this? Have I really become more beautiful?" Jiang Xinyu walked to Lin Ye's side with a smile, and naturally stepped on Lin Ye's arm, Xuewu opened her eyes. He opened his mouth but didn't say much.

Following Jiang Xinyu's opening, the aura in her body disappeared, and she returned to the same state as before. Hu Fei kept rubbing his eyes, as if he suspected that he had misread.

"No, it's okay, it's obviously different just now, could it be that I misread it." Hu Fei scratched his head and asked in doubt.

"Congratulations to the four of you who have passed the trial of the Sky Gate. Since you are the first team in the human world to pass all the tests, in addition to the rewards on you, I will also give you team rewards."

The giant's voice buzzed, and Lin Ye was no doubt elected as the captain by the three, and the team's reward was handed over to Lin Ye by the giant.

What is this? Lin Ye looked suspiciously at a small iron plate the size of a palm that appeared in his hand. The surface was very rough without a single handwriting. In Lin Ye's impression, there did not seem to be such a thing.

It was already dark when we returned to the base, and Zhang Ren, Li Jie and the three Wang brothers had already returned, but Li Jie had a lot of color on his body, and his expression was a little lax, as if he had lost his mind.

"The doomsday is a competition for survival. There are enemies everywhere. No enemy will give you alms, sympathize with you, respect you, and you have no choice but to become stronger and stronger and stronger, and walk out of your own path. of blood."

Lin Ye walked to the corner and patted the shoulder of Li Jie who was squatting there. Li Jie glanced at Lin Ye and didn't speak, but there was some inexplicable charm in his expression.

In the living room, Wang Jian with a beard was talking about their passage in the Tianxing Mountains, when they were attacked by a group of trees.The attack of trees is much stronger than that of human zombies, but the biggest weakness is the limitation of attack range.

Several people discovered this, so they were not injured, but Li Jie was the only one who just jumped up and down blindly. His speed was really not slow, but no matter how fast he was, it was not as fast as the vines of the trees. The trees and vines were surrounded and entangled, and it took a lot of effort for several people to rescue Li Jie.

"Hey, it smells so good. What kind of smell is it? Is it that people from the Giant League are making delicious food?" Jiang Xinyu suddenly moved her nose and said happily.

aroma?The few people looked shocked, secretly thinking that they hadn't noticed it, they were really careless, and immediately picked up their weapons and looked on guard.

"Is this poisonous gas? Could it be that someone is going to attack us?" Zhang Ren frowned and said, and then arranged for his dogs to go out to find out.

"Don't worry, it's not poisonous gas, but a good thing. The people who come here are not targeting us, but the Giants. Don't go out and wait for the show. It's not too late to take action when we are needed." Lin Ye said Smiling lightly, he said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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