Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 926 Start the show

Chapter 926 Start the show

"Don't be too anxious, because the more anxious you are, the more you can't think of a solution. Brother Lin, don't worry, calm down, we can definitely think of a way and a solution, we can definitely get the serum, we will definitely think of a way , we will definitely be able to deal with Zhou Yangshen." Xue Wu said, he gently pulled Lin Ye's sleeves, and whispered to him to calm down, because these recent incidents had made his mind discover some confusing things, he Now that some compound energy is being used, coupled with the current excessive use of abilities and physical strength, no one can think calmly about the problem, so he needs to calm down now, and Xuewu can only persuade him in a low voice, Lin Ye really needs to rest now, but the current situation does not allow him to rest, he is really too entangled, and then he doesn't know what to do, the three of them really are, and Ice Dragon and The Man-faced Spider Corpse King is still fighting, but the Ice Dragon has obviously gained the upper hand, and will soon be defeated. When the time comes, the Man-faced Spider Corpse will attack them again, and they will have no way to deal with it. There is a solution, because they have to keep dodging the human face and the spider corpse king's attack, how can they think of a solution?

Now Lin Ye and the others are really entangled to a certain extent. They don't know what to do next. Although they thought of starting from the man in red, they didn't think of how to start, where to start, or how to start. It's too hard.

"How about this, let's play it, he is completely gone now, people mean, we can play Zhou Yangshen and this man in red, ah, and then discuss the scene they played before, so that when we play That Zhou Yangshen did not come at the time they agreed upon, so that the Spider Corpse King would have doubts about Zhou Yangshen. Although I think this method is stupid, I can only think of one such method now, and the other methods are true. I really can’t figure it out, we can’t just sit and wait like this, if we waste it, we won’t even have the chance to perform.” Li Jie said.

"Uh... how do we perform? He lost consciousness first, but he didn't lose his IQ. Even if we perform, we are not the original people, so how can we perform successfully?" Lin Ye asked.

"Can we try it first? We can do the same. I will play Zhou Yangshen, you come, the man-faced spider corpse king, and then Xuewu will play the man in red. Our role is complete, and then we will Here we come, to restore their scene at that time, you want me to be Zhou Yangshen to capture you as the Human-faced Spider Corpse King, and then I will give Xuewu some kind of medicine, Xuewu, you can pretend that you are not feigning death, just Like the man in red now, and then I will tell you again, I can give you the antidote to this state of suspended animation as long as you help me protect this serum in five or six years after the agreement , and then let’s say that I haven’t come five years later, as long as I don’t give you such a face, will Spider Corpse King have a little doubt about Zhou Yangshen? As long as he has doubts about the meaning of the main manufacturer in his heart, his In my heart, I will definitely reject Zhou Yangshen, a corpse king, who is controlled by a human being. If he doesn’t want to be controlled by this human being, he will definitely get rid of Zhou Yangshen’s control easily, and then the rest will be easy to talk about.” Li Jie explained .

"Hey, I can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor now. There is no other way, and I can only try the method you thought, but in order to be more real, we need to make Xuewu more red and crumbly. , Only in this way can it be more, pouring into the eyes of the spider corpse king, the two of us don't care, because the man in red is the most important person in the heart of the human face spider corpse king, we must make the man in red played by Xuewu more Make it more visual." Lin Ye said.

"Then how can I become more red?" At this time, Xuewu was wearing white clothes, how could she turn red?

"We can do this, um, although we don't have red clothes, we can turn your white clothes into red. As for how..." Li Jie looked around, and then he saw the wall of the experimental base The skin was red, so it should be red paint. He took off the wall and handed it to Lin Ye and said, "Can you melt the wall into liquid?"

Lin Ye took over the red wall covering, got it, what does Li Jie want to do?Apparently Xuewu also knew about it, and when he thought of getting these red things on his clothes, he felt a little reluctant, but he didn't say it out, because after all, it was for the purpose of getting the serum code and telling the more Get out of here quickly, she can still bear this.

"Yes, yes, but then I don't know if Xuewu is willing or not." Lin Ye looked at Xuewu and asked.

"It doesn't matter, let's do it, I know that the overall situation should be the most important, it's just a little color on the clothes, it doesn't matter." Xue Wu said.

After listening to Xue Wu's words, Lin Ye turned the wall covering into a powder, then added a little water, stirred it a little, then sprayed the liquid until it turned red, sprinkled it on the blood-stained clothes, Although it is not very uniform, at least most of it is already red.

"Okay, next is our performance, you guys try to take out your glasses when the time comes, oh, we must act a little bit, so that people will be more trustworthy, okay?" Li Jie said.

Lin Ye and Xuewu nodded, expressing that they understood.

Then, Li Jie grabbed Lin Ye's collar and said loudly: "Human Face Spider Corpse King, come with me today, I will arrest you and take you to my experimental base, and then imprison you, let us You help look at my serum."

Lin Ye: "...Who are you, don't you know that I am the corpse king? How could you be caught and looked at your serum so easily, don't daydream, do you think you can beat it? I am a man-faced spider Corpse King."

"Oh, don't you want to cooperate with me? Then your friend will suffer!" Then Li Jie grabbed Xuewu, and then made a gesture of spitting something into his mouth. After finishing, they heard the roar of the human-faced spider corpse king, and then the human-faced spider corpse king ignored the ice dragon's attack and rushed towards them directly, which was completely beyond their expectations.

With one move of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King, Xue Wu was quickly pulled behind him, and then, Li Jie roared twice.

(End of this chapter)

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