Chapter 935 The First Step

He just nodded his head, expressing that he understands. After all, he also knows that this aspect is very difficult. It took him two or three days to understand this aspect. Now let Lin Ye and the others use it like this What he witnessed in a short period of time is really embarrassing for them, so he can't be too anxious now, but after all, the situation is special now, and there is not so much time for them to feel these things, so it is natural to say that the heart is still It's very tangled and anxious, but no matter how tangled and anxious you are, you can't be too impatient. After all, this matter is not something ordinary people can understand.

At this time, Lin Ye, Li Jie, and the Spider Corpse King, the three of them saw almost the same picture, they were all in a dark space, listening to Yu Qiran's voice and feeling Yu Qiran's words Then, understanding bit by bit, they gradually saw that what Yuran said was the kind of ellipse that emanates information, which is probably where the brain is located. It turns out that it is so difficult to really feel your own brain. After all, they all knew that the brain is in their own brains, in their own heads, but it is really difficult to really feel it with their own willpower. It's a very difficult thing.

They let Lin Ye and the others feel here for more than ten minutes, and then continued to say: "How do you feel now? If you can understand almost, just nod and tell Me, let me know, and then I will continue to explain the central nervous system to you, okay?"

Then Lin Ye, Li Jie, and the others nodded, indicating that they had almost understood it, so let’s continue, because there is not much time left, and now they feel a strange atmosphere around them, which may be from the real world. They couldn't see what was dangerous, so they had to leave the illusion as soon as possible.

"Well, you can feel the brain now, but you can't see anything else, it's all dark, right? You can only see a faint location of the brain, so don't worry now, I'll take it easy Slowly let the things in the darkness that you can't see appear, and those hidden things are the central nervous system." You Qiran said: "The central nervous system is the main part of the nervous system, including the spinal cord and the nervous system located in the spinal canal. The brain located in the cranial cavity; its position is often in the central axis of the animal body, consisting of obvious cranial ganglia, nerve cords or brain and spinal cord and the connecting components between them. In the central nervous system, a large number of nerve cells gather together, Organically constitute a network or circuit; its main function is to transmit, store and process information, generate various psychological activities, and dominate and control all behaviors of animals. Therefore, central neuropathy is not just a nerve line, it includes many things , so you can feel a lot of things about him, and the central nervous system also includes the spinal cord, and the back of the neck, that part of the place, there is a central nervous system in it, so you can first feel where your own bone marrow is located , and then feel the central nervous system from the bone marrow, this is also a good way, or you can directly feel the central nervous system, well, because they don’t need to feel all the central nervous system, this year they will feel the visual The central nervous system where the nerve is located is fine. After all, it is very difficult to feel all the central nervous system, and it is not so simple. Don’t be too impatient, just like the brain just felt, take your time, don’t worry , remember to be absolutely and definitely not to drill me into a dead end."

Perhaps because of their previous experience of feeling the brain, this time it took them five or six minutes for the three of them to feel the central nervous system, and then the three of them nodded, indicating that they had basically felt the location of the central nervous system. I'm really relieved, I didn't expect them to understand so quickly, it's not as troublesome as before, maybe it will be easier in the future, I don't need him to say too many things, in fact, the more I talk, the harder it is for them to understand, It’s better to speak in general terms, but just now they said that general terms may not be clear. Hey, it’s actually very difficult to talk about this kind of thing, so there are too many things that those who study medicine have to memorize.

Now that Lin Ye and the others have felt the existence of the brain and the central nervous system, and the next thing is to feel the existence of the visual nerve, everything is easy to handle. I thought it was that simple, but found that the study of world history is not like the brain. The world time is just a nerve with such a large area as the central nervous system. If you want to find this nerve, it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"The optic nerve originates from the ganglion cell layer of the retina, the fibers from the nasal half of the retina pass through the optic chiasm, and combine with the fibers of the temporal half of the retina of the contralateral eyeball to form the optic tract, ending in the lateral geniculate body, where After the neurons are replaced, the fibers send out through the posterior part of the internal capsule to form optic radiation, and terminate in the central cortex of the wedge gyrus and lingual gyrus on both sides of the occipital lobe fissure, that is, the striate area. The fibers of the macula project to the posterior part of the striate area The fibers of the peripheral part of the retina project to the front of the striate area. The path of light reflection does not pass through the lateral geniculate body, but enters the superior colliculus of the midbrain from the optic tract through the superior thalamic arm, and connects with the oculomotor nucleus. The examination mainly includes vision, color vision, visual field and fundus examination. The optic nerve is the nerve fiber of the retina. It starts from the ganglion cells of the retina, and after the nerve fiber reaches the blind spot, it passes through the cribriform layer of the sclera to become the optic nerve. The optic nerve is the second pair of cranial nerves and belongs to Sensory nerve. It runs backwards in the orbital apex, passes through the optic nerve foramen into the middle cranial fossa at the orbital apex, and enters the brain through the optic chiasm and optic tract. The optic nerve is covered by dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater. In the dura mater and arachnoid mater The space between the subdural space is the subdural space; between the arachnoid and the pia mater is the subarachnoid space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid. The three layers of membranes are continuous with the meninges. The pia mater is close to the optic nerve, and the protruding connective tissue is small The beam and the glial cells in the optic nerve form a septum, which separates the optic nerve into many nerve fiber bundles. In the central axis of the optic nerve, there are central arteries and central veins. In the central septum, there are capillaries. The function of the optic nerve is mainly Conducting visual impulses, I will tell you these more professional academic terms first, and then explain to you.” You Qiran said: “The optic nerve is a nerve, and it is very difficult to find. It is very difficult for you. But don't worry, let's take it slowly, I will explain it to you clearly, I will tell you the name of each of your classes, tell me in the most common words, and then you slowly understand, thousands Don't worry, it's still the same sentence, don't go into a dead end!"

(End of this chapter)

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