Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 94 The Colosseum

Chapter 94 The Colosseum

"Yes, yes, this young master sees that you are a knowledgeable person. Come with me. I really have some good products here." The slave trader turned around and took Lin Ye and Xuewu away, and the stall simply ignored it. Don't worry about someone stealing those slaves.

"It's here. I haven't let others see it. I brought you here because I saw you as a straightforward person. I don't tell ordinary people." The slave trader brought the two of them to a house, opened the door and left. go in.

Xue Wu glanced at Lin Ye, and found that the corner of Lin Ye's mouth was raised into a sneer, and then followed with confidence.

"Plop!" Just a moment after Lin Ye and Xuewu entered the room, the door behind them suddenly closed automatically, and there was a sound of metal crashing on the surrounding walls, like a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Don't struggle any more, it's useless. This is a cage made of fine steel. Even if you are supernatural beings without silver-level strength, don't even think about running out. Wait obediently and let me sell it for a good price."

Suddenly the light in the small dark room was turned on, and the slave trader came out from a corner, looked at Lin Ye with a gloomy smile and said.

"Oh~ you're so sure that you're going to get us?" Lin Ye didn't act in a hurry, but wanted to clarify a doubt in his heart first.

"Nonsense, who do you think you are? I know all the silver-level supernatural beings, and I don't have a body like yours." The slave trader said without hesitation. Obviously, in his opinion, Lin Ye's words were completely deceiving himself.

Because in this underground world, almost everyone wears a mask to hide their identities, so slave traders who run this kind of business can only remember the physical characteristics of some important people on purpose, so as to avoid catching the wrong person when the time comes. He killed the fat sheep, but put his own life in it instead.

"I don't know where you plan to sell us?" Lin Ye asked the doubts in his heart. Almost all the slave stalls had only some old, young and disabled. This is obviously abnormal. Good slaves or prisoners must have been bought to certain places.

"Of course it's the Colosseum, where they can be sold for a good price. The more skillful they are, the more valuable they are. More than half of the healthy slaves in Tianshui have been sold there. I heard that there are also many people with supernatural powers."

The slave trader talked to himself, seeing that the two cash cows could be exchanged for money soon, he naturally knew everything.

After listening to the slave trader talking to himself, Lin Ye finally understood what the Colosseum is for. Simply put, it is to put humans and captured zombies together to fight. These battles are performed for the guests to see. Yes, of course the tickets are also surprisingly high.

However, for any battle involving supernatural beings, the lowest ticket price starts with a third-level bronze supernatural core, and if a high-level supernatural person takes the stage, the price is simply grotesque.

It's really an interesting place, Lin Ye's eyes lit up, he finally found the place he wanted, and then he fainted from the slave trader's anesthetic injection, Xuewu naturally understood what Lin Ye meant, without any hesitation chose to follow suit.

The slave trader didn't even take off the masks of the two, so he put the two into a big black cloth bag, and couldn't wait to beckon someone to carry the sack out.

"These two things are barely enough. These are yours. Remember to keep them secret. I heard that many outsiders with extraordinary skills have come here. Be careful when you start."

A hoarse voice sounded outside the sack, Lin Ye knew they had reached their destination.

I hope you don't disappoint me too much, Lin Ye murmured, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Boss, the No. [-] superhuman has rioted again. We gave him a high concentration of anesthetic just now." A rough voice sounded.

"Damn it, it's really worrying. It seems that you have to get serious. I'll leave these two people to you. It's easy to teach." The man with a hoarse voice left quickly.

"Get out of here quickly, and tell you the rules here. This will be your home from now on, and it's your luck to live one more day."

A rough voice sounded, and the sack containing Lin Ye was also loosened. A series of strong lights shone in front of Lin Ye's eyes, and a beautiful figure lay beside him, which was Xuewu who was also pretending to be unconscious.

This is the so-called Colosseum, Lin Ye murmured, after getting used to the strong light, a whole row of houses appeared in front of Lin Ye's eyes, it is more appropriate to call it a prison than a house.

The dense iron pillars made of fine steel separate each space, and they are divided into several floors like stairs. Lin Ye took a look and saw that there were as many as seven or eight thousand small cages, and many of the cages contained Prisoners are already being held, but the only thing that reassures Lin Ye is that all the prisoners are wearing their own masks.

Of course, this is a decision made by the Colosseum to prevent unnecessary troubles, but now it is convenient for Lin Ye to conceal his identity. After all, there are not a few people who have seen Lin Ye in the League of Giants.

Just when a muscular man with terrifying explosive power was telling Lin Ye and Xuewu about the rules of survival here, some unexpected changes happened in the giant alliance in the middle of the night.

At the headquarters of the Giant League, several figures stayed up all night, sitting together as if they were discussing something.

"How about it, have you found the reason for the zombie wave?" The middle-aged man who led the conversation said in a deep voice, and the one who spoke was Qi Xuan, the leader of the Giant League.

Sitting opposite to Qi Xuan were three people, Wen Cheng, the second head of the Giant League, Li Zhong, the so-called direct descendant of Qi Xuan, and Bo Lingbo, the leader of the Giant League.

"I haven't found out the reason yet. It is estimated that people from the Goshawk League probably did it. As for the Fairy League, they don't even have any supernatural beings." Wen Cheng said with a frown. What happened this time was too extreme. It was weird, there was no warning at all before, and it made people feel an inexplicable sense of panic.

"I don't think so. We all know the supernatural beings of the Goshawk League. No one has the ability to lure zombies. And it is said that several leaders of the Goshawk League have not been in the league recently." Ling Bo said indifferently. , looked at Qi Xuan while speaking.

Qi Xuan nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "Yes, those members of the Goshawk Alliance have indeed gone out, and it is said that they have obtained a channel to obtain weapons. If it was done by outsiders, I would not do this at all. Care, friction and misfires are inevitable.”

"The leader means that his own people did it? Who has such a great ability? We shouldn't even notice a little abnormality in advance." Li Zhong said calmly, as if nothing could affect him facial expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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