Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 951 Sealing Ice Element Ability

Chapter 951 Sealing Ice Element Ability
Lin Ye nodded, and then he made a good job on the ground again, then closed his eyes, concentrated his mental power, and began to slowly feel his ice-type abilities and mental abilities. Observing the psychic ability, he tried his best to prevent the psychic ability from entering his territory. Then, Lin Ye carefully made his psychic ability move like his own body, moving bit by bit, without being too He was in a hurry, and then, after the ice power had a slight reaction, he stopped moving his mental power, and when the ice power did not respond, he continued to move his mental power, so as to By analogy, it is very slow, not in a hurry, but there is still a trace of ice ability, very impatient, obviously he has felt that his territory has been encroached, he began to become a little irritable, and then At this moment, Lin Ye stopped moving his mental and spiritual powers, and outside, Li Jie released his own powers instantly, sealing the ice power that was about to rush out, the ice power was completely unexpected There will be this hand, there is no way to break free, and it is sealed by Li Jie Living Buddha, you also mention the depths, and then he still struggles, but after all, no matter how hard he struggles, there is no way to break free from Li Jie's seal , because after all, his own power is suitable now, and the mutual fusion power of Lin Ye is not suitable. The mutual fusion of ice ability and Lin Ye will reach an epic energy level, and then Li Jie is It's impossible to seal it, but now it's just a single ice-type ability, of course he can't fight it off, it's the epic-level Li Jie's ability seal, so no matter how much he fights to break it, there is no way, and then You also felt the wailing of the ice ability, and some couldn't bear it. After all, he is very close, and he has the ice ability, but he also knows that he can't be soft-hearted, and he can't be arrogant. He can only ignore the ice ability. Howled, and then moved this mental power into his body. Soon, Lin Ye felt a new kind of energy, filling his whole body. This kind of power gave people a very gentle feeling. When he used the ice ability before, the ice ability gave him that kind of feeling, very sharp, and then very cold, but this mental ability is not, it is just a kind of very warm, just It's like a kind of, that kind of weak, weak sunlight shining on his body, he doesn't have a strong warm feeling like the fire ability, it's just a warm warm feeling, but it makes people very comfortable, this kind of comfort enriches Lin Ye's whole body made him more relaxed. He was very nervous before, but because of these things, the emergence of psychic powers made Lin Ye feel comfortable at last. His five internal organs became more relaxed, not as good as before. Uncomfortably mixed together, it turns out that psychic powers are such a joyful power, no wonder, this psychic power is different from other powers, this kind, for the ability of the spirit and the physical The ability is different, mental power is not only a kind of ability that allows you to attack, it can also let you relax and comfort your spirit, this feelingIt makes people feel very comfortable, so Lin Ye's brows that were already living together relaxed, and Li Jie and Xuewu who were outside were relieved. It seems that they have succeeded. Lin Ye has already He has obtained psychic powers, although his current psychic powers may not be as powerful as You Qiran's powerful psychic powers, but he can use psychic powers to attack now, and he can also attack that mutant monster, but Now it is better for Lin Ye to get a little familiar with the use of psychic powers, and then get to know each other first, and then he will control the use of psychic powers a little bit. Only after he is proficient, can he attack that Mutated monster, if he is allowed to attack now, it will not succeed.

"It seems that he has succeeded, so does he already have two kinds of abilities now? This is the first time since this doomsday that a person with more than two kinds of abilities has appeared. It seems that Lin Ye really Is it different? The feeling he showed from the beginning was very different to me. He is indeed my good brother. Hey, but he may not be able to use his psychic abilities well now. Let him come and get used to the psychic power for some time to relax. After all, he has been using the extremely powerful ice-type power before. Compared with the ice-type power, the psychic power will definitely be very relaxed. For that method with extremely strong attack power, he has to come up with a new method to use this kind of spiritual guidance, but as for the method, he can only tell him by itself." Li Jie said, he saw Xiang Yuran, Yu Qiran is the only psychic in all their teams, so he is the only one to guide Lin Ye. What should we do next?

As a result, he now controls the hallucination, the supernatural being, and then he told Lin Ye through the hallucinating supernatural being, what to do next: "Okay, let me tell you what to do next? Because The use of psychic powers is completely different from your previous use of ice-type powers, that is, all the powers you used before are completely different, because psychic powers belong to spiritual attacks, and your attacks are It is a physical attack, so you must change your thinking, don't think about the way you attacked before, think about it, and use another new attack method, so you must give up the way you used to attack. You must forget your ice ability, you are now thinking that you are already a psychic, don't think about other things, and then use your spiritual ability to think of ways to get rid of it. To attack others, you must first choose to forget your ice ability, this is the most important point."

Hearing what he said, Lin Ye followed suit. He first thought about forgetting that he was an ice-type power user, and then thought that he was already a psychic power user. As long as he thought about this, he could do it that day. I see, so I can only be a true psychic power user with [-] first. After all, he has no way to use it now, but to use two powers together, so only one can use it. Come one by one, he has already mastered the ice ability before, and now he wants to master the spiritual ability, so this is still a difficult thing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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